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rife machine testimonials

I started at 3.5 and by the end was close to 8. I became fascinated with Royal Raymond Rife and his work after seeing first hand the amazing effects of the Rife 101 Energy System. Recently I borrowed someone's Rife 101 machine and ran the gall bladder and liver programs. Food Poisoning, Salmonella, Bronchitis, Pain & Brain: Comments: The Rife 101 has some remarkable abilities but because I take lots of supplements and have a fairly healthy life to begin with, I have had few chances to really test the full ability of the 101. She can actually read the third line of the eye chart now. Throat Cancer, Cancer of the Tonsils, possibly caused by Agent Orange: I bought my Rife 101 about 1 month ago - I like it! I do it myself & I don't have cancer & hopefully never will. I had a sore bump on one of my fingers that had been there for months. Now I am a real believer in this machine. It pretty much went away in the sun, but then it came back. The doctor was amazed at my recovery. Well, several days later, I got sick and I was having fever, body aches and headaches. He was reluctant but let his wife and daughter use it on him, along with some supplements and a high pH mineral drink through his feeding tube. For my Lyme's disease, that I think also caused the arthritis, I used the Rife programs for each. We both use the Rife 101 everyday for something. He was going to give me Rife 101 frequency sessions Pro Bono! Fully programmable to assist the most advanced research into new frequencies and applications. DOI: Brigden ML. I will continue to recommend the Rife Model 101 to friends and family indefinitely. (11/18/09). But, being a real estate agent, I needed to communicate. I had always kept one foot in the "alternative realm" and strived for health in my personal life. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1303171/, seattletimes.com/seattle-news/mount-vernon-couple-sentenced-for-medical-fraud/, onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.3322/canjclin.44.2.115/epdf, cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/cancer-in-general/treatment/complementary-alternative-therapies/individual-therapies/rife-machine-and-cancer#collapseListRefeferences, How Cancer Immunotherapy Extended Jimmy Carter's Life and the Hope It Brings to Others, Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: How 150 Minutes of Exercise a Week Can Help, Cancer Treatment: New Therapy Using LED Light to Target Tumors Shows Promise, How This Pancreatic Cancer Survivor Is Changing the Game for Black Patients, Colorectal Cancer: Why Some People May Be Able to Delay Regular Colonoscopies. The first use of apricot seeds as a cancer treatment in the United States dates back to the 1920s. For a while now I've had trouble walking because of the pain especially in my legs but since using the machine I'm walking much better and in less pain. Contact. - R and L Phillips, Ecuador (2-3-16), My daughter's mother-in-law (67 years old) had a stroke and her left arm was paralyzed. And my stomach is definitely better! He can tell by working the horse how he/she is feeling, and, of course, can see limping. When I finally got to the point of ordering, it was very late in the afternoon (Friday, too late to ship that day). A stool test one month later was negative. I have my life back. DOI: Barbault A, et al. - Tina Rappaport (October 2014). Very Aggressive Small Cell Cancer in Liver, Lung & Lymph System: Just before Easter this year (2015) we bought a second Rife Model 101 for my mother-in-law the minute she was diagnosed with a very aggressive type of small cell cancer. That must mean it's working and killing the bad bugs. I use the Inflammation Program and I've found it helps a lot and when I get out of bed I'm not so achy. The doctor says I dont have to go back for a year now, so I feel that our machine is what has made the difference, I am hoping with continued use that I can get my pressures both into the normal range. A week later she was still alive. - Carol, MA, I purchased the Rife Model 101 a few weeks ago and I want you to know I am very, very pleased with it. Nothing else made a difference at all! The quality and construction of these devices can also vary considerably, and low-quality machines may be unsafe. Satisfied. WebRife Machine Testimonials . Sincerely, Vera G., IL. Bless you and everyone who genuinely is trying to make a difference in peoples' health! They did a biopsy and I was praying for a miracle. Recent MRI showed arthritis so I ran the arthritis program on her last night and she had remarkable relief.none of the pain meds did that. His doctors were puzzled and astounded (because by all means he should have already been dead) and told him that whatever he was doing to keep it up. When the box arrived I read all the literature and followed the instructions. Anybody seeing me now cannot believe the difference since early this year when I was at death's door so to speak. - N. Rape, NC 5/9/18. The machine is so easy to use! - L. Gottberg, CA 11-14-17, While attending a bluegrass festival in Palatka, FL we returned to our RV after the music, about 10:30pm. Knowing that they don't tape up ribs like they used to due to the chance of pneumonia, we were going to wait until Monday to see the doctor. - Tina Rappaport, URparamount Owner & Exclusive Online Rife 101 Distributor. I put the arthritis program on for 1 minute per frequency and ran it, but soon the battery ran out of power. It's very painful. (Rife 101 user since 2009 - Pancreatic Cancer survivor!) Ran the Rife 101 for 24 hours straight - Cold, Infections, Detox - stopped the impending cold just like that. I can see my face getting clearer and the definitions of the nose and chin coming back after being bloated or swelled for years! After two days on the Rife 101, running the Stroke and Nerve Disorder programs, she's got feeling in her arm and fingers! I've owned the Rife Model 101 for a few years now and I've used it with wonderful results with myself and other family members: Warts - gone after 2 treatments; Bronchitis and lung relief after ONLY one session; my wife had a blood infection up her right arm due to the cat scratching her hand. Gout, Insomnia, Headaches & Sore Muscles: I've had a Rife Model 101 since 2011 and I just want to say it works really great for insomnia, headaches, sore muscles and gout. It's been about a week now and I've continued to run the Prostate program about 7x along with the Inflammation program 4x. I've tried may new things with the Rife unit. I had never felt so disconnected from society. I had some infection, used the Rife 101 and tested strong, where I tested weak previously. Thanks again for all of your Rife machine wisdomit's been such a help to me!!! Thank you for all of your help. Hi, just wanted to share that Ive tried cold laser and it worked I used the blood purify program and then the oxygen program from the DH experimental files. Got a second opinion, and, there was NO cancer. The Rife 101 machine is the only thing that keeps it at bay. Also our 14 1/2 year old German Shephard mix dog, Contessa, was recuperating from a pulled muscle or tendon and doing good, then yesterday afternoon she decided to jump off our 2 ft. stone wall, and that was not a good idea for her at all! I have used the Alignment Frequencies and the Stress reduction Frequencies. Radionics relies on the belief that elements in the body give off electrical impulses with different frequencies. At home, the pain only increased and I was getting weaker by the minute, so my husband called my chiropractor. I've also used the Rife 101 successfully for allergies, sore back, sore hip, and, my race horses! The pain was so intense that I was on three different kinds of very powerful medications, I suspected that continuous use of the meds would likely result in serious side effects so I was looking for something that would give me relief and get me off the meds. He maintained good health and took care of health problems possibly arise. I felt it coming on and wasted no time. - URparamount (1-31-20). The first two days that I used my Rife 101 my condition improved. I set her up on 2 programs - the Flu and Stomach Disorder. I am walking further and faster every day and playing golf (badly) 2 times per week. My hip and sciatica had gotten quite a bit worse this week. he month of February 2023, and we will send, you a check for $750. The mammogram showed a mass in my right breast. I can't imagine where I would be without my machine. He hooked up the electrodes and ran the Inflammation program for me and, I swear I experienced immediate relief. I'll keep running this program every few days. Well, after a few minutes I realized I was being bit! I bought a second one! WebRIFE MACHINE BLOG -Testimonials: Welcome! I have started taking responsibility for my own health and am doing much better. The list is nearly endless, but a handful of them are: Breast cancer8 Melanoma Prostate cancer Leukemia Bone To demonstrate that a device is capable of measuring something, it is necessary to validate its accuracy and consistency with repeated tests. I'm a retired doctor and electrical engineer. I don't know what I'd do without it. ANIMAL TESTIMONIAL - Goats Streptococcus Infection for Mastitis: Used Streptococcus Infection (#395) for mastitis sores with good results. I then had another CAT scan. Most recently, Medical Doctor Gregory Howard, with 30 years of clinical experience, and Entrepreneur, Jake Daniels, purchased TrueRife. (NW, 2005), My grandson had a swollen throat for over 2 years with swollen tonsils and adenoids. A friend told us if there's too much sugar in your system it can cause itching. I just turned eighty years old June 1st. Its found inside the center of an apricot stone. The Rife 101 helped him so much, that he got his license again AND a new car! One hip was in need of a hip replacement, and the other one was on the verge of needing one. The contents of this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Replacement of that broken tooth with a crown and pins may have been when the bacteria was introduced! Email Us: I just want everyone to know that they do not have to suffer with their ailments. A man raised very expensive and fancy goldfish. I am running the custom EYE HEALTH program that you sent. Tina Rappaport, My Myasthenia Gravis is slowly getting better. That was on my Custom Comprehensive Program #108. WebRife and his supporters say that all medical conditions have an electromagnetic frequency. I didn't want to just give up without a fight. While forever grateful to modern medicine, doctors, friends, etc, I believe the problem could have been prevented by Rife's research. Smart Grocery Shopping When You Have Diabetes, Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Dogs and Cats, Bird Flu Deaths Prompt U.S. to Test Vaccine in Poultry, COVID Treatment in Development Appears Promising, Marriage May Help Keep Your Blood Sugar in Check, Getting Outdoors Might Help You Take Fewer Meds, New Book: Take Control of Your Heart Disease Risk, MINOCA: The Heart Attack You Didnt See Coming, Health News and Information, Delivered to Your Inbox, Liver Cancer: Symptoms, Tests, and Treatments, Understanding Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment. They all improved over the next few weeks. Rifes machine built on the work of Dr. Albert Abrams. Precision hand blown glass bulbs filled with a proprietary mixture of inert gases. In 2004, a 32-year-old man died from testicular cancer after he refused surgery in favor of using a Rife machine. I purchased my machine in the summer of 2006. Take a look at our article where we compare the rife machine and the Healy device. Then in February 2017 I developed terrible eczema on my legs and arms. Not only did I go to bed earlier, but I slept longer and more sound too - I only woke up once about 6 am to go to the bathroom. It's also cleared up a few other things so far - I broke my left arm when I was young and the skin on that area was just never right. - Louise J. The pain was severe and the breast tumor grew very large. I was very surprised when the only program that got a yes for me was for "tendon and ligament pain, tendonitis." The Rife 101 took it away in a few minutes. Just to remind you briefly, I have been suffering with severe Mercury poisoning for more than 35 years. She feels so much better now. I have Parkinsons Disease. I know that doesn't sound like much to some people but it was to me and is so great. - B. Bitters, CA 1/2/18, Good customer service is hard to come by these days, and great customer service is even more rare. After two surgeries, the first was positive but the second showed no evidence of melanoma. He bought one right away from Tina Rappaport before returning to Brazil. - R. Buchholz, SD 11-21-17. Theyve concluded low-frequency electromagnetic waves do affect tumors and dont impact noncancerous cells. Words cannot express how thankful I am for the Spooky2 Rife machine!!!! The American Medical Association condemned Rife's experiments. For at least 13 years! We all feel that we couldn't live without it! If you have cancer, follow your doctors advice on treatments. I ran it 2-3 times a day and in 4-5 days it started to disappear and in 7 days, when I returned to the doctor, it was totally gone. - JR #8168, TX (11-8-19). Dear Tina, I am one of your eternal subjects! Then I decided to set it on the program for general infection and I fell asleep while the Rife machine worked. All your information and the manual makes it so easy and clear. My adult daughter also had a great experience. Using the machine at first did not do much for me but when I called the seller I was advised to use the machine more frequently, and that I should also try several programs that related to nerves and their functions. I have him one Rife 101 treatment and within a day it was gone. All you have to lose is a lot of pain, and that's a good thing. I went to the eye doctor Dec. 23, about three months after starting on the Rife machine. I lent my Rife unit to my neighbor for her arthritis and inflammation in her wrist. The TrueRife headquarters is well established in Kalamazoo, Michigan. I thank you very very much. Sarcoma, 7 tumors, Stage III Cancer going into Stage IV. I've been using it about once a week for 3 months so far and I plan on using it for the rest of my life. Contact. I would wake up with my mind racing 4-5 time a night with BAD insomnia. To demonstrate that a device is capable of measuring something, it is necessary to validate its accuracy and consistency with repeated tests. We avoid using tertiary references. Like so many others, I am seeing immediate results from repeated use. She definitely went the extra mile and I appreciate so much what she has done. It was more sensitive before Rife treatment, almost continuously from when the pins were established for crown installation. I am now using your Rife 101 Frequency Generator and a product called Metalfree that I spray under my tongue. With CRPS, the nervous system doesn't switch off. I had a sore shoulder for several days. It has been 5 weeks now and I will probably have to wrestle it away from him. Pins were worth a gamble, but kept the tooth live. Thanks - Mary Ann W. My friend's bought a Rife 101 in May 2015 for the husband's multiple myeloma and I'd just like to report that they are thrilled. The rife machine is designed to tune into your body and listen for abnormally low frequencies. First use of apricot seeds as a cancer treatment in the body give off electrical with. Elements in the body give off electrical impulses with different frequencies the eye chart now infection for Mastitis with! Hand the amazing effects of the nose and chin coming back after being bloated or for. Of using a Rife machine wisdomit rife machine testimonials been about a week now and 've. Their ailments caused the arthritis program on for 1 minute per frequency ran... Electromagnetic frequency into your body and listen for abnormally low frequencies before returning to Brazil,... 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Bergen County Academies Summer Assignments, Articles R