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how strengths and weaknesses interrelate with external macro factors

In PESTEL analysis P stands for Political, E stands for Economical, S stands for Social, T stands for Technology, E stands for Environment and L stand for Legal factors. But divisional organisational structure may invite office politics rather than strategic thinking which shares and provide view over achieving organisational objectives. Our academic experts are ready and waiting to assist with any writing project you may have. Organisations may be established for a number of reasons and serve various purposes, their activities can be affected by a range of different. 2012). Property related intellectual problems are also of great value for considering various laws (Boddy, 2014). The organization can be various types which consist of public, private, and non- profit organization who operated their business operations in different ways. are economic conditions, government rules, technology, competitors (Anl and Ficici, 2017). If these, factors are no considered and business decision is made, then the firm would not be able to, generate required profit and ensure sustainability. Items related to various kind of sports are manufactured by an international German base company named officially as PUMA. Manager give information that is use in preparation of sub task with strategic plan of corporate action for management of functions, leadership of bureaucracy is followed by Puma. Proper analysis of these two factors gives different kind achievement to the business. Question: P5 Conduct internal and external analysis of specific . He works part time in a retail centre, Scenario You are working as a charge nurse on a medical-surgical unit in an acute healthcare facility. Order Your Assignment See Your Grades Improving INTRODUCTION whereas the external factors include the customers, competitors, suppliers, political, etc. Whereas, SWOT (Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threat) analysis is carried out. The business environment means all of the external and internal factors that affect the organization functions which include employees, customers, management, supply and demand and business regulations. 124, pp. If company fails to identify its strength and weaknesses than it cannot analyse macro environment factors then it fails to formulate strategic plans and tactical plans. Remove grammatical errors, typos and spelling mistakes. It also contains association among different working departments. The political involvement of bureaucratic administrators can boost their reputation with the public. Business organisations belong to various different categories including the private, public and non-profit sectors. Each division contains a complete set of function. Change in consumers taste and preferences, change in interest rates, change in government policies are the example of macro environmental factors. are the examples of private firm. Such type of organization is explained briefly below: Private organization: The private organization refers to any individual, partnership, association, corporation which is not public company (Rossi, Vrontis and Thrassou, 2012). So, with the use of these analysis tool company can ascertain the effect of macro environment on the organisations decision making (D., Margea, C., Hurbean, L. & Artene, A.S. 2014). Subordinate workers of these departments make report to their departmental head who then report to the top level. These firms can comprise of shareholders, as well private company can issue stocks, whereas IPO (initial public offering) do not offer Stocks and public exchange do not trade in shares of stocks (Wetherly and Otter, 2014). P1) Discuss public, private and voluntary organization's purpose and legal structure. religion, education as well humanity are main focus of these firms and they are different from others. 1. The team contains employees from different functional area. M&S also earn the good brand image in the foreign countries for this image lot of customers are attract towards their retail outlets (Crane and Matten, 2016). 1, pp. Mentioned below there is a legal structure of private sector organisation: Organisation working in this form of structure are wholly owned, managed. Every organisation has a different organisational structure. Business. 87-89. The business environment includes all the internal and external environmental factor which affects the ability of business in maintaining long term customer relationships which help it in earning profits. 2016, "Tourism: New Destination of Global Business Environment", International Advances in Economic Research, vol. Company should adopt organisation structure around its function. In an firm partners can be from 2 to 20 depending upon the size of, In this case it a joint stock company in which business has, separate legal entity. Locus Assignments provides samples for guidance and reference purpose only. Markets that are emerged, increasing foothold by Puma is required, Recessing as well slowdown of economics, has impact on business of Puma as a brand worldwide. Ans.Strength and weakness are the opposite factors that give power and . Partner nations trends as well condition of economics is of great importance as well that of economy of home. We review their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. The SWOT analysis definition takes into consideration the weaknesses and strengths of the . It is one of the world's leading company around the globe. Bocken, N., 2017. To export references to this Sample, select the desired This is an only way for the organization to generate more profits and expand their business around the world. SWOT Analysis: Bringing Internal and External Factors Together. .. P4) Look into positive and negative impacts of macro environment with examples on business. Whereas, in relation to problems of environment, more people as organizations are focused on them. 2015, "BIG DATA IN BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT", Scientific Bulletin : Economic Sciences, vol. It has business operations having 10,500 stores (approx.) Whereas, companys daily transaction is track by accounting. Explain how they influence the decision-making process. For puma to operate efficiently as well effectively, employees need to be efficient as well competent because without them it is going to be very challenging. environment so that threat and opportunities can be turned into their benefits (Aithal, 2016). Cumming, D.J. Big and major changes in the macro environment factors are usually outside the control of business so it is necessary that management of the company should be able to analyse the effect of these factors so they could make good decisions. Under this each employee works in a function based department such as marketing or human resources and they will have to work under a team on a particular projects. Business Environment includes micro and macro environment. 2023 | A2Z Pte.Ltd. Macro environment includes those external factors which are uncontrollable and also affects decision making, performance and strategies of the organisation. Internal analysis helps in identifying and evaluates organisations specific characteristics like its core competences, its capabilities and availability of resources. The report provides in depth knowledge of micro and macro environmental factors in which business organisation operates. 2. Wang, C.J., Tsai, H.T. P6) Explain strengths and weaknesses inter-connected with external macro factors. A SWOT analysis of the Samsung Group and its subsidiaries, such as Samsung Electronics Co., identifies strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that depict a strong competitive position and potential for further business growth in the global market. Some other political elements consist of tariffs as well restriction trade. The private sector is made up of companies that operate to make a profit. Copyright 2012-23 Zucol Services PVT LTD. All Rights Reserved. With state collaborating, such firms get developed as well established (Sethi, and Guisinger, 2002), Explain the size and scope of a range of different types of organisations, One of organization that is private is Puma. Company has sponsor renown football players like Johan Cruijff, Maradona, Gianluigi Buffon and many more as it is famous for its footwear in football. main benefit in terms of liability that is limited, Red level tape is easy for operating as well set up is. Explain different types and purposes of organizations; public, private and voluntary sectors and legal structures. To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: If you are the original writer of this assignment and no longer wish to have your work published on then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! In such firms individuals become shareholders after purchasing of shares when they are offered to them. 17, no. 22, no. External analysis is a process of analysing the environment in which organisation operate. around the world and turnover around of 50 billion pounds. PESTEL(Political, economical, social, technological, environmental and legal) analysis is carried. For identification as well influence of elements Swot as well Pestle analysis will be considered. Weaknesses may be so important that they need to be addressed before any further strategic planning steps are taken. Operations Management. It is very expensive organisational structure (Andrejovsk, A. It has significant impact on the success of the business. Scope: Scope means the company offering products and services which is in the form of wide range includes household products, food and clothing products and stationary items to the customers which are situated all around world. The Essay Writing ExpertsUK Essay Experts. They are used to fill gaps within the market which private and public sectors cannot do. They make sure to attain outstanding results for coming generations, individuals, and societies as well communities through using effective public valuable resources, as well high standards of health services are delivered. According to budget of various departments, resources of finances are measured as well funds are allocated by finance function. It uses its funding to pursue a specific purpose, such as charitable cause, rather than pursuing profits for its own benefit as a for profit business does. P5 Conduct internal and external analysis of specific organisations in order to identify strengths and weaknesses. Thus under this structure functions are directly connected with organisational structure and objective because every department work to achieve organisational goal (Andrejovsk, A. In the external environment new risk factors are arises regularly and they difficult to identify for the managers of the business. Strategic plan of corporate action support as well implement objective of corporate at Puma. But this structure brings internal complexity means employees sometimes confused about his supervisor to whom he had to report. | All rights reserved. Introduction: Macro environment in a business refers to the external influences to the business in any given situation. External environment factors and internal environment factors affects thebusiness organisation. Organisations working under private sector are governmental funded groups or, companies perform their business functions with a motive to serve people in best possible way, rather than to generate profit. Business-led sustainable consumption initiatives: impacts and lessons learned. This report is based on H&M which a Swedish multinational organization. Such departments include marketing, sales, production, human resources, finance, etc. It will be back shortly! These are further explained below: Political Factors: This is the very important factors which influence on the regulation of the companys management like-. The company deals in retail outlets where they sales foods, household items and clothing apparels, etc. WHAT IF BUSINESS COULD SOLVE THE WORLD BIGGEST. P6 Interrelate strengths and weaknesses with external macro factors. Free resources to assist you with your university studies! We review their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. Sethi, D. and Guisinger, S., 2002. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of This report also includes different scope and size of the organization along with the functions and structure of it. 125-145. While the firm wish to expand its operations it, has to consider the whole environment and required finding opportunities to make new business. Women are almost in every sport now a days (Contributor, 2018), Internet related functions like modern technologies, automatic applications and activities of R&D are focused factors in relation to technology. Business organisation should adopt one of these organisational structures as per their objectives and working profile. Economical Factors: The economical factors include level of government spending, avenues for capital creation, government outlook towards interest rates, banking finance, exchange rate mechanism, inflation etc. plan and thus large share of market will be able to be controlled by the firm. There are different roles and responsibilities are performed by the various departments with the help of these departments the company can attain their mission. Moreover, it can also impact the relationship that the people of society have with the government itself. Cultural and social analysis helps in identifying current trends, lifestyles, fashions and other components of culture. I am going to talk about two organisations and how they operate. Positive impact: If the educational level in the particular country is good means that all the people are educated in that country then the company can operates their business easily by providing various online technologies to their customers like online purchasing which increases the sale of the companys business. This report will University: UK College of Business and Computing. These differences seem very fundamental and very valid in the light of our own exploration of the subject in previous articles. Mostly group of people which comprises of two to twenty owned this kind of business. Bureaucracy takes on a role by promoting community and political activism, and building trust in others and the political process. (Goodsell, 2004, Promoting Civic. Shareholders developed private firms, organization as well owner is regarded as different entity. P6 Explaining how strengths and weaknesses interrelate with external macro, Business is operated in particular area in where the business firm has to consider the. INTRODUCTION Business environment comprises of internal and external factor which directly affect the functioning of the business including supplier, customers, management etc. Analysis of economic factors whether there is any change in interest rate, inflation rate and inflation rate. Andrejovsk, A. Interrelationship between macro environment factors and organisations strength and weakness are as follows: Strength and weakness and macro environment factors are related with each other and affect each other. Negative impact: If the above issues are very rigid and the governments policies so hard in that country for the MNCs. and controlled by a single person who is mainly termed as sole proprietor. .. Business environment comprises of internal and external factor which directly affect the, functioning of the business including supplier, customers, management etc. A sudden change in environmental factors affects the decisions taken by management. 2013, "Economic and Business Environment", Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective, vol. Headquarter o Puma is in Herzogenaurach (Germany) whereas on 1st October 1948, Rudolf dassler founded this company (Business Insider, 2018). Micro as well macro factors of environment are connected with strength as well weakness of organization. Explain the size and scope of a range of different types of organisations. For fulfilling needs of organization, Red Cross vision reveal that volunteers solid system, contribution as well accomplishment need to be considered.,,, Approximately 8300 workers are recruited globally by Puma as well it exists in almost 90 nations. But this structure has some drawbacks like:one functional department having difficulty in working with other departments for the same objective, this structure can also create competitive environment in the organisation between different departments. Macro environment includes following factors: Thus micro and macro environmental factors impact the organisations decision making policy. Internal analysis shows that whether organisational activities are performed with in the criteria of organisations vision, mission, strategic objectives and strategies. PPR French group of luxury, PUMA AG has been its part from 2007. NGOs can also run them. P2) Highlight private, public and voluntary organization's size and scope. BANICA, L. & HAGIU, A. . There are many differences between business organisations, beginning with the purpose and goals of an organisation. Profitable organizations provide donations to these firms. Scenario You are a nursing student in a BSN Program, currently enrolled in. These are discussed below: Size: It is one of the biggest supermarket chains in the retail industry which deals in variety of the products like foods, household items, clothing, and other useful items which are needed to the customers. Accessories, shoes as well attire are part of puma production, and SE Puma is involved in sports sale items of lifestyle related to sports. This service is unavailable right now. Impressive Essays in Minutes with Best Essay Typer Tool. Economic elements have great influence on production of items as well services that are produced by rules and regulations of organization. All work is written to order. Write by: . Macro factors like political stability, economic condition, social support and many more which are affecting cited entity in adverse way. their share to general public through a mode of Initial public offer. Interrelationship between macro environment factors and organisation's strength and weakness are as follows: Economic Factors:Economic factors include change in interest rate, inflation rate exchange rate in the market. The organisations are required to offer a service which will benefit the whole of society for example the NHS. Who are the experts? A voluntary sector is an organisation based on non-profit, and are not funded by the state. The organisations I am going to talk about are McDonalds and Chester Zoo. In understanding micro and macro environments a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis is commonly used in retail. In the divisional structure, the company forms divisions based on the demand of a product, markets, and customers (Bush, 2018). The company also offering all around world due to which they earn more and more income from the foreign countries. Protection is given to members in terms of own liability from debts, that isnt evident to be unethical, illegal as well irresponsible through performed activities, according to LLC. Here you can choose which regional hub you wish to view, providing you with the most relevant information we have for your specific region. Registered office: Creative Tower, Fujairah, PO Box 4422, UAE. There are differences between the small, medium, organisation, and large that called speed that mean how to make decision making attitude towards risk, in terms of allocation of resources, by understanding of business models and the management of the business models. Do you have a 2:1 degree or higher? Check similarity in content & get a free plagiarism report. Nations stock exchange is responsible for registration of private company. Copyright 2023 @ Global Assignment Help Australia. (Plunkett Research, Ltd 2008).various sports are getting popularity. Scenario Choose any organisation of your choice. Samsung SWOT Analysis & Recommendations. Place your order now to take advantage of discounted deals and offers. Positive impact: If the companies cooperate their business with the latest technology and discovery then it attracts more and more customers to them (Hair, 2015). A SWOT analysis can be broken down into two distinct parts: the strengths and weaknesses, based on internal environmental factors, and the opportunities and threats, based on external . The United, state is a federal system in which authority and powers are shared among central and state. Moreover, it also. (2023), Retrieved from: The company defines their objective and determines what the external and internal elements are that can have a positive or negative impact on reaching their goal. Governments policy on the country economy. types of organisations mentioned below with their purpose: Organisations performing their business activities in Private organisations are mainly, owned and run by an independent person or in a partnership with a common purpose to earn, more and more profit (Anl and Ficici, 2017. 83-85. Puma is not able to assess macro factors of environment; tactical as well strategic plans are influenced if it failed to consider basic strength as well weaknesses. From simple essay plans, through to full dissertations, you can guarantee we have a service perfectly matched to your needs. Political Factors, Major aim of company is to start their strategy for making it profitable. Hennes & Mauritz( H&M) is a multinational and leading clothing retail organisation, perform their activities with a purpose to drive significant and positive change by investing in. The swot analysis of Apple presents the analysis of innovative company and how it is leading to the market technology. Germany economic condition with respect to stock exchange as well issues of monetary is present situation there. In Costco's macro-environment, a variety of factors could affect the company's economic viability. Red Cross management has focus on veterans, whereas improving companys related to wiped out look after, preparation of security, avoiding mishap as well nourishing training was major focus as well objective for improving all these related projects (Redcross.Org, 2019). Besides hesitation, empathy transformation, company is prepared as well arrange for calamities. There are many types of organisational structures available which are designed as per objectives and functions of organisation. (2015). Strength and Weakness of the business organisation need of macro and micro environment factors. So these factors should be considered during the policy decision making process by the management of the company (BANICA, L. & HAGIU, A. New as well old players in industry, are giving competition to each other. IKEAis a profit making organisation working with a goal of continuous development in living standard of its customer. below: Global Assignment Help Australia ,(2023),, Global Assignment Help Australia (2023) [Online]. This report take John Lewis company for case study, which is U.K based company. out in an organization so that business can be expanded smoothly in the competitive world. Figure 2 shows this analysis and the proportions between each macro-topic. This, report includes three different types of organizations with their purpose, size, scope and legal, structure. Every organization provides quality products and services to the customer according to their needs with a reasonable price. Large companies adopt this respective structure as its nature is complex and cannot be followed by all small firms. America professional football as well basketball teams 25% making of clothes is owned by Puma. SWOT analysis is a dynamic part of an organization's business and management development process. for the customer. and Zahra, S.A., 2016. International business and entrepreneurship implications of Brexit. Doing this allows you to gain a better understanding of the strategic choices that you face. Transparency in finances is also restricted by such rules. 2012, "Customers Behaviour Analysis in Furniture Field: IKEA Case in the Northern part of Bari province", Journal of Knowledge Management, vol. For incorporating decisions of management in relation to strategies, factors that are concern with social as well cultural factors need to be taken care of and highlighted. Internal factors include customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders whereas external factors. Positive impact: If the economy of the specific country where the M&S operated its business operations are favourable to the company, then the customer purchasing power is high due to which they are purchasing more quality product and services to their retail outlets which in results gives more profits and sales is high in that particular country. It includes different types of organization such as private, public and non- profit organizations. 351-352. Functions of organisation are interrelated with organisations objectives. Schirone, D.A. This information exchange before decisions increases employees motivation and morale. There are different. Public administration is perceived more often by citizens as another component of government, albeit generally the least respected component of government. (Peters, 2001, pg. Organization need to, examine the business environment in order to design tactics for growth and success in the global, market place. This assignment covers private, public and voluntary firm in. shopping, outlets as well stores are utilize for selling items of Puma. organization. One of the staff nurses who recently from bereavement leave has been assigned to care for an elderly, Explain the impact of relational inquiry when recognizing and analyzing cues to action in the process of clinical reasoning. 4. STRENGTH & WEAKNESS INTERRELATE WITH EXTERNAL MACRO FACTORS Economic Factors : Interest rate, business organization is financially viable it has sufficient financial resources than changing in these rate will not affect the pricing and marketing strategy of the organization Political and Legal : Legal Rules and Regulation and Policies . SWOT Analysis is a strategic method that is implemented by a company, in order to determine their Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats regarding a business undertaking. In order to gain scale economies, Puma manufacturing plants are provided externally to other countries. Marks & Spencer (M&S) is well known popular retail outlet in the UK which offers variety of different types of product and services to the customers. This report explains different types of business and environment in which they operate. It has 950 stores in U.K. and also has a turnover 1 billion pound. In comparison to Adidas and Nike, shares in market are limited as well tough for Puma. With respect to technologies, popular games as well personal tastes, this sector is in evolution continuously. 2013). All over globe it has outstanding name of brand. and Tsai, M.T., 2014. people, innovative ideas and communities and simultaneously improve their living standards. & Bnociov, A. Both the factors are interrelated to each other and they may increase the risk of external macro factors in the organization. IKEA adopts a formal organisation structure where two information exchange channel is operating between internal environment and external environment. Losses are faced by Puma because of limitations. Liability of foreignness to competitive advantage: How multinational enterprises cope with the international business environment. Please go back to portrait mode for the best experience, Strengths And Weaknesses With Macro Environmental Factors. Competitive strategy of pricing is followed by PUMA, whereas its items as well services are accessed easily by clients. Interrelationship with the strengths and weakness of the macro environment which is affecting the decision making of the business (Bryman and Bell, 2015). Positive impact: If the bureaucracy issues like abolition of licensing, freedom to import technology, contraction of the public sector is not very rigid and flexible in the country where the companys want to establish their market assist the management of M&S to establish their retail outlet in that country which helps them to generate more profits. Internal and external factors create a impact on functionalities of organization. Rates, change in government policies are the example of macro and micro factors. A legal structure functions and structure of private company restriction trade own exploration of the business for registration private... Analysis will be considered by citizens as another component of government apparels, etc review. Confused about his supervisor to whom he had to report various purposes, their activities can be expanded in... Is regarded as different entity: UK College of business Perspective, vol invite... 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how strengths and weaknesses interrelate with external macro factors