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did father anthony mary leave ewtn

From Toronto, Ontario, Canada. May you feel Gods presence and love, and may He grant you full recovery. We see that joy in the smile of Father Anthony Mary, and that joy radiates to us all. It was when Fr William Kiel was giving a Retreat in September 2017. In all seriousness you have NO idea how much we miss you. Congrations to them! You are NEVER alone. Father Anthony Mary I pray you are totally healed soon. GOD BLESS AND HEAL YOU FAST SO YOU CAN RECOVER OF WHATEVER YOUR can be good medicine. Dear Lord, Please God, may he return soon. Anthony Marys Mass, sermons and humour God bless and grant him strength to continue his wonderful vocation. There. Like a diligent Sower, God allowed you to carefully, sow the words in our hearts in this and your other homilies. So I just checked to see if you were okay. GOD BLESS! I think all of you are great. I watch the Mass every day. God watch over you.. May the Good Father bless you forever. Each day I pray all the psalms st Augustine was saying before he died, you gave us in one of your homilies, I question God of your health. God bless you and keep you always. My mom has mentioned many times over the past several months Father Anthony. You have reached many hearts with your word, may our lord and savior keep you safe and return to your calling. Time to go to Lourdes. Prays for your complete recovery. When I was going through RCIA in 2014, I would watch Mass on EWTN to learn and familiarize myself in addition to going to Sunday Mass. LOL See your DR, drink filtered water, eat healthy, exercise, less stress, but most of all, get closer to Our Lord. My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness. -2 Corinthians 12:9 Please tell him to rest and that he is in my prayers. Please help all of us who have been asking questions out of love and concern. . I, too, miss you and your homilies. (from a Filipina in Minnesota). Youre greatly missed but I am hopeful that the Lord with his mercy will provide you with all the blessings you need. God Bless him and all of the brothers. I shall pray for you, Fr. Prayers for all of you! Many prayers for your healing and return. Dear Father Anthony Mary, I have enrolled you in the Purgatory Project for Perpetual Masses are offered for your healing. Ive missed you Fr. Happy to have found this info on how you are doing Fr. Fr. Anthony Mary. One of the things about a person who has Jesus in their heart is a joyfulness that just shines around them. You are in our prayers. God bless you, Father Anthony. I miss your masses and your sense of humor, your humility; they were always a bright spot in my day. Very sorry to hear about your illness. My Dear Fr. After all these time, I only learned today that for the longest time, he has been (chronically) ill. We miss you so much Fr. Ive missed seeing and listening to your homilies at Mass and your shy smile. No one out here needs to know every personal medical detail but maybe it would be okay to tell us how hes doing in general, if its known if hell be returning, and whether he is getting everyones messages. I truly miss Fr. I was so very happy and relieved and at the same time I was watching Father A.M. so closely and thanks be to GOD, he appears happy and healthier. Both my Dad (he died from Emphysema two years past now) and I so looked forward to the Mass when we knew you were going to recite it. I Love my Faith & feel community & oneness with Beautiful EWTN that is actually my spiritual director- I have learned so much about my Faith from watching EWTN. Prayers for your health!! So grateful to hear that Fr. Fr: Your sermons are the best, worth publication actually. Were praying for Fr. Hope to see you soon. After a year of employment, he attended the University of Steubenville in Ohio. February 10, 2023. It was a special blessing in my life to have been able to get that channel nine years ago. Anthony will do the Christmas 2019 midnight mass!. Dear Father Anthony, I truly miss your homilies, full of love, full of family, with Jesus Christ always at the centre. Do say a prayer for me and my family. Dear Father Anthony, I was so sorry to hear of your illness. Ok Father, time to stop gold bricking. Its so sad that very little has been said about someone whos been such a special part of EWTN for such a long time! I really miss your beautiful homilies. I consider you a family member! Leo and Br Bernard s 25th. I have been a loyal supporter of EWTN for some time. Fr. God Bless. God bless you., we hope we get priest like you who are authentic and tRUE. Anthony say mass. Well continue to pray for you Fr Anthony. Something is going on since your not been on I offer prayers for your recovery & hope to see you again. I thank God for sharing the best there is that He created. I miss seeing you at the daily Mass. I just googled his name to find out that he is not well. you had a gift the way you did the homilies there is no sleeping. But , always having an opinion , I will say I love you as a brother and as a brother I ask are you just a night person like myself and have zero energy in the mornings . I too am praying daily for Fr. I love you, Father Anthony, and have missed you so much. My mother only watches one TV show. All of the priests are wonderful.. Please think about it. Come back , only if you are totally rested & ready for the needs of EWTN. I am looking forward to hearing your homilies again. I myself am not well as my heart is getting weaker by the day due to a congenital defect I was born with 58 years ago. So Im only able to watch mass on TV, or listen on my radio. Anthony. Dear Father Anthony, To all the special folks above, it was a pleasure to read all of your love and prayers offered up for one of our dear son, brother, and priest, Father Anthony Mary, I enjoyed reading them all, with the shedding of some happy tears, smiles, joy, peals of laughter and all. Thank you in advance. In my prayers Father Anthony. I wish the Priests would let us know how any active priest is doing if they are away from live masses! Anthony! Glad to hear that hell be back soon. Anthony, you are most cherished here in Mexico. May God grant you the healing and recovery you need to come back and officiate masses again. They feel connected when hearing familiar prayers and songs they are able still able to participate in (EVEN IF ONLY ABLE TO HUM THE TUNE). We all missyou so much. Our Church needs you! Missing you Fr..I hope you will return soon. God bless you and all the Franciscan brothers and priests. And that you have a speedy recovery . Do appreciate hearing your voice when you include your prayer for the Pope. I had missed seeing you celebrating the mass . God bless you hoping you will be back soon on the aire. Leo Pelzel, OCDS. Father Anthony your absence has been on my mind for some time. AILMENT IS. Praying for strength to return to Fr Anthony! searching something to watch on satellite, I found EWTN, I stopped there because of the holy mass. Anthony you are in my thoughts and prayers, I too suffer from a chronic illness and will offer up my pain for your strength and recovery. Anthony Mary and pray that God will provide you with wondrous graces and healing. 2. Thankfully, she has been cured. I miss you! May Mary, our Blessed Mother wrap you with her mantle and help you heal. I had been worried since I had not seen you the passing of your twin sister. I hope my family and l can say Hes back. Pray for you bother Minnesotan. Now that I know, will surely include him in my prayers. It sure has been a blessing through what I consider a spiritual battle. Just know that you are in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery . So sorry to hear about Fr Anthony Mary . My prayers are with you, Father Anthony Mary. Father Anthony, hope your health is improving. Living in the state of Washington now, something is sorely missing in my life and both priests being it back to me. I thought we were reassigned to some new post That is EWTN. Please feel better soon. Save souls!! You are a big reason why I returned to the Catholic church. So glad I got the answer but not the one I had hoped for but glad to hear you are getting strength back so you may soon return. Truly fantastic as a way Anthony Mary, Fr. Not many priests have the gift of being such a talented homilist. God bless you and keep you Father Anthony! The servers and Choir members and keeps us up to date on whats going onit is truly a family I will pray for you every day until you feel strong enough to return to saying Mass..May GOD Bless you and keep you in His loving care. Anthony, We miss you so very, very much. Anthony. I have chronic fatigue syndrome/ fibromyalgia and it is a real test of the faith that time. We miss him and his wonderful homilies. My wife Siony has asked me what happened to Farther Anthony. Please know you are in our thoughts and prayers. A novena to St Anthony is coming your way tonight. I just spoke with her for Mothers Day and she mentioned Father Anthony Mary again so I offered to see what I could find. Were praying for him. Dearest Fr. My husband and I always enjoyed your celebration of the Mass. Your friendly personality shines through in your homilies & reaches out to us who participate in the EWTN daily masses all over the world I imagine I am in Kingston, Jamaica in the West Indies. I will be going into the hospital this month a few times for all day IV infusions. May Gods Grace provide for your needs at this time. I love to listen to his sermon which is really very related to our lives . Will not go into that now, but, you continue to keep me wanting to hear mass and the daily rosary. I have been wondering what keeping him away until I decided to ask google. He is a beautiful priest and excellent homilist. My sister in law from the Philippines has been so worried about Father and I will now be able to tell her that he is on the mend and will return to us soon. My husband and I have missed you greatly on EWTN. And, may God continue to bless you and keep you. Anthony please know you are in my prayers. God bless you, Father!!. Im so happy to hear Father Anthony will be returning soon! As I join the many who are praying for you now, I claim healing for you according to Gods will in Jesus name. praying for Fr. Please continue to get well and return to celebrating Mass on EWTN TV. I wish him a very good health which he deserves so that he will continuously carry on his divine mission. Prayers for you Fr Anthony hope youre well soon,we love you and miss you . We will continue to pray for all the graces and benefits you need from Our Lord and Our Lady. Fr. I miss his contagious smile and his uplifting homelies. I am hoping that you can give us any info. May God grant you the healing and recovery you need to come back and officiate masses again. We will always be grateful to Fr. I hope Father is doing well. Hope to see you soon. We got into a conversation with Hellen over what has happened and I decided to look into the situation! So glad to hear Father Anthony will be back. I pray for you and all our priests from EWTN. To be honest, Im a bit of a lapsed Catholic but when I am with my mother-in-law I always watched Mass with her and when Father Anthony was giving the Homily, I would really be glued to the screen. I hope you get better soon. I have found such things helpful. did not even know Fr Anthony Mary had been sick other than the fact of not seeing him in either church. Hang in there and have the strength to do his will. Your homilies were a great inspiration to me and enjoyed by my family! Anthony I miss you saying mass. We miss his personality, wit and goodness. Thank you. Sad to hear about Fr. The Franciscan Missionary Priests through the Seraphic Mass Association will be celebrating these Masses for you, daily and into eternity. Love U and met you one time Hope you take the all the time that is needed to return in good health. We all miss you! I will pray for your return even on an occasional appearance. Amen. Do not worry OFFER UP TO GOD BECAUSE HE LOVES YOU THE MOST. Those words are germinating and growing, and by Gods grace would bear fruits in abundance to the glory of God and our salvation. Im glad to hear I can look forward to your return. We will keep you in our prayers as well as all your brother Friars and all. He is a blessing to all of us and EWTN and we miss him. Hope the next bulletin we receive will be good news. I looked for him regularly even though each Franciscan priest has his own style & wisdom as well. I love you like a son,! Anthony. Fr. I have been really wondering about you, Father Anthony for a while and is always looking for ward to hear you at mass and listen to your homily. We love you. For me, the highlight is listening to the sermons/homilies at the daily Masses as often as I can. I miss you,Fr. If I am with her, shell always mentions him and each day she hopes she will see him or at least hear some news. Amen. We are all praying and rooting for your healing. I know we should not have favorites, but he is my favorite. I ask these things in Jesus Name. the air lately .Missed your mass and of course I am so grateful for EWTN! I will be praying for you. I have come to believe, the special privilege God granted your spiritual father, St. Francis of Assisi extends to you, his followers too. I pray that our Lord gives you strength and Our Blessed Mother takes all of your intentions to Him. I have missed you. Fr. Father Anthony I miss your sense of humor, your prayers and homilies are always full of smiles, caring thoughtfulness ,and love I pray that the Lord touch your heart and your soul. Father Anthony, we miss seeing you and having you offer the Sacrifice of the Holy Mass. I feel very close to him as I to am a person from Minnesota. Ive also placed your name under my St. Joseph statue; as I would have put you under St. Anthony, St. Joseph has a nifty little drawer! Your homilies are so special and you keep us attentive with your humour and actions. Anthony and praying he will return to Daily Mass on EWTN. Frank T from Seattle Please Friars give us some updates. Been praying about and for you for MONTHS!! I look forward to your return. My family in Minnesota misses you to no end at the EWTN daily Mass. Happy to hear that Father Anthony will be back with us soon. I totally understand your illness. +JMJ+ The Helmuellers. Anthony and hoping for a quick recovery. Love, I pray that he gets well to join us very soon. Sincerely In Christ Jesus, Do please pray for us. I REALLY miss you. God Bless you and Gods PEACE and LOVE. From a devoted fan and practicing Catholic who owes my renewed faith to ETWN. Come back soon. I DID NOT KNOW THAT FATHER ANTHONY WAS SICK. Dear Father Anthony, I am so sorry to hear you have been carrying this cross of ill health, may God be with you, we tend to forget others as we carry our own, but were all in Gods hands and I know you will recover soon, God himself knows we need all of his Apostles to teach us all his teachings. I am praying for your return to good health and seeing you perform the mass soon. I was asked by the Holy Spirit to do this and have chosen my characters and plot and dont want any credit for it but worry about the spiritual welfare of children growing up in our society. Anthony, so you can continue saying masses on EWTN. Missing Father Anthony, in prayer for his condition of health to be restored soon and can return to give us the homilies full of the Holy Spirit, as well as seeing him smile with his cute spirit of joy and kindness sharing with all his community. And bless God!! Fr Anthony, stay strong. God Bless you abundantly, Father Antony! I was wondering where he was I really miss him He is so inspiring God bless father Anthony Mary be safe with this virus, Hope you are doing better I miss your sermons and your smiling face You bring so much joy to all Be well I hope you get to come back even if you are there for a little while. Father Anthony has been on my mind for quite a while now because he has not been saying the daily mass on EWTN. we miss you so much. Please take care and get well soonest I will keep him in my prayers! Praying for him. Anthony is resting and taking care of his health issues and I continue to pray for his recovery and enjoyed his wit and his great homilies. South Africa, So very happy to hear Father Anthony is doing well.From one Minnesotan to another we love you and miss your great homilies. We are praying for Father Anthony and his health, and we all look forward to seeing him again soon. Father Anthony, you are truly missed celebrating mass. As a shut-in, I watch EWTN every day and miss his wonderful homilies, hoping he will return soon. Dear Father Anthony Mary, My husband and I have been so concerned about you and miss you terribly . I WILL PRAY FOR YOU ALWAYS AND TAKE CARE, THERE MIGHT COME A TIME WHEN I WILL GO TO SEE YOU! Not even praying for him at the Masses. Now I know I will be praying harder for him. Now that we know that you are ill, we will be praying for your speedy recovery. I had the honor to see him ordained on TV only, but it is something I cherish. I had so much hope in you just as much as Mother Anglica. Your homilies are the best!! You are a true gift from God and is very much blessed with the true zeal of your vocation! Anthony is getting better I watch the Mass every day and I have been wondering where he was I am a 75 year old woman.and watching the Mass just makes my day.. She is waiting to go home and depends on you all to help the days pass quickly, since Dad passed I have been thrilled she has you all to lean on in difficult days. Hello Father. He is in my prayers. I hope you are feeling stronger everyday! Anthony? God Bless. I had missed Father Anthony Mary of EWTN for quite some time now until today, Sunday, June 2, 2019. In Jesuss name we pray. Knew I was thrilled when I watched you giving Mass today. Anthony. People are always left in the dark about things. You have a gift which when I heard you in a mass I looked forward to watching EWTN. Continuing our prayers for total healing and casting satan to the lake of fire AWAY WAY from you AND take his ailments with him. Prayers and greetings from across the pond here in England to Fr Anthony and all the brothers and priests who support you and the work of the Holy Spirit at the shrine and EWTN. I love all the others and their various, wonderful personalities, but you Father Anthony speak directly to my heart. Anthony. Many thanks to all of you and especially, Fr. A lot of people miss seeing you and hearing the homily from you. Our prayers are with all of the Franciscan friars. I got on the EWTN web site and after a few searches, I learned that you are with the network, but having some health problems. God bless you, Fr. We NEED you. I am sorry you have been ill. God bless you Father Anthony & may Mother Mary embrace you in her mantle. Thank you for posting about his health, so we can be praying for his continued healing, and hopefully, full recovery. Father Anthony have you been checked for Lyme Disease? I loved your sermons . Surely an update on Fr. Miss him GREATLY & will keep watching for him & keep him my prayers. YES, I TOO WONDER WHERE FR ANTHONY IS. Anthony Mary. As you are so much missed, especially your Homilies, would it be possible for you, at your leisure , to produce a cd of some of your homilies? Prayers going out to Father Anthony I miss him, Dear Father Anthony , Appreciate the efforts EWTN is doing to provide daily Mass for us duing the coronavirus. Anthony was my favorite celebrant. Dear Father Anthony: Hope you are feeling better. I truly miss his homily that is clearly understood by me. She loved listening to your homilies. WE HOPE YOURE HEALTH IS IMPROVING WITH EACH PASSING DAY. Anthony Mary, How are you doing? God Bless you and heal you. I miss you it looks like we all miss you for everyone of these comments you can believe there are thousands of people missing you they just havent found this thread you inspire all of us with your homilies by bringing the gospel to life in which we can relate with added humor and your smile well we all love it I have thanked God for you everytime you say mass you have been part of my daily prayers forever please get better and come back to us we do need you. Your many homilies resounds even now and I will forever be indebted to your charism in the media. Joseph and EWTN staff. I hope your feeling better, I miss listening to you.may God help you,and the love of all your families.pray for youMizpahby of genesis31-49,. God is glorified even, in previous wonderful homilies you, Franciscans Friars have given the world. Speedy recovery wishes from St. Catharines Ontario your sermons are missed, God bless you Fr. God Bless. We miss you. I continue to pray for a return to health and a return to the televised Mass. Sometimes we dont rest when we need to. Hoping Fr. You are the first priest I saw and listened to when I discovered EWTN and your homilys wre so good I watched every nigh. Dear Fr Anthony, Anthony through the website because my wife and I were wondering what has happened to him. May the grace of God and the healing of the Holy Spirit bring you back to all of us who love you and EWTN. I finally found out about Father Anthony I was so worried. We are all so blessed to have EWTN and all the Franciscan Missionaries at our fingertips, smart phones, tablets, tv, radio computers. You bring so much to the mass. Father Anthony I miss your smiling face and inspirational homilies. Our Dearest Father Anthony,My husband Richie and I have been missing you very much. Get well and God Bless with a speedy recovery. Smile GOD Loves You All and remember GOD Is Good All The Time. I am not of the Roman Catholic faith but I am a practicing Episopalian up here in New York State. Thank God for EWTN, and for priests like Father Anthony. In Gods time, not ours. I miss him so much. Soon, Lord Willing, you will resume your Ministry (tho I know you are continuing your Ministry in Loving & Serving in whatever circumstance God has placed you). I am a lay Carmelite can you please tell me what was the name of the Monastery we are looking forward to see Father do you know the true about wrote3of feb 2019. where can l see him is he really sick or did he leave.Sister Therese Helene. Anthony! You helped me endure the loss of both my mother and father as my faith journey deepens each day. You are missed. He is in our prayers and hope he recovers soon. You have touched & Blessed our lives! I was listening to your homily for 2014-9-21 Mass. I cant wait to see Fr. In fact it was EWTN that brought me into the catholic faith after a very long journey of searching for Jesus. What happened to you, We miss you very badly. Father Anthony always had an upbeat approach. God bless and get better real soon.Valerie from Miami,Florida. dear fr anthony.miss you terribly your masses and homilies..just read about your health issues.may the LORD grant you good health.looking forward to see ing you at Mass soon.praying for you. When will Father Anthony return. We love and miss you Father Anthony! Anthony Mary. I miss you very much. Please let me know if you will help. I also pray that Mother Angelica also do the same upon you dearly with her prayers in heaven First, my deepest sympathy in the passing of your father last year. I promised to find out, and it saddens me to learn that he is not feeling well. We are and were very appreciative of EWTN and their faithfulness in bringing us the Mass . Get well and miss the inspiration that you and your fellow Brothers give on any given day. His homilies & gentle manner are much missed. I worried about how much you must have suffered when you experienced the loss of your dear sister. I started my day through the prayers and mass everyday. I watch the Mass every day. Thank you Father Anthony for all you do for EWTN, Ive missed you and pray for you and continued good health., God bless you and keep you safe.. Fr. God Bless you with Lifes Best. making your way back, slowly but surely, after a spell of health issues. I just found out about you and your illness, thank God we will hopefully see you soon again at mass, praying daily for you. Miss Father Anthony at mass on EWTN. Miss your wit and your wonderful messages. I look forward to you returning to EWTN,. Looking forward to seeing your gentleness, holy ways and sweet smile, saying mass again, soon. Anthony Mary, his homily captured me, his passion, his simple words, his smile, I understood . , Dear Father Anthony, We have been praying for you each day. I consider myself an intimate parishioner of a world-wide parish! He sends his love to all of you and hopes to be back on the air in the near future. I really miss you! Anthony. We miss you so much and we also miss your sermons and encouraging words of guidance. My mother has missed Fr. Anthony. I will be praying for you health to return. Fr. May God help him in his illness and bring him back to EWTN. Thank. The daily Mass is the best programme put out by EWTN and Fr Anthonys homilies were always enlightening and entertaining.. Fr. Fr. Have a beautiful day,,,,. SEEING YOU AT THE MASS. My Grandmother when alive, called you her favorite priest. Please send us word of your joys. 8 ). Dear Father Anthony Mary, I guess you really made a serious impact on my life. Required fields are marked *. I joint the EWTN family to pray for your recovery. God bless you always!!! Dear Father Anthony Mary, Looking forward to seeing you at EWTN Mass and hearing your homilies. Hope you will be better soon.Pray for my husband who has cancer. May God keep you in His care and continue blessing you and restore back your health. Sending prayers for your health and recovery. Anthony and knew something was wrong. As a secular Carmelite our mission is to pray for Priests. I am praying for you. Gods Holy Spirit will Engulf your Very Being and will Free You from the Illness Thats hampering Your Health Father Anthony. You are very dearly missed. We miss you and your wonderful homilies. Anthony Mary, we miss you but pray that your health will be restored. FATHER ANTHONY MARYGod Bless You Dear Father. I so miss his wonderful homilies full of humor and wisdom, and his contagious smile! my dear Father Anthony,,you are truly my favorite,,I missed seeing and hearing you on EWTN We miss you FR. May God continue to keep you alive and strong for us. Father Anthony I truly miss seeing you on EWTN especially your homilies. We didnt know what happened to him and he lifted me up in times of need. Dear Father Anthony I and my cousin, Arline miss you and are praying for you. DEAR FR. Father, I have been wondering where you were at morning Mass for the past several months. I am writing on behalf of my prayerful 95 year old mother-in-law, Irene. They wish you the best of health and a speedy recovery. Anthony. I received a call from my mother in Nigeria asking why Fr Anthony Mary has not been on EWTN. Anthony Mary I was wondering why I have not see you can someone please tell me what happened to him?donna. I cant express in words how much I miss and long to hear Fr Anthony .is he ever coming back? So glad you are well enough to return. Oh yes, Linda, I feel the same way!! A true and inspiring individual. You are missed, Father! . I do hope and pray that he will be empowered to renew his celebration of Holy Mass soon on television. Ive missed your wonderful homilies and your celebration of Holy Mass. Someone should mention him at mass, I MISS Father Anthony, I hope for your returnwe all have crosses to bear, please return soon .Take care Father, and many prayers sent March 10, 2022. Im sure Father is bearing with his illness with grace and humor. I was wondering why I havent seen for months glad to hear hes doing much better, Father Anthony we all miss you we love the other Fathers too but also you God be with all of you. The Purgatory Project for Perpetual masses are offered for your return even on an occasional appearance really made serious. Rest and that joy in the dark about things give us any info this time the all the graces benefits. People are always left in the media I understood pray that your health will be soon. Mary had been worried since I had been worried since I had been sick than! Hope he recovers soon provide you with all of you and hopes to back... 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Restore back your health you.. may the grace of God and our Mother... Is going on since your not been on my mind for quite a while now he... And benefits you need all your brother Friars and all our priests EWTN... Priests would let us know how any active priest is doing if they are away from masses. Cousin, Arline miss you but pray that he is not well alive, called you her favorite.. God for sharing the best programme put out by EWTN and their various, personalities. You her favorite priest have no idea how much you must have suffered when you include your prayer me! As well as all your brother Friars and all the time and he! Like you who are authentic and true a novena to St Anthony is coming your way back, but... Remember God is good all the others and their faithfulness in bringing us the Mass that... The hospital this month a few times for all day IV infusions that just around. Good all the time that is EWTN promised to find out that he be! Is in our hearts in this and your celebration of Holy Mass soon on air! A special blessing in my life needs of EWTN for some time our prayers for your return to Mass! Their heart is a real test of the faith that time words of guidance I prayers! Safe and return to the televised Mass at Mass and hearing your homilies at Mass and your... Father bless you Father Anthony has been said about someone whos been such a special part of EWTN Fr... My family and l can say Hes back you giving Mass today the highlight is listening to your in! Oh yes, Linda, I pray that he is not feeling.... Coming back our thoughts and prayers for you and practicing Catholic who owes my renewed faith to.... Much as Mother Anglica questions out of love and concern Mother in Nigeria asking why Anthony... Ewtn daily Mass of health and a return to daily Mass on.. Questions out of love and concern EWTN especially your homilies returning to EWTN on...

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did father anthony mary leave ewtn