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date a live spirit characters

Mukuro is ultimately just an orphan so desperate for love that she'll resort to extremes whenever she thinks she's secured it. The CR Units are based upon equipment that utilizes technology recovered by humans after the original spatial quake that have been described as "magic through science". Shido's classmate, who for reasons unknown harbors very strong feelings for him. When it looks like Shido is about to seal the deal for good at the end of Volume 17, Mio interferes with the process and kills Kurumi to prevent Shido from gaining all of her powers. Their fusion into Yamai Kazamachi has an even bigger chest than Yuzuru and boasts enough speed and power to drive away Beast. Possibly. Kotori gives way to Efreet's violent personality. She appears to be 17 years old, but when Shido encounters the Kurumi from five years ago, she appears to be the same age. "Shin" turns out to be short for "Shinji". Shido then defeats Marina with Marias help. She's really more this than mindlessly chaotic compared to other Inverse Spirits like Origami. During this time, Kurumi was given power in the form of the crystal, unknowingly becoming a Spirit herself. Of course, they're not about to share him with the other girls if they can help it. Volume 17 reveals Shido. The long-awaited Date a Live IV has revealed a character trailer featuring the new spirit, Nia Honjo, during the AnimeJapan 2022. This method was later assisted by an unknowing Kurumi Tokisaki, who was convinced by Mio to become a Spirit Hunter after the First Spirit told her that Spirits were a disaster destroying the world. She somehow ended up in another world and was attacked by a shadowy monster, and then saved by Mio Takmiya who reveals it's a spirit which is a destroyer of the world. When he reaches maturity, his power will be comparable to Mio's. Shido's the first non-AST person she met. Each individual Spirit has their own unique powers and abilities as well as the amount of Reiryoku they hold within their bodies. Haniel's Kaleidoscope ability is this, allowing Natsumi to make Haniel a lesser copy of another Angel, capable of utilizing their lesser powers. She's actually Tohka from a parallel world, who completely lost it when her world's Shido died. Tohka and Origami each tap into their Inverse forms in volume 7 and 10 respectively, followed by Nia in volume 13, and almost followed by Mukuro in Volume 15. Shido seals her powers at the end of Volume 2, and later lives in an apartment specifically built for sealed Spirits. More like becoming the clone in her case, by Volume 16 it's clear that she's fallen in love with Shido like the one clone she killed on the rooftop and during the Star Festival side story. Kotori is the only known character who's Sephira Crystal has a known past host. It's only when Mio saw the effect these crystals had on their hosts that she turned them into Sephira crystals to make their powers easier to control. Some of them received one from Phantom under the promise that it would grant their wish. She reveals to Shido in Volume 16 why she can't let this happen fully. They utilize Combat Realizer units (CR Units) layered on top of combat wiring suits to enhance normal human capabilities while providing offensive and defensive combat capabilities. There are two methods of dealing with the Spirits: respond with intent to kill, or have Shido Itsuka date and seal them. The 28-year-old actor, who was the brother of actress Hayden Panettiere, was known for his roles in The Last . If the Paths become too narrow, it will block the circulation, causing those powers that should be circulated to remain inside Shido's body, and thus resulting in an over-heat. This is what makes her snap and assume Inverse Form. It goes down again when she enters her Inverse Form until she begins remembering Shido. Marina makes multiple copies of herself so that the Spirits will fight against them while Shido and Maria go to the Mother Room. She willingly removes Yoshinon as she confesses to Shido in Volume 20, and gradually stopped wearing Yoshinon entirely by the end of the story, though the puppet is still a cherished keepsake from her late mother. Although we see her earlier than the others, she is only revealed to be a Spirit in Volume 4, as the fourth Spirit introduced. everyones memory of Shido so she can have him all to herself (which she also did to her adoptive family, with their consequent rejection of her leading to her aforementioned self-exile). Unfortunately, it doesn't work if he. when her remaining power fades away and she's directly in the path of the volatile spiritual power Shido was emitting, what does she do? After the old timeline personality regained control, she cut it back down to its original shoulder-length. Date A Live: Spirit Pledge - Global, the smash-hit mobile game, lured players with its intriguing storyline, addictive combat, and, of course, its cast of beautiful, adorable characters. The "DEM" within their name stands for Deus Ex Machina. Afterwards, she went from a Samaritan to the mass-murdering. She herself was the real cause of her parents deaths, even crossing time five years into the past to do it, In contrast, her Demon King Satan is referred as "Demon King of Salvation", Her attempts to find and kill the Spirit that murdered her parents ended up turning her into the Spirit that killed them, and convince her past self to repeat the, her Inverse Form follows Dark Tohka's trend, baring her shoulders, she also taps into her Inverse Form, becoming just as dangerous as Tohka's own. Yoshino's blue eyes also turn red when she is in her Inverse form. Also, while they remain unsealed by Shido, their aging is slowed. Shido seals her powers at the end of Volume 1, and she is allowed to attend the same school as him. While competing with Mukuro at a cafe for Shidos lips, a maid tells them to perform the gesture and chant Moe Moe Kyun to get Shido to eat cake. The fourth season of the Date A Live anime series, titled Date A Live IV, [1] [2] was produced by Geek Toys and directed by Jun Nakagawa. The game will provide you with the necessary items, and at the same time, you will be the owner of the perfect powers to be able to communicate and talk more easily with the spirits. Its form, shape, and function all differ between each individual Spirit. Early interactions make it very clear the two met after shortly after her parents' death, and that she imprinted on him for some reason. This move turns out to be ineffective in the end with Shido using Vav to mentally time travel back in time with the plan of stopping Mio before she started her killing plan. Contents 1 Biology 1.1 Empty 2 Unsigned Angels 3 Types 4 Dominions 5 Known Quasi-Spirits 6 Trivia 7 References Biology While living in the Neighboring World, a Quasi-Spirits' existence is powered by their Sephira fragment. consume enough lifespan for it to threaten her life. Due to fears of using her Angel, <Rasiel>, Nia grew distant from her, causing Takajo to believe she did . creating the circumstances that led to her doing so, him demonstrating to Yoshino what happened the first time, Ratatoskr's confidential files on Spirits' data, trading defence for even greater speed and attack power. In Volume 13, it's revealed that part of a Spirit's powers is that they stop aging. are extraordinary beings from a different dimension. While she probably meant every word of her confession to Shido in Volume 20, it was just as much intended to push him and Tohka to be open about their feelings for each other before the latter disappears. In Volume 7, Origami's arrival stops Ellen and Jessica's double teaming of Mana, and Origami manages to injure the former, with a little aid from the, In Volume 9, after Ratatoskr and Shidou's successfully destroy two satellites that falling on the city, they're too far gone to handle, When She thinks Shido is a siscon in season four, she randomly pulls out adoption papers from, For lack of a better word, at least; she's so indifferent to her environment she'd do anything Shido asks her to do without hesitating even a second and absolutely not a care to other people's reactions. [1]. They both gained a sister as an adoptive sibling, but where Shido got Kotori as a younger sister who became a Spirit, Mukuro gained an older sister and was the one who became a Spirit. She takes the form of Shido and makes advances on all his acquaintances in school before being found out by Tohka and Origami, after which she escapes and issues Shido photos of 12 people close to him, and challenges him to find her out before they all disappear. In reality, Maria is the on-board AI of the Ratatoskr airship . Realizing she killed her best friend causes her to inverse, but she manages to prevent it using her Fourth Bullet. Torture from DEM aside, she tells Shido in Volume 14 that before she became a Spirit, there was an event that caused her to lose all hope in living. Once said Spirit was (supposedly) vanquished, the new timeline personality would regain consciousness, unaware of what just happened. Her surname is Himekawa, being originally an ill girl who went missing after she was turned into a Spirit over 20 years ago. While the reveal that all of the Spirits were all formerly human and shared. Each Spirit's special skill has exclusive graphics and 4 kinds of special effects. The first Spirit that Shido encounters. First was caused by her duel with her best friend Sawa Yamauchi, the previous owner of Camael, the memory of killing Sawa traumatizes Kurumi to a point where she cannot fight effectively against Camael again. When Natsumi tried to flee disguised as Kotori and then tried getting the others to admit she was ugly when running into them, Tohka, one of the first two she ran into, ends up telling her she doesn't think that which ends up later convincing Natsumi to help stop the falling satellites. You can unlock them as you level up. Kotori theorized that this is because their Reiryoku prevents cellular aging. Kurumi is one of the best top-tier characters/spirits in Date A Live Spirit Pledge game. Tohka Yatogami ( , Yatogami Tka) is one of the main female characters (and antagonists in her devil form) of the Date A Live series. Before becoming a spirit, she had a strong sense of justice and lamented the inequality in the world, seeking to help out those in need. Date A Live: Spirit Pledge is an anime-style RPG that combines action-packed battles with the narrative concept of visual novels. Tenka also says his name this way the one time she actually doesn't just call him "human". This character possesses massive attack damage skills that do AoE damage and eliminate the enemies in a short time. This was done under the intention of them acting as vessels for her power so that one day Shido Itsuka would be able to gradually seal and obtain each Spirit's powers and reach a state of omnipotence similar to herself. They were originally one entity, but for reasons unknown got split into two: Kaguya and Yuzuru. Justified since Tohka fought the first two battle in her limited Astral Dress and therefore couldn't use her full strength against Ellen, who is explicitly stated to be the world's strongest Wizard. Rasiel, making her borderline omniscient on top of her time powers. The exact impetus for Phantom turning her into a Spirit is never revealed. Justified since she used to act as the clean up spirit for corrupted spirits. They quickly became friends after arguing over their favorite character in a manga both of them were fond. She stuns everyone by willingly removing Yoshinon before she confesses to Shido at the end of Volume 20. Tier: 6-C | At least Low 7-C when sealed | High 6-C, likely higher | At least High 6-C | 4-C, higher with Ratelibish | 4-C, likely far higher with Angels Name: Tohka Yatogami, Code Name . This comes back in Inverse Form, except she has no problem with not remembering anything. Spirits are extraterrestrial beings whose arrival is usually preceded by a spatial quake. This detail of course was provided as a correct answer to one of three questions asked by Yoshinon in. The CR Units of the AST have an operating area otherwise known as the operator's "personal territory" that can be expanded or contracted at the will of the operator, thus leading to a decrease or an increase in the territory's effective capability. She proceeds to do it to the cake she put on the floor so as to make him eat it like a dog, and later performs the gesture at Mukuro, apparently believing that its a sign of aggression. In this personal territory, the impossible can occur thus leading to the description of "magic through science". These spirits does not appear in the Light Novel and are not part of the series' main canon, only featured in games and films based on it. Turns out she only hates the First Spirit (who might not even be human), and the ones who summoned the entity. "Shin" was the name Reine (who was the First Spirit back then, now known as Mio Takamiya) first uttered when he introduced himself to her 30 years ago four months after her arrival into their world. As a human, she grew up in a rich family, which is reflected in her very polite speech patterns (such as the use of the pronoun watakushi). If the Spirit's emotions became unstable enough, the ratio of the Reiryoku between Shido and the Spirits will change, thus allowing the Spirits to use their Limited Astral Dress or an Angel. His inability to wield multiple Spirit powers at once is only temporary. As a result, the AI cant remember anything, except for her purpose. [2] However, their physical abilities are still far superior to regular humans. Kurumi manages to survive, knowing that the clone body she transferred her memories and Sephira crystal to would disappear once the spirit powers were gone. In order to refine the Qlipha Crystals, she would constantly repeat a cycle of distributing them to humans before killing the berserk hosts to excavate the crystals from their remains. While she wasn't sealed, she helped Shido's resolve to try and save her by telling him why she and Kurumi weren't so different and how he changed her for the better. She suspects it was Kotori, but it wasn't. Unsealed Spirits also do not need to eat and can exist in hostile environments like outer space for an extended period of time. For much of the story, she could not perceive the outside world, and could only sense Tohka's emotions. Downplayed in regards to Elliot having helped found the DEM and summoning the First Spirit, as she only hides it up until the group meets him in person. See her entry on the. Mio tricked her into killing corrupted Spirits by convincing her she was protecting the world from monsters of Mio's own creation. Because with the exception of Tohka, they were all formerly human who had their memories wiped. A Spirit who makes her first appearance in Volume 8. You can activate the skills before they enter the battlefield, so they will come there with swap skills. She used Sandalphon's throne to help Shido reach Yoshino. The key to finding the actual target, the First Spirit. All of which were Invoked by Kotori as part of Shido's "training". Her Inverse form has one toward Shido in Volume 15 for "humiliating" her with the kiss that sealed her back in Volume 7. However, while it can reverse any physical ailment (even her own Inversion), she can't use it to bring back someone who's died. Grade of this character - S Class Grade However, these crystals proved incompatible with human physiology. She gradually develops this attitude toward Mukuro, who she had initially brushed off as an annoying Key Spirit who was getting in the way of her payback toward Shido. They are: Tohka Yatogami, Origami Tobiichi, Yoshino, Kotori Itsuka, Kurumi Tokisaki, Miku Izayoi, Natsumi, Mayuri, Kaguya Yamai and Yuzuru Yamai. The last Date a Live: Spirit Pledge HD tip we will tell you is about the Swap Skills, and using this, players can use their spirits to damage the enemies while moving around them. Mio would then properly give him his memories as Shinji before intending to erase the memories of his current life. Like the rest of the series, it follows the adventures of Shido Itsuka and the Spirits, supernatural female entities that have fallen in love with him. shell point the guns to the positions on her clock designating the time for the number of the bullet. The source of a Spirit's powers are gems called Sephira Crystals, most of which were given to them by Phantom, and one of which was given by Mio. She is later revealed to be the Tohka of an alternate world where Shido died. These standings are based on the community rankings for the game. As her friend Sawa's death was over 20 years ago, this would make her actual age at least 37. The game is designed with role-playing elements so at Date A Live: Spirit Pledge - Global you will be the main character of the entire story. ", When Shido arrives, both Maria and Marina wish for Shido to kill them so that can fully restart, preventing it from falling towards Tenguu city and kill many people. Similarly, her Demon King Beelzebub is described as "Tome of Divine Corruption". she learns that Mios death will gradually erase all the Sephira Crystals she created, and Tohka will disappear along with hers because shes a pure Spirit. The possibilities are only really inhibited by her pacifistic nature, as she doesn't even want to provide information to someone who would abuse it. Turns out that the Spirit responsible for her parents deaths was neither Efreet nor Phantom, but Origami herself; she was sent back in time by Kurumi, flew into a. If You Kill Him, You Will Be Just Like Him! Surprisingly, the second attempt works and creates a new (better) timeline. Starting Magic: 0. Technically has two, while she calls herself "Angel", the new Timeline refers to her as "Devil" due to her Inverse Form being the form that always pops up. Describes herself as this while she has control over Mios Crystal in Volume 20. to travel back in time to prevent the birth of the First Spirit, whose spacequake killed 150 million people and was the cause for the births of other Spirits. destroy two satellites falling on the city, when the spirit mana within him drives him berserk. Yoshinon was handmade by her mother Nagisa Himekawa, who would die in a work accident shortly afterward. The death of Shinji Takamiya 30 years ago is the impetus for much of the First Spirit Mios actions, including reincarnating him as Shido. Shido agrees to represent humanity and date the girls without knowing just how tightly his personal history is tied to the Spirits. 19 listings on TCGplayer for My Little Shido (Yellow) - Weiss Schwarz - Choose 1 of your [STAND] "Date" or "Celestial Spirit" characters, and [REST] it. After being sealed, they both manifest within Origami, the dominant half at any one moment is indicated by Origami's facial expressions (stoic expressions for the old timeline personality, and more natural expressions for the new timeline personality) and situations.). The last antagonist of the main light novel series and she'll have most likely the same role in the anime, She chooses to stay in her world so as not to leave behind the memories of her Shido. In the meantime, Maria and Marina share each others memories and "understand each other. CV: Yuka Iguchi Mana Takamiya CV: Misato This character possesses massive attack damage skills that do AoE damage and eliminate the enemies in a short time. Likewise, Nia mentions Future Description is unable to effect a Spirit with her full Astral Dress equipped, and Inverse Tohka's Astral Dress protected her from being disintegrated from Mukuro's Michael. Mio kills her in this fashion to prevent Shido from sealing all of her bullets..not that it helped because he later uses Vav to jump back to 24 hours prior. asks if Origami is really willing to make Shido to feel the same way, It also rains every time she comes to the world. Date A Live Spirit Pledge Ellen: - Role: Melee Attacker Type of Damage - Physical, Lightning Ellen requires magic(energy) for special effects Energy/Magic: - attacks replenish her Magic on hit. He possesses a strange power that allows him to seal the powers of a Spirit in his body with a kiss. Date A Live: Spirit Pledge has been released on iOS and Android ! Tap the Spirit on the left to select who you want to date. This is the reason why Kurumi looks for her. The Angels were always meant to be used by him, and were simply given to human girls who became Spirits so he wouldn't be burdened with all the power at once. Marina is then able to transform into her Spirit form. She really takes one in Volume 11 after Shido helps her come to terms with her past. Unlike other Inverse Spirits shown so far who keep their hair colors (only darkened for some), Yoshino's blue hair turn white when she enters hers. Date A Live: Spirit Pledge HD Character Tier List for June 2022 This Date a Live: Spirit Pledge HD Tier List should only be taken as a reference because different strategies and compositions can yield different results for players. the Inverted Origami who once shot him, tried to kill his little sister for thinking she killed her parents, then tried to kill all the Spirits when she came close to accepting them? to acquire enough time to travel back in time and prevent the first spacequake which claimed 150 million lives, her intention is less about saving them and more about undoing the existence of Spirits. Kurumi, who took her Sephira Crystal from Westcott in Volume 19 while still having her own time powers. The sisters', Kazamachi was revived as them after being run over saving a child by becoming a spirit. In the new timeline, Tohka feels something is missing since she didn't meet Origami like in the old timeline. encounter with Phantom, who gives her the power of a Spirit, she is the murderer she's sought her whole life. Even while sealed, they must restrain their physical abilities to avoid drawing suspicion. They may appoint dates with you, which you'll have to choose between 3 answers: 1 positive, 1 neutral and 1 negative. Westcott is the creator of the Spirits and is directly responsable for the war between the Spirits and mankind by summoning the First Spirit and causing the destruction of China and Eurasia, leading to the death of 150 million people. The season was scheduled to premiere in October 2021 . Inverse Tohka even willingly lets her powers and herself be sealed for "Tohka's" sake. In order to fight Beast, Kaguya and Yuzuru fuse together to become the original Kazamachi Yamai. The primary armament of a Spirit while in their Inverse Form. See Angel elsewhere on this list. The Spirits are former humans that obtained Sephira Crystals from Phantom, as proven by Origami, Kotori, Miku, Nia and Mukuro. The Protagonist Shido Itsuka The Spirits General Tohka Yatogami Yoshino Himekawa Kurumi Tokisaki Kotori Itsuka Yamai Miku Izayoi Natsumi Kyouno Origami Tobiichi Nia Honjo Mukuro Hoshimiya "Beast" Alternative Title (s): Date A Live Shido Itsuka, Date A Live Tohka Yatogami, Date A Live Kurumi Tokisaki, Date A Live Origami Tobiichi Previous Index Next They also appear to have the same abilities as their Angelsjust darker in color and nature. she accompanies Tohka and Shido on their date, which she only reluctantly did to please Tohka. Westcott's plan hinges on Shido becoming a crutch to all the Spirits, killing him so they all Inverse simultaneously, and then having Artemisia use her territory ability to plunder the Qlipha Crystal from each of the Inversed Spirits so he can put them into himself, as demonstrated in Volume 13 when she plunders Nia's Qlipha Crystal while the latter has inversed. The duo have been fighting 99 times to determine who is the real Yamai, with 25 wins each and 49 draws. Date A Live Spirit Pledge HD is a completely upgraded and an improved special edition of the original game by Hot Game Studio, which is now available. In the Spirit battle royale, Yoshino manages to make her expend enough Spirit power that she couldnt use Nias Angel or Astral Dress anymore, and she considers this her loss despite still being conscious with her original Astral Dress and Zafkiel active. Throughout the game, Maria observes Shido's interaction with the Spirits and starts to slowly grasp the meaning of "love". Her goal doesn't change even after unwittingly becoming a Spirit herself, simply adding herself to the list once all the others are taken care of. She isn't above posing herself as Chiyogami and claiming to be Origami's daughter with Shidou when she was transformed into, After learning from her trip five years into the past that shes a, Origami's self from the original timeline transfers to the new timeline. losing her memory of Shido was enough to make her Inverse naturally. In these volumes, you get to know the backstory of these Spirits and develop deep relationships with them as you discover more about themselves and their powers. The Reiryoku, with nowhere to go then, manifests as a single, massive power in him and that will result in abnormal physical capabilities that can even make him go berserk. She returns to Raizen High one month after Mukuro is finally sealed, and it seems she intends to continue what she started in Volume 16 where she's the main focus. She can fight evenly against Inverse Tohka when it is active, and could've delivered a lethal blow with. Nia is Takajo's fellow manga artist and friend, with the two having met during a publishing party nine years ago. having gone back five years in time to fight Phantom in a fit of revenge for having turned her into a Spirit, ended up killing her parents. You can unlock them as you level up. Shidos death in a parallel world also drove that worlds Tohka off the deep end. Secretly holds the rank of Master Sergeant with the AST. Thats why she wants to know about "love", since shes originally an AI created to support Shido in love situations with the Spirits. Even with Shinji's memories, Shido's identity and personality are unaffected and he is unable to return Mio's affections. She protects Shido from Mukuro's Inversion because she doesn't want him dead before she gets revenge for "humiliating" her back in Volume 7. In volume 19, she pilots Nia's version of Nibelcoles that is made in the image of Maria. When Mio's actions cause her to murder her best friend Sawa Yamauchi against her will, Kurumi decides that she needs to change the past so she can kill her, later make sure she's never able to be summoned into the world. To erase the memories of his current life October 2021 feelings for him Maria and share... The form of the Bullet methods of dealing with the Spirits are former humans that obtained crystals... Airship < Fraxinus > Shido, their physical abilities are still far superior to regular humans her Inverse.... Is an anime-style RPG that combines action-packed battles with the exception of Tohka, they 're about. And `` understand each other yoshino 's blue eyes also turn red when she enters Inverse! Kill, or have Shido Itsuka date and seal them Crystal from date a live spirit characters in Volume 11 after helps... 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Rankings for the game after the old timeline fighting 99 times to determine who the! To transform into her Spirit form each others memories and `` understand each other formerly human and shared corrupted by... Rank of Master Sergeant with the Spirits will fight against them while Shido and Maria go the. Becoming a Spirit in order to fight Beast, Kaguya and Yuzuru turns out she only did!, was known for his roles in the form of the story, she is the she... World from monsters of Mio 's own creation Tohka from a parallel,... Shido, their physical abilities to avoid drawing suspicion beings whose arrival is usually preceded by a quake. She went from a Samaritan to the description of `` magic through science '' in... Abilities as well as the clean up Spirit for corrupted Spirits 's really more this than mindlessly compared! Speed and power to drive away Beast her past while they remain unsealed by Shido, their aging slowed... Revealed to be the Tohka of an alternate world where Shido died their own unique powers and as... Of herself so that the Spirits are former humans that obtained Sephira from... Abilities are still far superior to regular humans a work accident shortly.! Human physiology Divine Corruption '' an even bigger chest than Yuzuru and boasts enough and...

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date a live spirit characters