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darlie routier dna results 2021

The Routier family is not bound by any of that. Doug Mulder: You didnt remove it, did you? There was absolutely nothing to indicate anyone had gone into the garage and through the window; coming in or going out. Blood found pooling at the tip of the knife indicated that blood had run down the knife from the handle. Back to the 911 call, around 4 minutes into the call Darlie can be heard telling the first officer on the scene, David Waddell, Look out in the garage. On June 18, 1996, Rowlett Police detectives asked Darlie to come once again to the police station for addition questions. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on August 10, 2018: Wanttobeleive, I'm curious as well, what do you think the defense didn't have time to prepare for. Tonight we share a cig between our homes with our babies safe inside. July 1, 2011. And let's face it, if someone had been hired to come into the house and kill Darlie and possibly some children, they would have done it with a gun, not a knife. While gathering evidence in the kitchen, Sgt. of Criminal Justice, in Gatesville, Texas, after being convicted of murdering her youngest son, 5-year old Damon. It will take some time now for my mixed emotions to one way, I feel a sense of relief that I finally know Darlie is guilty & I don't need to obsess over this case for another day. As far as facts are concerned, was it also not a fact that somebody attacked Darlie. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on February 09, 2018: It ceases to amaze me how certain individuals on the Darlie support sites just keep saying they don't understand how and why Darlie Kee keeps "defending" Darin. This author's name is used in effigy as many times as the clock ticks among this group. Numerous items from the crime scene were submitted. Making the call is Darlie Routier, the mother of three boys, Devon, Damon, and Drake, and the wife of Darin. darlie routier dna results 2021. Then with the element of surprise on his side, the intruder attacks her but for some unknown reason he completely changes his attack style by performing slashes, not high force stabs as he did on the children. She was her own worst enemy on the witness stand under cross examination. During the trial, Dr. Alejandro Santos, the trauma surgeon that closed Darlie's wounds was called to testify. Ultimately, on February 1, 1997, Darlie was convicted for the murder of her 5-year-old son, Damon. The knife block on the counter in the Routier kitchen. So, on the witness stand, most likely under the advice of counsel. True confession: I have finally been able to come to terms with my inability to take a firm stand. Doug Mulder: Okay. All three were sleeping in the family room on the first floor of their upscale home. I dont think hed sleep in jeans and if you hear panic (especially if it involves your family) in your home you wont take time to dress at least I dont think you would instinct would be to run help. He could have been, let's say, stabbed one or two times, and then two other times just before calling 911 (or during the 911 call). They go on other support sites and slander your name, make wild accusations about you, and basically set themselves up to be the receiver of a serious libel suit, which this author has been seriously considering with one particular individual. New evidence may allow former Lubbock resident Darlie Routier to walk free after being on death row for the last 12 years. Dr Santos testified that under any other circumstances he probably would have discharged her later that morning. When you put information together, read articles, watch Youtube, pick a part information. TWO innocent lives lost in a bloody bath people! SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on July 05, 2018: fedematias, the link worked fine when I tried it just now. Anytime someone questions that or the evidence, people are quick to pounce. On November 15, 1996 (about 2 months before the trial) prosecutors publicly suggested that Darin might have helped Darlie stage the crime scene to mislead investigators. I've been looking at her other Hubs, that is the most ridiculous bunch of made up BS I've ever read, I mean she's really outdone herself and she's getting worse. Facebook has a group calling themselves "The Extreme Darlie Support Group." Were they coerced and threatened to lie in court? However, new DNA tests for her case have been ordered due to technological advancements. Darlie Routier is on death row, convicted of murdering her two sons. He stated that she was standing in the kitchen area talking on the phone (to the 911 operator still) and holding a towel to her neck. All this proves is that thorough investigative police work took place. Shook told her they had been intercepted by her jailers. Dean Poos, Public Information Officer (PIO) for the Rowlett Police Department issued (shown here in part) the following press release: On the morning of Thursday, June 6th, 1996, an investigation began into the murders of Damon and Devon Routier. Darlie Routier had no medical certification or training of any kind. ", He explained that it does nothing but interfere time wise with his appeals work on Darlie's case. He lived there, of course his hair is going to be in the house and if he wore that sock, it's not at all unusual that fibers would be found in his shoe. The only other kind of evidence is direct evidence which means there was an eyewitness to the crime. He not only failed the examination, he failed it big time. Have a good day! No offense to the author of this brilliant article, but the Routier double murder is one simple clearcut case, which should be proven by one equation: NO INTRUDER = GUILTY! Their "facts" consist of hearsay and theory which would not hold up and obviously didn't hold up in a court of law. We already have so much on him. It all would have had to happen quickly considering the fact that Damon was still alive when EMS and law enforcement arrived. Darlie supporters love to direct people to an old CBS 20/20 special taped 18 years ago in 1999, hosted by moderator Sylvia Chase. 8) never knew about dog til your blog. There is no way she could have committed suicide. Darlie speaks with the dispatcher and says that an intruder has broken into her home and stabbed her two boys, five-year-old Damon and six-year-old Devon, and attacked her by slitting her throat. This included interviews with the original investigating detectives and evidence collection technicians. Race and Gender of Victim PARCHMAN: What we're talking about, a few to several more minutes. Dismay, that you seem unwilling to even show a half-hearted attempt at applying logic to what is so obvious. Update 1/19: The Darlene Routier home has been temporarily taken off the market. The home at 5801 Eagle Drive in Rowlett is a member of an exclusive club that no Realtor wants their listing to be a part of. Dr. Santos: Yes. Finally found voices of reason about this case! The have financial problems but he increases the life policy. He had been sitting in his police cruiser in a church parking lot doing paperwork just a few blocks away. Further, I can't bring myself to look at pictures of those gorgeous little Angels while knowing they are gone, that their own mother took their lives and in such an egregious incomprehensible way. The 3rd and 4th and fourth stabs affected the shoulder and leg. What was the motive behind 50 some individuals all getting together and lying and framing an innocent woman? Prosecutor Toby Shook brought him in to the courtroom in front of the jury while Darlie was on the witness stand. luo xiao min from California on August 09, 2018: Wanttobelieve, with all due respect (i really mean it). It was off when officers arrived 3 and 4 minutes after the 911 call. Thank you! ON A BLISTERING HOT DAY IN JUNE, A stunned Darin Routier sat in the back of a Rowlett police car, listening on a cellular phone as his mother-in-law told him an astonishing thing: His wife, Darlie . This action was also successfully duplicated in the lab with a blood spatter expert wearing a white t-shirt using the actual evidence knife and mimicking a stabbing motion with blood on the blade. As for the actual murders; simply a window of opportunity fueled by a fit of rage towards her husband that night. In her book "Precious Angels" Barbara Davis wrote During one of (Detective) Pattersons visits at the hospital to check on Darlie, he mentioned that the dog had been barking like crazy and would not shut up. Cheers! Although portrayed as a loving doting mother in home videos, some neighbors and acquaintances stated that they noticed that Darlie had begun to not pay very close attention to the children when they were outside and often seemed aggravated when they were around. The reader may recall the words of OJ Simpson when he was found not guilty. 93). Greg Davis: Did you look over to see if a rag or towel or anything had been placed on Damons back? ", SOURCE: Dallas Morning News, July 4, 1996, by Michael Saul. I have a question you can likely answer. They said she spoke of being tired of the repetitive arguments with Darin over money and she had been planning a trip with her girlfriends to Cancun, Mexico, later that summer. Darlie had obviously lied about placing a towel on Damon. Allison had become friends with Darlie when she was 16. Justice is long overdue and they all know it and their desperate. Darlie testified on the witness stand that beside the paramedics, there were up to six firefighters in the house. There was a lot of information they felt the public didn't get to hear and evidence that could prove an innocent woman is sitting on death row for a crime she did not commit. ", A copy of the 2015 DNA test results can be found here: Some of the local children even compared the house to a popular video game. Dispatchers with EMD certification provide 911 centers with trained personnel that can give a 911 caller pre-EMS arrival medical instructions in accordance with local medical protocols as defined by the local medical director. Both letters stated " I know who did it, Glenn did, I saw him. No cuts were found under either one of her arms. A few hours later (the same day) after re-examining some evidence, all 12 jurors found Darlie Routier guilty of capital murder (1st degree) of her son Damon Routier. They bought an SUV, bought a Jaguar, bought a 30 foot cabin cruiser, installed a large somewhat gaudy fountain complete with running water and lights in their front yard, and had a $9,000 redwood spa built in the backyard. SClemmons- "It is all in how you tell your story.just tell the story right". I thought you wrote this brilliant article in response to her Looney Tune nonsense. As far as excessive traffic in and around the actual crime scene, Lt Jack was adamant about preserving the crime scene and keeping it secure. Susanna Reid investigates whether Death Row inmate Darlie Routier is an innocent woman who tragically lost her two sons, or a twisted killer who stabbed her own boys in cold blood An. Like Poof! Why? I strongly recommend that you read them in their entirety. Those imbeciles they dont want to hear it, all they want to hear/read is their "reasonable doubt", crap like "a botched investigation, a framework, the unidentified half-size fingerprint the silly string, the missing tape showing poor darlie crying me a river". What Darlie told police investigators and the prosecutors in court simply did not match the crime scene. One of them is that of Darlie Lynn Routier, who has spent the last 24 years on death row after being convicted of the 1996 murder of one of her sons while being accused of killing the other. As of 2021, the results of these tests are still pending.Routier's case has been the subject of multiple books and television shows. The majority of the items were samples from the nightshirt Darlie wore on the night of the murders, but other samples included fingerprints on a knife blade handle, (The murder weapon) a swab from the sweatband of a cap, 2 buccal (saliva) swabs from Darlie, and a sample from a sock found outside of the house containing blood stains belonging to both of her boys. Routier, Darlie Lynn: TDCJ Number: 999220: Date of Birth: 01/04/1970: Date Received: 02/05/1997: Age (when Received) 27: Education Level (Highest Grade Completed) 12: . She may have said she wanted a divorce thinking that he would say something to the effect of.."No Darlie, please..we can work this out" While in actuality after being fed up with her nonstop complaining about the money, he may have said "Fine, I agree, let's do it, pack up your stuff in the morning and get out." Having her little plan backfire on her, and knowing she would have to return to the past life she so much despised, could have made her reach the boiling point. Her testimony most likely hastened the trial and the deliberation time of the jury, but the evidence alone had her convicted with or without her testimony. While moving from one home to another, her 2-year-old daughter, Mariah, died. Darin told a next door neighbor he was shook up and asked him if would drive him to the hospital. Then while in jail awaiting trial over the course of Nov. 1, 2, and 3, 1996, she wrote a series of letters to family and friends. Darin passed this version of her story on to Child Protective Services worker, Jamie Johnson, when she interviewed him. Darlie will turn on the charm and the tears and use her "I'm the true victim here" little girl voice, convincing nearly each person that met with her that there was no way she could have murdered her sons. ABC's crew filmed outside the former Routier house in Rowlett. She was convicted by a jury of her peers and was sentenced to death by lethal injection. 73 (44%) of the sentences are unintelligible and marked so on the transcript. At around 10:30 pm, Routier's husband, Darin, took . Hopefully they realize quickly that shes a liar and a murderer and they use their precious resources for people that are ACTUALLY innocent. All the surgeon (Dr, Santos) did was take a peek at the cut, cleanse it, and close it right back up. Recent photo of now 51 year old Darlie Routier on death row. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on January 10, 2018: Wow Jade, that is news. The Judge told him, well take satan with you to jail. She came to, realized what was going on, and began a coverup to protect her husband from being arrested. Fortunately, Toby Shook had other people in the conference room where she was being interviewed and everyone in the room said Shook did not do that. Darlie supporters will try to make you think she fought for her life with what doctors described as a "superficial laceration.". And after you read it, your takeaway was 'Maybe Satanists did it'??? campbell river men's league; nina baden semper death in paradise; como usar la punta de su cola la serpiente de cascabel; ferrets for sale portsmouth; bancomer wire instructions; body found in calgary today; It was quite difficult to open or close because it dragged the ground. If I'm not mistaken, the episode was released in 2015, and the evidence reviewed by the experts in 2014. Thank you. The only way Darlie Routier is leaving death row is in a body bag and on that day a bunch of us are going to be there to represent the victims, two butchered little boys and were going to chew gum and spray silly string roughly around 6:25ish PM on that day. PERSONAL ATTACKS ON OTHER PEOPLE DUE TO A DIFFERENCE IN OPINION WILL NOT BE TOLERATED AND THE COMMENT WILL NOT BE POSTED. By the paramedics request, a Rowlett fire department engine company was dispatched to the house to assist with CPR on Damon, however, they never entered the house. Both medics were asked in court if Darlie was visibly upset and crying in the house and they both said she wasn't crying but there was a lot of shouting going on. DA Toby Shook instructing the courtroom bailiff to be sure to show the photo of her large underarm (Right arm) bruise to every single juror. I could see an argument, a discussion, and a quick plan between the two of them to get stories consistent before the 911 call was made. The reason for that is that I'm doing my own research on the case by reading court transcripts and any other source that could be of help. 536. Later that night she was arrested and charged with two counts of capital murder. In this initial version, there was no mention of Damon tapping on her shoulder, or saying mommy, mommy, mommy, or a man rubbing a knife blade on her face as she told Officer Matt Walling and Barbara Jovel. Who's to say that nick wasn't in the chain when she purchased it? Darlie and her family of course maintain her innocence, but what family says their loved one convicted of crime is guilty? 1970. The investigators discovered a motion sensor light on the redwood spa the Routier's had installed in the backyard. There has to be a black car, all bad guys wear black; and according to Darlie the supposed intruder had a black cap and a black t-shirt on, so it makes sense they would drive a black car. Awesome article on the case, SClemmons. Hi Fed, I have answer for you. I find it laughable that people watch Dateline or some other t.v. Fortunately he had not been harmed. They appear clean, well nourished, they wear nice clothes, and had plenty of toys to play with, The Routier house seemed to be sort of the hangout for neighborhood children. As difficult as it is emotionally to accept this, the forensic evidence cannot be ignored. Darlie Kee and Darin appeared in the June, 2018 ABC documentary: The Last Defense. Thank you for taking the time to present this thorough examination of the case. The evidence was submitted to the UNT Health Science Center, Department of Medical and Molecular Genetics in Fort Worth, Texas, for DNA testing. Kathy Cruz, author of the book, Dateline Purgatory: Examining the Case that Sentenced Darlie Routier to Death, (A book that contends Darlie is innocent) stated: "That sock is the most important piece of evidence in this entire case," It is important, but not the most important. Kezzy is batshit crazy, but she doesn't generally descent to the level of incoherence, Just a minor correction, but the utility room had several drips and splotches of blood on the utility room floor. This author believes in the strong possibility that Darin may have called Darlie's bluff when she asked for a divorce. What is it?' They cited fibers found on Darin's tennis shoes matched fibers from a sock stained with the boys' blood. Just letting you know ABC doing a program on Darlie on June 12th, hosted by Viola Davis and her husband and titled "the last defense" Darin will be making an appearance on this program. The problem with the cherry picking tactic is that it directly suppresses evidence or additional information that could lead to a more complete picture; which of course is the intent of the author. It's not outright lying per se, it's more like just not providing all the information in its entirety. There's not a lot to say about this except mentioning that a black car driving through a populated sub division in a busy residential Dallas suburb wouldn't be all that unusual. None of these were connected to the murders. Unfortunately, many if not most newcomers to the Darlie Routier case are immediately fed propaganda and manipulated facts of the case due to the large number of Darlie supporter blogs and websites. And by the way, Paul Joseph Goebbels (if you even know who he was) spelled his name with 2 "B's," not 2 "LL's.". Sorry Mr. Phillips, but I stand by my own personal opinion along with the opinion of the prosecution and the decision of the jury. These denunciator's are simply repeating things they've read on an Internet Darlie support site or saw on a YouTube video which prompts them to say "Oh, the police botched up that crime scene." I went over and picked up the knife. If the Routier dog barked at every strange noise as stated, Darin, Darlie and the boys could have easily grown accustomed to the barking and tuned it out as well. Darin denied involvement of any kind and said the examination results were wrong. Both officers testified to these different stories during the trial. No Y-STR results were obtained from 10-2589-502. It is just so arbitrary. Police officers Wade and Ferrie testified in court that were posted at the front door and were ordered not to let anyone in the house during the investigation. As obvious as that towel is next to Devon's body, how could paramedic Brian Koschak not have seen it when he checked on Devon? Mrs. Routier has been charged with two counts of Capital Murder stemming from the stabbing deaths of her sons Damon (age 5) and Devon (age 6) This arrest is the result of the most intensive and exhaustive investigation ever conducted by the Rowlett Police Department. only contained her blood and not used to aid the children. So, if money was the motive, they said, why did she leave Darin unharmed, who had an $800,000 insurance policy? this evening, investigators from the Rowlett Police Department arrested Darlie Routier (white female, age 26). Luminol application indicated at least two of her footprints had been wiped up. I will no longer answer any comments. Episode Summary. The Innocence Project's National Office has decided to throw its weight into the appeal of Darlie Routier, the Rowlett woman on death row for the 1996 deaths of her two young sons. Hi, I enjoyed your article very much. Darlie Routier denies her guilt. She originally told Officer Waddell that the intruder awakened her, she screamed, and after fighting with him at the end of the bar, (Located between the kitchen and the family room) he ran on through the kitchen, through the utility room, and into the garage area. Bevel and Linch are two con artists, just read the transcripts (I doubt you actually did). luo xiao min from California on April 04, 2018: Anita Hasch, "However, we weren't there, sohow an anybody know what happened"? All of this can be found on and They proceeded transporting to Baylor Medical Center, Dallas, but he died enroute. Two hand towels were found and photographed in the hallway, but both only had Darlie's blood on them where she had been holding them to her neck. A few years later an investigator representing another innocence project group by the name of Bill Clutter looked into the case, and then again, in 2003, David Camm and the University of Indiana looked at the case; Barry Scheck (of the OJ Simpson defense Team) showed no interest nor did the Innocence Texas group. Even if Darin told her Drake was fine before she dialed 911, what mother wouldn't rush upstairs to see for herself that her baby was ok? Amna Nawaz: In 2007, Melissa Lucio was the mother of 12 children, pregnant with twins and struggling to provide for them. In it, the guy asks Stamford about the way the episode portrayed him (looks like the program portrayed him as if the investigator had changed his mind), and that many supporters were asking themselves whether he had changed his mind about Darlies innocence. According to Barbara Davis' book, Precious Angels, family member Jackie Rogers stated that the way Darlie ordered Devon around and "beat him down" she considered it emotional abuse. In the years that have followed, Darlie has filed two appeals on the grounds of alleged irregularities during her trial, but they have been denied. So you got the towels? luo xiao min from California on June 23, 2018: Reading through the comments is a jaw-dropping and sickening expenerience to me. Im curious to see how the innocence project handles this case. It was very traumatic, so after going through something so traumatic and watching my parents especially my mom I can't criticize Darlie much. ZERO evidence, and even Darlie herself has never made such a claim. 3 in Dallas County TX, by Judge Audra Riley. KRLD News Hi yall! As mentioned previously, a knife imprint was discovered near Devon's body but from the blood marks around it and lack of spatter marks, it appeared to have been laid there rather than dropped there. I never will be able to wrap my brain & certainly not my heart around such an evil, unthinkable crime upon one's own babies. I do recall the defense tried to make an issue out of the photo marked states exhibit 38B (I think) which shows what appears to be a possible transfer print of some type that was presumed to have come from officer Wadell's boot as he went around the kitchen and started to enter the garage. Almost nobody believes the "Intruder" theory for many of the reasons discussed, and ALL (not much, not some, not most) of the evidence inside the house points to Darlie. Obviously, if a retrial were somehow granted it still wouldn't change the forensic evidence that convicted her. Why only bruises? This is the one area where I, the author, disagree with the prosecution. While there has been a lot of activity in the past year concerning the Routier case, nothing has occurred concerning defense efforts to move the post conviction proceedings through the court system, Cooper said. The overwhelming evidence against Darlie, and Darin's failing the polygraph convinced Pardo to drop his financial assistance. It seems only fitting to lead off this segment with a seldom referenced fact that you won't hear the Darlie supporters ever mention. Lt. Jack told Cron that he had the same gut feeling after he heard Darlie's account of what happened and compared it to the scene. Those of us on this site devoted to justice for two murdered little boys dont just smell bullshit a mile away we smell it across country. There also appeared to be wiped up blood smears on the water faucet and the sprayer as well. But. As you point out, so much of what we watch or read is often a persons point of view or created from an agenda. However, their life seemed perfect otherwise. And more directly, why are you making general comments about the case RATHER THAN making a comment about the article? It's me Camijust wanted you to know that the Facebook pages are hopping after The Last Defense seriessome posters have picked up your blog and everyone is commenting what a great blog it is, well researched and factual. Darlie in the hospital with her wounds. This was only 8 days after his brutal murder. If anyone is guilty as sin it's Darlie. This is mentioned here because some Darlie supporters use the 911 call in attempts to discredit the testimony of the first arriving Rowlette police officer, David Waddell. Blood drops on top of drops found here indicate that Darlie stood here bleeding for some time. To date, Routier has not been tried for Devon's murder. Pardo to drop his financial assistance experts in 2014 interviewed him Santos testified under. With Darlie when she asked for a divorce, Mariah, died with. 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darlie routier dna results 2021