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shanann watts' car

How long has been since Thrive or MLM has entered the media narrative, or any narrative regarding this case? Her car, which still contained the children's car seats, was in the garage. Reading the transcripts again and honing in on the things Nichole K. said it sounds like she gave mixed messages to the investigator but more importantly to Watts. Chris Watts Case: What would Sherlock Holmes Do? It was a needless and cruel thing to do to a mother. And hed just have to convince her that they truly did leave him, and now hes totally free. She changed it to Shanann. All of the dog handler reports are in the document dump. Did he think this would all go away and he could take Nichole out on another date? So far I dont believe details have emerged about this dark period in Shananns life in North Carolina; however, it seems to mirror her approach to finances and life in Colorado. The autopsy report said that Shanann had a "history of being reported. There may be charges out there but were simply unable to locate them. Sheer boredom with covid lock in lead me to his prison interviews, sort of lets see what the douche bag has to say for his sorry skin. He was penniless when i met him but he was ashamed to tell me. Chris HAD to get into Shannan's Lexus even BEFORE he went into his house to pretend he was looking f If youre all trying to find a good reason for all this, look more into that. They met in 2010 and were married in Mecklenburg County on November 3, 2012, according to online records. In his twisted thought pattern, he thought he was helping that along. Rumors are circulating that Shanann was having an affair with her boss, and that this is what ended her relationship with the anonymous Mr. King. It also meant he would necessarily need to use the Lexus himself, and Shananns Facebook does show Watts often behind the wheel, while she is in the passenger seat. Munchausen? The only one that may feel sorry for you, would be that ex wife of his. He was very young, about 9 or 10, when I was 8, I think. Do you think he did have a plan for it that was thwarted by NA? ??? They foreclosed on it and put it up for auction. In the above video, Shanann and her fellow promoters are at the rooftop pool of a San Diego hotel, when Shanann announces Nickole Atkinson has hit her 12K, and earned her auto bonus. This is so true and I think about this all the time, especially when I see kids at a concert with all of their phones up recording. He couldnt afford a lawyer, most likely, because his wife was the one doing all the work, earning a living, while he played around, cheated on her(with you & lots of others) and she got sick of his abusive, cheating, worthless ass. Ironically, since Shananns nightmarish murder and burial on a leased oil site, rather than taking a knock, Thrive seems to have reaped a whirlwind of positive publicity. The surgery they had on the same day were to get tubes in there ears and there adenoids taken outit is on Shananns Facebook page. According to lazymanandmoney.com, Le-Vel/Thrive arent unique in using the luxury car lure as bait. I think she was abusive to Chris and the girls and saw through this fake facade from the first video i watched of her. Really? He then spoke to police and reported them as missing at 1.40pm. Wow! Shanann Watts was an American businessperson who is a victim of murder. A crime journalist would check and double check stories and should surely pick up that its not the same person. Can Vincent van Goghs ear be rescued from the towering haystack of mainstream mythology? He doesnt appear to be going back and forth from the garage to his truck but only seems to be walking several times AROUND his truck. However I neednt have gone to the trouble vanity plates indicate ANI would stand for Amanda and Nick. There is noway Chris could have held his childrens hands above their heads and shoved them down in crude oil unless he murdered them. I wonder if there are any divorce documents out there from Shananns first marriage. I will never understand why NK (the mistress of a murderer) has not been publicly exonerated if she truly is a victim. There is too much circumstantial evidence against her. Shanann Watts was about 15 weeks pregnant when police say her husband, Chris Watts, killed her and their girls Monday, Aug. 13, 2018. So far, nothing has really happened to the house. Posted below A comment from someone who knew Chris and his family from childhood. Ive looked for it for months, cant find it. A car should never be leased once it is 12 years or older. Just wondering, what is the point exactly of digging for dirt and slandering the character of a murder victim and the mother of two toddlers who got violently murdered? It all seems a bit odd to me. He was raised in a toxic environment sociopath/narcissist mother and covert narcissist father/enabler and became extremely codependent as a result. Then it ought not to be so surprising to you. If it is how they met, one can understand how she might want to keep this aspect of her life under wraps from the fairy tale obsessed Thrive crowd. Shannon had to Get out of Town or Else She would be the One in Jail! That brings me to the part in the book where you discuss societys relationship with social media and how it makes a mockery of real life because it places the value in the photo/video/etc and not on the actual experience. Shanann had at least 3 different names. He knew on that last night he wouldnt be tucking his girls into bed again. Rzucek family, I mean. It will take time to get clarity on this, Cheryl, but I think theres some merit in the argument that Shanann was the driving force behind the debt spiral. But it doesnt mean she wasnt a sociopath. What did he do? Dirty South Customs = Shananns Dirty LittleSecret? Quite the opposite. She was a director at Primrose school and he, a high school graduate with a job in computer technology, and a photography business on the side. I dont actually care what she lied about or any other details people are coming up with about her life or her familys (she didnt murder her husband and children!). His dissociation from his acts and denial are signs to me that he was brainwashed. Basically, after working for Thrive full-time for a month, selling vitamin patches and shakes, the company apparently wanted to give Atkinson a car to reward her for her hard work. Actually her name is still spelled Shanann no matter how your pronounce it. This I do disagree with. God Bless !!! Maybe, maybe not, but if thats how they did meet, its not the story she told on Facebook. I hope when youre done reading youll leave a review. I wonder if you got that off watching too many forensic files. [DISCUSS]. Boom. youre=you are I DO know, however, that he was obsessed with sex from a very very young age. Too long in my view. Luann has 20 years of . UPDATED. Chris confessing to exactly what the CBI told him happened? Her real given birth name is pronounced Shannon and leads to many mistakes. Good analogy! That does not make her a sociopath, she was trying to make money from home. Police said 34-year-old Shanann Watts, who was pregnant, was found dead on property owned by Anadarko Petroleum, one of the state's largest oil and gas drillers, where her husband Christopher. Because it does seem that he had a plan. Once Chris Watts finally arrived at the house, he quickly shook the officer's hand and then ran into the garage, stopped to open the door to Shanann's car, and then went into the house from . Apparently they were doing quite well too, to own a Lexus SUV type vehicle. So youre a nurse? Should he? Watts' work truck was outside during a hailstorm, one Shan'ann filmed, while "her" vehicle was in the garage. I think she was at a minimum a big story teller on almost everything in her life. Truly sick. Sorry to be persnickety but in a case where full interviews and all investigative documents are public it makes no sense to not be accurate when discussing the case. . He has said he planned to kill Shanann. Its in the discovery. (these things drive me crazy when I cant remember where I saw or read different things! This obligation then infects that persons social network, as everyone goes gaga about Xs brand new car and the wonderful company X works for. How did they afford their Lexus? Im not satisfied yet that this was an error, although it could be. His truck could not fit in the garage; which is why he was only able to back it in so far when removing the bodies. Watts, who had initially reported them missing and had made a public plea for their return, was arrested as he admitted to killing them. Watch out for my discussion with A Dark and Stormy Book Club this Saturday about The Murder of Vincent Van Gogh, A short interview I gave to RSG News on The Murder of Vincent van Gogh, 22 Reasons Why Lost Boys Author Mark Minnie Didnt Commit Suicide, 12 Similarities Between Mark Minnies Suicide Note and Dave Allens. Hmmm. What impact did THRIVE have on Shananns marriage? I think he parked the Lexus down the street during that time, so he could go and come as he pleased without her being notified that the garage door, front door, door from house to garage was being opened/closed. Her first words to Shannans mother regarding Chris and Shannan were to the effect of, I dont get it, I dont see that she is in love with him (in love with Chris) but what she was probably really trying to say deep down is, I dont like her!. But the whole "act of passion" angle doesn . Watts was convicted of strangling his wife, Shanann, 34, in the house and then smothering his daughters Bella, 4, and Celeste, 3, at his work site. Is Henri van Bredas motive a culmination of a festering of a perceived injustice? ), One last thing-I did a quick search on Shananns old address for the home she owned in Belmont NC and found an old listing with photos that definitely include some of her furniture and decor. She guilted him into spending money for the kids and he could not say no because there would be non stop hell to pay if he didnt do what she said. As far as you posting alleged stories from Chris watts, could be from a crack pot seeking attention, you dont know everything about neither of them either yet youre acting like some Shannon historian, allow those who are interested in facts and not emotionally drowning, to see another side, one dimensional views do not help. with water on their back balcony in Frederick.. Bella tried to get away, and when Chris came to rescue her by opening the glass sliding door, Shanann said something and he backed off, leaving Bella to be tormented..Because I think thats a type of torment, when the child obviously wanted to escape. Every time they ask for it all to stop it just adds fuel to the fire. June 2015: The Watts files for bankruptcy With a combined income of $90,000 in 2014, in addition to credit card debt, student loans and medical bills, the couple file for bankruptcy in June 2015, stating that their $3,000 mortgage and $600 car payments took up most of their $4,900 in monthly expenses. I think that while under surveillance on August 14, Watts left in the Lexus and drove to the work truck he had parked down the street. It also took until her funeral to confirm the spelling of her name, and her exact name: Shanann Cathryn Watts. Because it does seem that he had a plan. The family needs to stay off social media and stop looking for more pain. KEY v. DIRTY SOUTH CUSTOM SOUND & WHEELS Even if she hadnt been considered missing as early as Monday, neighbor Nates door cam would have shown Chris at home, then her car leaving (probably even could have been enhanced to show Chris driving), then Chris coming back somehow. Shanann used to work at Dirty South after all. . Incredible Story! ( I have lupus too and have managed fine, modern treatments are v good and I keep it quiet. They met at a car dealership where she was a sales agent and CW was a mechanic. She was born with some ailment, but had surgery to correct it. She was murdered by her husband Chris Watts who admitted to killing her while being interviewed by police. He had made arrangements to go out to that remote work site. Thats not creepy. Thank you again for your hard work. What was she being given to eat? [UPDATED], Shanann Watts tells her husband: I dont want a video of you while recording her children. Its creepy to see people blaming the victim For her own murder, like the psychopath murder. MATTHEW KEY, Plaintiff, v. DIRTY SOUTH CUSTOM SOUND & WHEELS, DIRTY SOUTH CUSTOMS, INC., HISHAM BED WAN, AMERICAN GENERAL FINANCIAL SERVICES, ROBIN WORTHY, and SHANNAN KING, Defendants. Her . It certainly would have saved time to dispose of only one body the morning of. Just a bunch of chaos it seems was always around her well before Chris entered the picture. A 17 year old? Well said Nick. Apologists say it was for surgeries and medications fine but if she has Munchausen and Munchausen by proxy, these amounts make sense. Then you ARE AN IDIOT. This means technically, neither Watts nor his wife were actually vehicle owners in their own right. Leaves youre ass for a bigger meal ticket. The white Lexus in the Watts garage was a beautiful lie, and each day, that beautiful lie propelled Shanann and her two beautiful children through their days. There was something wrong with the little girls digestive system. He kept his room immaculate. View Case Cited Cases To me, thats v v weird. To prove her innocence once and for all. I am not at all suggesting that Shanann was bipolarjust thinking about the various reasons that some people seem to need the validation etc as you mentioned in the book. Grandmother Rzucek was also religiously obsessive. Chris Watts, 33, is charged with three counts of. Obviously there are limits. Lexus appears 69 times in the Discovery Documents, while the word car appears 87 times. I havent been able to confirm it though I have gone through the records. Shanann Watts and her two daughters, Bella and Celeste, were allegedly killed by her husband, Chris Watts. There are So Many Job Opportunities There! In the end he confessed, and if you are sensible, you realize the deal was no deal at all. Old Ploy, New Game: How the McCanns are using PR [again] to influence a legal outcome that affects THEM, #Shakedown Unleashes on Sunday Night, Part 1, #Shakedown Unleashes on Sunday Night, Part 2, #Shakedown Unleashes on Sunday Night, Part 3, The Prodigal Nanny Returns #Shakedown McCann Podcast #1, #Shakedown Discusses DOUBT The Madeleine McCann Mystery with Ed Opperman. With Nates security camera, there is zero chance he could have gotten away with trying to get rid of her car, even if every other detail had gone according to plan. Pingback: Chris Watts: Complete Cast of Characters - CrimeStopNews.Com. A cursory glance at Shananns Facebook profile provides confirmation of this. Shannan had a public FB page in order to use it for business. I paid for his lawyer. As well as needing constant attention. The whole family was in the home until CW left in his truck early Monday morning with 3 bodies in the truck cab. Chris Watts: What possibilities exist for his Defense Case? Was I wrong? He said Im finally totally free.. An Oscar for the Great Pretender [WARNING: VERY GRAPHIC IMAGES], Be bravemake your voice heard, your physical you seen and the presence of your mental you felt. Reeva Steenkamp [WARNING GRAPHIC CRIME SCENE PHOTOS], Oscar Pistorius Sentencing July 6 [LIVE COVERAGE], Oscar Pistorius Sentencing Hearing: Day 2 [LIVE COVERAGE], Oscar Pistorius Sentencing Hearing: Day 3. It makes sense if Shanann worked in a car parts store, and Chris Watts was an auto mechanic, that their paths would inevitably cross. At What Point Was Chris Watts DONE With THRIVE? I wouldnt be surprised if Chris isnt on work release at the same hospital soon. ( her children were also murdered not just her!, cause maybe youre trying to say she deserved it?). Then Ill shut up for a while. Please call me on 0767950871 Im almost done building a new social media platform called CRIMEBOOK. [Meanwhile, her credit cards are maxed out, shes about to lose her house,and tragically in Shananns case, her life]. + 5 Easy Insights from the Carte Blanche Show, Based on Bothas Arguments, will Judge Desai Grant Convicted Triple Axe Murderer an Appeal? Rohde Trial: The 1 Factor that determines murder or suicide, The #1 Reason Susan Rohde DIDNT kill herself, According to Brendan Miller, Susan Rohde was calm shortly before her death. I wanted to provide the primary motivation for the killing of the girls that burns red hot rather than green (money). And they did not facetime chris would not let them cuz he 2as worried shanann would find out since she was still mad about the allergy thing. This is Watts doing a Thrive spiel to the cops, only, a police interrogation is where pitching fairy tales no longer works. He put his babies in the oil tanks so theyd presumably never be found. Your email address will not be published. Revisiting the Day Shanann Watts told Chris Watts she was pregnant, Could thrive supplements and patch be the cause of Chris Wattss Rage?, Shanann Watts Tribute Video: Someday we will all be gone, but lullabies go on and on, Shanann talks about spending quality time with Chris Watts, I dont know if were gonna have another baby anytime soon. Chris Watts: Complete Cast of Characters - CrimeStopNews.Com, Shanann Watts tells her husband: I dont want a video of you while recording herchildren. Watts said he then drove the girls, with Shannan's body in the car, to an oil field owned by his then-employer. I would, wouldnt you. The Lexus is one reality that was employed in the Watts family fairy tale to convey an alternative reality. View shakedowntitles profile on Facebook, Christopher Watts: What else do we know? Weird. what has you confused is whoever wrote this report threw in, directly in the paragraph above, that, regarding this specified work truck, the officer had been advised that the suspect had been seen loading items in the truck in the early morning. Are there two separate occasions when Commander Eagan observed Watts putting something in his Lexus during the neighborhood canvas, and also the morning of the murders because thats how it reads above. Far more than the daily recommended ) Then both the girls had some sort of surgery in 2018 I think it was and they had it on the same day. so early in the evening of Tuesday the 14th the police finally start surveillance on CW. Departing from that grim note, a very joyful holiday to you all who participate on your site. This is not the typical arse hat that murders his family. I dont know why he would put picnic items in the trunk of the Lexus either, a blanket and a cooler. Is it out of line to think that Watts some time in the afternoon and before he calls his coworker about taking care of Cervi 319 himself may have bagged up the children, stowed them in the Lexus and driven them to the site in a vehicle (the Lexus) that did not have a GPS tracking system on it, and disposed of them in the oil tanks then? Also the three against Chris watts was a different Chris watts. He could not get an apt. Hold up, is that a SCRATCH on Chris Watts neck? I believe that people who are raised in this kind of environment are extremely tolerant of toxic behaviours and personalities. She was here for weeks. Seriously, If you think anyone believes the bullshit youre trying to feed us, that youre boyfriend is a victim? Delusional psychology of the crime itself and the delusional quality of participation in all MLMs. Test your knowledge with this Pop Quiz. At 1:03 Bishop mentions everyone wanting to know what happened to Shanann Watts car.. It seems this type of teasing was considered normal in the Rzucek family and I think the mother ( grandmother) was especially prone to it. Sandra Onorati Rzucek [Shananns mother]: Shanann and Chris Watts definitely planned to separate, BREAKING: FRANKLIN WILLIAM RZUCEK charged with misdemeanor child abuse October 31, 2015, Chris Watts: More Photos of the Fairy Tale, You Havent Seen These Watts Family Photos, Chris Watts: His plan to turn blood and tissue to oil and dust. lol OK, Most of the people that live on their social media accounts trying to create a perfect picture of their lives are doing exactly what she was, so that would make more than half the population sociopaths too, except they all are not trying to sell a product online like she was. Henri van Bredas axe at the DeZalze crime scene whats wrong with this picture? Unless of course, they kill their child, I dont mind judging these worthless individuals. Why bother? Well, she could spin a good yarn. I am here because the world is full of flying monkeys and revisionists. and our I say that Shanann is a sociopath herself because of how shes been treated after her death. Seriously, If you think anyone believes the bullshit youre trying to feed us, that youre boyfriend is a victim? Shanann, her mother, Chris Watts and the Watts family go way back when it comes to cars. shanann watts first marriage shanann watts first marriage (No Ratings Yet) . Surely there was a better way to express their feelings than ruining a wedding and showing no regard to their son/ brother getting married for the first time. Just wanted to comment about CWs truck not parking in the garage. auto bonusChris WattsCO 528-ZJVLe-VelLeaseLexusMLMThrive. Did Shanann Watts know something was seriously wrong in August? Shanann Watts died Intestate Is A Court Battle Looming in Probate Court over Life Insurance? Thank you kindly. I work in HR department of ONE of the BIGGEST childrens hospitals in the country! 5:09-CV-32-D. No, Ronnie asked to FaceTime on August 10. If she thought her grandchildren were in danger, there were other ways to intervene. Millions of curious Americans have visited Shananns still public page since August 13th, and in the process of getting to know her by watching her videos, millions have been pitched. Im a mother and I would never do anything like it. Chris Watts was convicted of murdering Bella . Adam Lanza provides motive for Chimp Attack and his own, Nancy Lanzas email to Adam Lanza [01:05. After the murders, no one was living in it and it was put on the market. Im a nurse and Ive also wondered if Shanann was a bit subject to having Munchausen by Proxy. Published on August 17, 2018 07:45 PM. (CBS4) - Nearly four years after Chris Watts brutally murdered his pregnant wife and two young daughters, Shanann Watts's parents tell CBS4 they continue to be relentlessly targeted by. All was not right with Shanann. Also, if memory serves, a cadaver dog can alert after 90 mins of a deceased body lying somewhere. Would she and the CBI not want this to be public knowledge, To silence and educate armchair detectives and dispel rumour and innuendo. This suggests that technically it wasnt Shananns car even in the family sense, especially if Watts was paying for the lease. Thanks to Shananns grotesque death and dumping of her body like trash at CERVI 319, Thrive have likely seen a windfall of sales over the last four months leading up to Christmas. . This is not only irresponsible journalism but it is downright Character assassination. What I tried to explain in this post is that there is early evidence linking her to legal shenanigans in her past, which may or may not mean the early report was accurate. The Watts family murders occurred on August 13, 2018, in Frederick, Colorado, US. In June 2009 Shanann [then Shanann King] was named one of the co-defendants in a lawsuit against Dirty South and her boss Hisham Bedwan, among others. Shanann did not deserve to be murdered. Narcissist father/enabler and became extremely codependent as a result her name is still spelled Shanann no matter your! ) has not been publicly exonerated if she has Munchausen and Munchausen by proxy CBI not this. Culmination of a deceased body lying somewhere i wanted to comment about CWs truck not parking in the family... Marriage Shanann Watts know something was seriously wrong in August educate armchair detectives and dispel rumour and innuendo NK the. I work in HR department of one of the crime itself and the Watts family way! Codependent as a result them down in crude oil unless he murdered.! Of mainstream mythology body lying somewhere subject to having Munchausen by proxy with counts! Either, a cadaver dog can alert after 90 mins of a festering of murderer. 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