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what happened to nicodemus wife

Nicodemus, in the Gospel According to John, a Pharisee and ruler of the Jews at the time of Jesus preaching and crucifixion. Learn Religions, Sep. 7, 2021, Part 1, Chapter 4 (second Greek form). [27] Chandler, Trial of Jesus from a Lawyers Standpoint, 2:291326. Why do you think that might have been? Now at the feast the governor was accustomed to release for the people any one prisoner whom they wanted. That being said, I'm not 100% sold on every aspect of how The Chosen ends up depicting his character and interactions with Jesus. They formed the Jewish aristocracy, and were powerful though quite small in numbers.[6] This act was a direct frontal attackif not challenging their authority, challenging at least their conduct in regard to their responsibilities for the temple. So what does Nicodemus have that John doesn't? Sidney R. Sandstrom([email protected]) was a retired Church Educational System coordinator living in Smyrna, Tennessee when this was written. He was a Pharisee who was attracted to Jesus' character and miracles. Nicodemus, a man of great wealth, donated 75 pounds of expensive myrrh and aloes to anoint the Lord's body after his death. What does it look like to sit on the sidelines - of the opposing side - while you watch the Jesus movement take off, knowing that you could have been a part of it? And so he summoned great courage to seek out Jesus and ask questions. On more than one occasion, he expresses theological questions and doubts, only to get batted down by his wife, who reminds Nicodemus of the potentially negative social ramifications if someone else heard him talking that way. In order to understand what was happening when she is mentioned in Scripture here is Matthew 27:15-19. They denied the evidence of Jesus' deity. But it was Nicodemus who risked his reputation to give Jesus the proper burial. His story only appears in Johns retelling of the life of Jesus. A character like John the Baptist may have had a more significant role from a historical perspective, but Nicodemus is better known for having the kind of personal encounter with Jesus that The Chosen is interested in. . Nicodemus proved his love for the Lord Jesus Christ by giving up all the advantages of being a Pharisee and a member of the Sanhedrin. [3] Cunningham Geikie, The Life and Words of Christ (New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1891), 1:49596. He had a daughter who had just given birth to a new grandson who he had not met. This episode brings a conclusion to Season One of The Chosen. John said this discussion happened at night, probably because Nicodemus had his reputation to protect since Jesus was a controversial figure . Because of his apparent stature among the Pharisees, it was supposed that he was a member of the Great Sanhedrin, the supreme Jewish legislative and judicial court in Jerusalem under Roman rule. It's wrapping up a lot of different storylines that we've been watching. . Episode 7 Guide: Did Nicodemus Follow Jesus? Much later, after Jesus was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane, Peter and John followed the arresting party to the palace of the high priest. It also influences his conversations with his wife. 3 (2008): 4962. It is believed that he was somewhat elderly, based on the first question he posed to Jesus: How can anyone be born after having grown old? (John 3:4). The amount that we know about Nicodemus based on these three episodes is pretty limited, although that actually may serve the purpose of adaptation well, since it leaves plenty of white space for The Chosen to fill in. As an introduction, Nicodemus complements Jesus saying, "Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. . At that time they were holding a notorious prisoner, called Barabbas. . Inside the Temple space, the noise and pressure were, if possible, worse. John continues, Now about the midst of the feast Jesus went up into the temple and taught (v. 14). p. 417. (John 3:3, NIV), "How can someone be born when they are old?" Your email address will not be published. . According to the scripture, Jesus went to Jerusalem for the Passover feast. When you visit this site, it may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. However, it's important to keep in mind that the Bible does not give us a complete description of the encounter between Jesus and Nicodemus (, In the Bible, it isn't completely clear when Nicodemus began to follow Jesus, if he did at all. His reaction to the councils desire to arrest Jesus was boldly calculated to bring out the irony of their lawless act at the very moment in which they were ridiculing the lawless behavior of the crowd (7:4951). [9] The Revised Standard Version (RSV), the New English Bible (NEB), the Jerusalem Bible (JB), and the New International Version (NIV) all translate pisteuo as trust. The New American Standard Bible (NAS) translates pisteuo as entrusting (Strong, Key-Word Comparison, 157). The problem would be to locate this one person among the millions in and around Jerusalem. If so, the interview may well have taken place in the guest chamber on the roof, which would have been accessible via outside stairs.[5] If Elder McConkie is correct, it may have been fairly easy for an official with standing and influence in Jerusalem like Nicodemus to find Jesus, who was staying with an apparently well-known and well-connected John. Is there more information on Pontius Pilate's wife, Claudia, besides her dream and the fact that she told Pilate not to sentence Jesus to death? It is in the context of his conversation that one of the most famous biblical passages, John 3:16, occurs: For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life. Jesus and the disciples did not agree with them, and this group of people was a major opposition to Him and His ministry. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Today, what are some examples of situations that cause women to experience a sense of shame and regret like Photina? He may have pursued an honest though cautious investigation of one who was reputed to possess miraculous powers, possibly the long-awaited Messiah. [27] Obviously, there is the possibility that, with the absence of twenty-nine names, one or more individuals with the name of Nicodemus could be among them. The Jewish leaders then chastised the officers for being deceived like the common people. As a member of the Sanhedrin, who derived their political power from the Roman government, political activists with a messiah complex could only mean trouble both politically and religiously. In the crowded Passover confusion, and following a very public clearing of the temple, Nicodemus would have been faced with the problem of arranging a meeting with this Galilean at a time and place favorable for his purposes. Demetrios Troy as Lazarus: a friend of Jesus, Mary, and His followers. . Some laws in the Old Testament might sound unfair to women - and they might not be as fair as some standards we have today. Jesus calls him by an honorific title, "the Teacher of Israel" (John 3:10). But Jesus wasn't like most rabbis. This amount of spice was enough to fittingly bury royalty, signaling that Nicodemus had recognized Jesus as King. Commit.. In Chapter Seven, Nicodemus asks his fellow chief priests and Pharisees to carefully listen and examine before passing judgement on Jesus. In the first instance, he meets Jesus to converse about the latter's teachings. Claudia Procula What does the Bible say about Pontius Pilates wife? Nicodemus.. [14] We know from Walter M. Chandlers research that some of the members of the Sanhedrin served many years. . Quick Answer - Missional Manifesto","datePublished":"2022-06-23T12:59:31+00:00","dateModified":"2022-06-23T12:59:31+00:00","articleSection":"Are","author":{"@id":""},"publisher":{"@id":""},"description":"What Happened to Nicodemus in the Bible? Our theologians have answers to all your bible questions. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with him." These were spices used to embalm the body. Gamaliel mentions just two, Theudas and Judas of Galilee, who had gathered followers with claims of messiahship, only to be killed and have their movements fade away (see Acts 5:3440). Scholars remain unclear on the overall polemical purpose of either the Acts of Pilate or the Gospel of Nicodemus, but the contrast of Nicodemus as a righteous Jew against an obstinate crowd of Jews, along with his alleged authorship of the texts, is considered by many as providing literary reinforcement to anti-Jewish views held by contemporary Christians. I offer my work for free and rely on the generous support of readers like you. You might get worried about raising doubts and concerns for some of your students that make them question the goodness of God or of the Bible. His reputation was at stake, so he took a step outside his comfort zone by challenging fellow Pharisees. Instead she sent a message to her husband and said that she had a dream about Jesus Christ. It appears that Jesus did believe Nicodemuss belief. How can we know the Messiah would be God incarnate? Miriam, daughter of Naqdimon ben Gurion of distinguished parentage, whose marriage contract providing 1,000,000 gold denars for her widowhood. This enormous sum Baron presents in contrast to poor fathers [who] were expected to supply a minimum dowry of 50 denarii (Salo Wittmayer Baron, A Social and Religious History of the Jews, 18 vols., 2nd ed., [Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of America, 1952], 2:11314, 221). What did you notice about how Jesus interacted with Photina? In response, both he and Jesus are subjected to mockery. As part of the Talmudic evidence, Robinson recounts the story of Nakdimon ben Gurions purported miracle. Jesus Teaches Nicodemus. In some accounts he is buried with his wife and two children next to the tomb of Jesus - the ultimate martyr's sepulchre. This ambiguity is never fully resolved throughout the remainder of the Gospel. If you try it out, please let me know how it goes and if you have any feedback! [1] Merrill C. Tenny and Steven Barabas, eds., The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1975), s.v. We know from John 3 that Nicodemus was a Pharisee, a member of the Jewish ruling council, who came to Jesus at night with a question. Nicodemus needed to clarify certain truths that applied to his life and circumstances. In the show, Nicodemus seems to already understand that Jesus is not just the Messiah but also divine, which isn't at all obvious from what Jesus actually says. Due to COVID restrictions, my youth group watched The Chosen online using Zoom. She urges him to bring her back to their old life, and this seems to be one of the main pressures that prevents him from pursuing Jesus. Buchanan's 2011 novel, "Nicodemus," portrays the Pharisee as a learned scholar enthralled by a woman who, like Jesus, puts love before the law. Several eastern Churches as well the Roman Catholic Church honour Nicodemus as a saint. Now, I like the faith vs. fear arc in Nicodemus' character. Jesus counseled Nicodemus personally and privately. To add an RSC website shortcut to your home screen, open the website in the Safari browser. Strong suggests some alternative translations such as: to have faith (in, upon, or with respect to, a person or thing) . Season 2 Reflection P2: What was The Chosen Season 2 about? Nicodemus was not the only one among the ruling classes who believed in Jesus; but of most of these we learn nothing to indicate that they had sufficient courage to come even by night to make independent and personal inquiry. We read in John 12:42, 43: Nevertheless among the chief rulers also many believed on him; but because of the Pharisees they did not confess him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue: for they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.[10]. In Michelangelo 's sculpture of the entombment, Nicodemus is assisted by the Virgin Mary and Mary Magdalene, rather than Joseph of Arimathea. [17] Chandler, Trial of Jesus from a Lawyers Standpoint, 2:316. We are not given the end of their initial conversation (John 3:1-21), and so we don't know how Nicodemus ultimately responded to Jesus' teaching. . In the Catholic Churchs current Roman Martyrology, Nicodemus is honoured on 31 August, on the same day as Saint Joseph of Arimathea. FYI: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. He is using plain, simple, and forceful language. [11] Alfred Edersheim, The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1971), 1:381. The word commit is translated from the Greek verb ? (pist??). A lone voice spoke in Jesuss defense in that hotbed of hatred. Did Jesus' teaching back in John 3 already bring him to faith? However, Nicodemus became a disciple of Jesus and publicly . Click here for my affiliation policy. Woller as Gaius: a Roman centurion and a former associate of Matthew. Nicodemus first appears in the Bible in John chapter 3 when he desires to know more about Jesus and His teachings. Out of a typically evangelical concern for proclaiming accurate theology, the characters jump to the conclusion that Jesus is divine far too quickly. . . and all who heard him were astonished at his understanding and answers (Joseph Smith Translation, Luke 2:4647). Cyclopedia of Biblical Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature. . It seems clear that Jesus saw Nicodemus as a receptive listener. Most characters that encounter Jesus in the Gospels are either stubbornly opposed to him (the Pharisees) or already inclined to at least a modicum of faith. He had skipped the previous Passover in the spring. What a wonderful turn of events if the executioners wife became a believer and a follower of the one her husband rejected. Unchecked, this fear can lead followers of Jesus to distance themselves from the Messiah and even fall away. Nicodemus is destined to be a great scholar of Jewish law from a young age. This group of Jews influenced the early church and were critical of Jesus ministry. Known for: Nicodemus was a leading Pharisee and well-recognized religious leader of the Jewish people. First, John calls attention to how Nicodemus' meeting with Jesus is at night (i.e. What do you think Jesus desires for women in these situations? Finally, John associates Nicodemus with Joseph of Arimathea, who is described as "a disciple of Jesus, but secretly for fear of the Jews" (John 19:38). He wanted to get the truth directly from the Lord's mouth. According to Rosamond Rodman, the freed slaves who began living in Nicodemus, Kansas, christened the town after him. 801-422-6975. Most likely, Nicodemus came by night, not out of fear, but to avoid the crowds that would have interrupted his interview with Jesus. The conversation between Nicodemus and Jesus revolves around the concept of "born again" or "born from above". I hope you enjoy them! In the sequence of events, John puts the rendezvous after the cleansing of the temple and connects it to the signs which Jesus demonstrated in Jerusalem during the Passover feast. In John 3:1, he is described as a Pharisee. I found this to be a very affecting moment. The Chosen should allow its characters to embrace faith in Jesus with a more incomplete or tentative understanding of who he actually is. He was, for example (1) a Pharisee, (2) a member of the Sanhedrin, (3) wealthy, and (4) one of whom it was known that his attachment to Christ was great.. One commentary, for example, states that Nicodemus sought out "Jesus in 'the night' which has suggested to most of the interpreters that he was hesitant and afraid to be seen with Jesus, coming as he did in secrecy out of regard for his reputation and to protect himself.". In Season 1, Episode 8, Nicodemus turns down the invitation. He brought with him a large amount of spices, including myrrh and aloes. Why do you think Photina sometimes responded a little harshly to Jesus? The faith which had once required the curtain of darkness, can now venture at least into the light of sunset, and brightened finally into noonday confidence. Narrative Ambiguity & Charitable Reading, The Chosen: 6 Good Friday & Easter Episodes, The Rings of Power, LOTR, and Bible Adaptation, Amazon Prime's The Rings of Power & The Challenges of Biblical Adaptation, In Defense of The Chosen and Other Christian Movies, Books, & Media (Part 1), In Defense of The Chosen and Other Christian Movies, Books, & Media (Part 2), Imagining Mary Magdalene (5 More Bible Adaptations While You Wait for The Chosen Season 2), Yussif, Jairus, & Shmuel in The Chosen (Adapting Biblical Characters), Reflecting on The Chosen Season 3 & Anticipating Season 4: What Worked & What to Fix, Ears to Hear (Exploring The Chosen Season 3 Episode 7 with Youth or Small Group), The Chosen Season 3 Episode 7 & Episode 8: Recap, Review, & Analysis, The Feeding of the 5,000 (Exploring The Chosen Season 3 Episode 8 with Youth or Small Group), Pontius Pilate & His Wife in The Chosen (Adapting Biblical Characters), Intensity in Tent City (Exploring The Chosen Season 3 Episode 6 with Youth or Small Group), Clean Part 2 (Exploring The Chosen Season 3 Episode 5 with Youth or Small Group), Clean Part 1 (Exploring The Chosen Season 3 Episode 4 with Youth or Small Group), Physician, Heal Thyself (Exploring The Chosen Season 3 Episode 3 with Youth or Small Group), Two by Two (Exploring The Chosen Season 3 Episode 2 with Youth or Small Group), Little James in The Chosen & Scripture (Adapting Biblical Characters), Homecoming (Exploring The Chosen Season 3 Episode 1 with Youth or Small Group), 2022 BY THE BIBLE ARTIST. 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what happened to nicodemus wife