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was george justified in killing lennie quotes

My first reason George should have shot Lennie is that Lennie would have suffered because Curley would have only shot him in the gut and let him die slowly. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. I believe George should have killed Lennie because he has hurt people, cant control himself, and would have probably ended up in a horrible mental institution anyway. Most people would agree with this statement in almost every other situation, but when you substitute it into context here it's no different. You know this because of this quote Im gonna get him. George shot him in the temple of his head for a quick and painless death. George shot him in the temple of his head for a quick and painless death. 2023. Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. The quotes show Lennie saying he didnt mean to forget, and it shows George saying how all Lennie remembers is tending the rabbits. One of the themes present in the novel was that sometimes, people just have to choose the lesser of two evils. Honest to God I did, George." George had to decide whether or not he would kill Lennie mercifully, or let the rest of the worker's murder him. Accessed 2 Mar. My second reason is because George could live a much better life. I'm going for my shotgun. George also knows that Curley is still angry with Lennie for breaking his hand and that Curley will not be killing Lennie as a "sympathy" killing. This quote proves Lennie doesnt think because he never remembers anything and cant do most things correctly. The novel Of Mice and Men poses a moral dilemma; is murder ever justified? George then lies and tells his boss that Lennie "[is his]. cousin. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. Killing his best friend was justified though, for one George and Lennie were always on the move because Lennie always messed up, two, in the end when Lennie messed up again, Curly was going to make him suffer for killing his wife and breaking his hand. After all of the ranchers find out that Lennie killed Curleys wife, Curley states that he is going to kill Lennie, "I'm gonna get him. Lennie shouldn't have been shot, and it pained Lennie especially since he was the one forced to do so. He always said he could run away and not be a burden upon George, but since George only ever helped Lennie, Lennie struggled to grasp a reality of George not being at his side. Lennie made many troubles this might be because of his disability, but this is the reason that he deserves to live. Well, I can go away, said Lennie. Lennie did commit murder, and the penalty for that was death, so technically, he had to face the consequences. There would be complete chaos and disorder. George should have not killed Lennie, because Lennie had the brain of the kid. When you see 'um, don't give 'im no chance. Another quote that shows Lennies punishment of a mentality is "If you don' want me I can g off, One quote that supports my thesis is God youre a lot of trouble said George I could get along so easily and nice if I didnt have you on my tail and maybe even have a girl. The reason George blows up on Lennie like this is because George could have his life be so much more easier and they have just got chase out of their hometown because of Lennie grabbing onto a girls dress because it was so soft and because of his mental illness he holds on and keeps holding tighter. George had done the right thing. Although, George uses foul language toward Lennie, his actions show his compassion and caring. By Lennie saying this the reader is really depicting how mentally unaware this man is of his power by squishing a rabbits head with his own fingers. Given the fact that Lennie has already assaulted a woman in Weed and accidentally murdered Curley's wife, there is no telling if Lennie would accidentally harm another person if George did not shoot him. George had to decide whether or not he would kill Lennie mercifully, or let the rest of the worker's murder him. Lennie just causes too much trouble for George. Third, George had to kill Lennie because lennie would have done it again. 3: Another reason George could be considered right for killing Lennie is out of his personal self-interest. It was one lacking self-control. Lastly, Lennie would not be able to survive on his own. Webwhat happened to the little boy who swallowed a silver dollar. In the novel, Of Mice and Men, George was justified in killing Lennie because of his mental illness. The other side is wrong because even though it hurt George to kill Lennie, someone was going to shoot Lennie anyways. They share a good dream. Another reason is If George did not kill Lennie others would have killed him. From the day that Lennies Aunt Clara died and from the day George took Lennie in as a friend George was always there for him. With all of George. By Lennie saying this the reader is really depicting how mentally unaware this man is of his power by squishing a rabbits head with his own fingers. They got ran out of Weed(the old farm they used to work at) for harassing a girl and not letting her go. After Lennie accidentally kills Curley's wife, he flees to the riverbed, where George meets up with him. Of Mice and Men shows that a persons actions may not always coincide with their intentions. Another quote that shows why George is just in killing Lennie because of him being a liability is "You gonna give me that mouse or do I have to sock you?" "I could get a job an' not have no mess." Lennie was not very smart and George knew that, George was not thinking of Lennie he was thinking of himself. ", (John Steinbeck, 1973, p.58), this really impacted Georges decision on giving someone else the ability to shoot him. Willkommen bei unserer umfassenden bersicht des Nars albatross. And he was too dumb to realize what he was doing. The reason that George ends up killing Lennie is because Lennie couldn't find anything valuable about himself and was no longer worth the trouble to George. That's how." The act of George killing Lennie is. Enjoy eNotes ad-free and cancel anytime. George killing Lennie was justifiable because Lennies act was violent, his death was inevitable, and George only did it for Lennies sake. Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. Seen throughout the book, Of Mice and Men, the character development of the main character, Lennie, was changing to a more violent and uncontrollable human, and foreshadowed his death. George and Lennie were best friends, and have been since they were little. With our Essay Lab, you can create a customized outline within seconds to get started on your essay right away. If not, explain why the transaction did not create revenues. He also does not know how much strength he actually has. After all of the ranchers find out that Lennie killed Curleys wife, Curley states that he is going to kill Lennie, "I'm gonna get him. Lennie couldnt remember anything, all he remembered was him going to tend the rabbits. they make a little stake an' then they blow it in. I never been mad, an I aint now. George wanted it to be him instead of someone else. After all of the ranchers find out that Lennie killed Curleys wife, Curley states that he is going to kill Lennie, "I'm gonna get him. Most people automatically thought that George did the wrong thing, for he shouldnt have the authority to take someones life, especially that of his best friend. 2: George's decision to kill Lennie is potentially better for society as a whole. will help you with any book or any question. Some decisions you have to make in life are so difficult that we would rather not have to deal with them. Got kinda used to him(Steinbeck 40). George Milton had to decide the fate of his closest friends life. Latest answer posted December 31, 2020 at 3:22:45 PM. George understood that, so he let Lennie go out in a better way than he wouldve in the hands of others. George and Lennie were best friends, and have been since they were little. Lennies act was a violent one. Why does George kill Lennie in Of Mice and Men? WebLennie---if you jus happen to get in trouble like you always done before, I want you to come right here an hide in the brushHide in the brush till I come for you (15). In chapter three Candy says "I ought to of shot that dog myself, George. WebHow Does George Kill Lennie Selfish 959 Words | 4 Pages Lennie begged, Le 's do it now. The fact is, Lennie's fate was fully established from the very start, Curley even mentions that he wants to shoot Lennie in the gut, which indicates that Lennie would endure an extremely painful death. What comes to mind when the word loyalty is mentioned? George realizes that Curley is assembling what is essentially a lynch mob. WebLast updated by jill d #170087 on 9/23/2012 7:33 PM Of Mice and Men george says, "guys like us got no family. In the end you should always do the right thing even if its wrong. (Nicholas Sparks). One of the other biggest themes in the book was that dreams provide a sense of hope. He doesnt want Lennie to fee pain. He should kill Lennie because Lennie cannot control his mind because of his mental problem even he did not mean to do the thing that he have done but George might have the better life If he did not have to take care of Lennie and at last if George did not kill Lennie, Curley will shoot Lennie. Thats a thing I want ya to know (Steinbeck 106). WebI believe that George was justified when he shot Lennie because lennie was going to go to prison anyways,Curly would have done the same thing but he would have made Lennie As it says in the quote, Lennie is just like a kid, so like a kid he doesnt know right from wrong. My proof is that George had to leave Weed, a nice town, just because Lennie wanted to feel a girls shirt. However Lennie is going to die in someday and It is better choice if Lennie gets killed by George not the other. Why does George kill Lennie in Of Mice and Men? In John Steinbecks novel, Of Mice and Men, two men, Lennie and George, travel through California 's Central Valley looking for work. This quotes my first reason because Curley cried out why would I not kill Lennie he even has, Why Should George Have Killed Lennie In Of Mice And Men, The agreement is yes George should have killed Lennie in Of Mice and Men, the reasons are that Curley would have killed him anyway and that they didnt have enough money for a trail. George thinks that it is best to kill Lennie himself instead of letting the mob get him. Shoot for his guts. Latest answer posted December 31, 2020 at 3:22:45 PM. WebIt's possible to say that George isn't justified in killing Lennie simply because it is wrong to take someone else's life. Thus, these essays are of lower quality than ones written by experts. In an act of friendship, wisdom, and understanding, Slim, who sees everything with his "God-like eyes," consoles George for preventing the others from getting to Lennie by shooting him, "You hadda George. He didnt know better and what is right from wrong. WebGeorge killing Lennie was justified because had to think about Lennies life ahead if he didn 't make this choice. First, George's killing of Lennie can be understood as a mercy killing. In Chapter 1, what does George tell Lennie to do if he gets in trouble at their new job site in Of Mice and Men? Therefore, shooting Lennie in the back of the head while talking to him about their dream farm is a merciful alternative to what otherwise would be a needlessly cruel death. Lets do it now. With this knowledge, George ultimately decides that taking Lennies life is unequivocally the most merciful way to remedy the egregious situation. George knows that it would only be right for him to be the one to take Lennie's life. Even though George didn't want to have to shoot Lennie it was the right thing to do even if it seemed wrong. In Of Mice and Men Steinbeck portrays the meaning of loyalty and loneliness by creating the feeling of love and loss between two friends, Lennie and George and an elderly man and his loyal senior dog. Let us know your assignment type and we'll make sure to get you exactly the kind of answer you need. Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, is a novella about the American Dream two friends have. From a moral standpoint, George shouldnt have chosen for Lennie, but sometimes, morals dont matter when it comes to crime. This piece of evidence from the passage shows that Lennie did not mean to hurt Curleys wife. Curley and What does the title Of Mice and Men mean? Following the reading of John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men, the impression made to many readers was that the character George did not have many choices regarding the fate of his friend, Lennie. He does this for a few different reasons. His voice was monotonous, had no emphasis. In the end George chose to kill Lennie. George is trying to prevent Lennie from being tortured and from his constant desire to please George and not cause trouble. To get a high-quality original essay, click here. It was better for Lennie to be shot by a friend than by an enemy. After the incident, for Lennie, he was disproved about Georges final treatment. George killed Lennie because if he didn't the others would have. George was his best friend and Lennie needed him. What George did was a grueling decision that he had to make. WebLennie---if you jus happen to get in trouble like you always done before, I want you to come right here an hide in the brushHide in the brush till I come for you (15). George got Lennie and him their found, all in all, providing them with housing and meals as they worked. George should have killed Lennie because Lennie kept getting into trouble, and kept making George lose the job he just got. Lennies act was a violent one. Found a perfect sample but need a unique one? I tried not to forget. Georges choice, made in hesitation, was to take Lennies fate into his own hands, and killed Lennie. He has done it without knowing how strong of himself. Later, after the other men catch up with George, the sadistic Carlson wants to relive what has happened to George: "Did he have my gun?""Yeah. Im going for my shotgun. "God, you're a, In the book Of Mice and Men there are two main characters, Lennie and George. His act of killing Lennie is not considered criminal. Sure hes just like a kid, there aint no more harming him than a kid neither (Steinbeck 43). I also strongly believe that if George didnt kill Lennie, the others wouldve done much worse things to him. He understands that Curley wants Lennie to suffer as much as possible. Copyright 2023 All rights reserved. Maybe even killed slowly. A piece of text from the book Of Mice and Men says that, Guys like us got no family. The amount of original essays that we did for our clients, The amount of original essays that we did for our clients. The idea that people have both high and low-level goals is captured by the: Describe why efficiency is maximised in the loanable funds market when equilibrium exists. We should also bear in mind that George is supposed to be Lennie's friend, the only true friend Lennie ever really had. Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. Get professional help and free up your time for more important things. For example, Curley instigates a fight between himself and Lennie, demanding respect, and power when he says, Come on, ya big bastard. Despite all of the dangers and problems Lennie got George and himself into, George benefited and also learned from Lennies mistakes. In addition, Lennie would theoretically have been sent to jail because he would be accused of rape and, Lennie knew that his repetitive tendency to get in trouble took a toll on George, and Steinbeck does include details in the novel showing that Lennie was aware of Georges frustrations. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. WebGeorge had justification in taking Lennie's life as retribution for the murder Lennie had committed. Curley's still mad about his hand. No, no one does, that person is supposed to be your everything. George felt justified in killing Lennie because he felt he was saving him from a worse things. While this remains a hotly contested topic in classrooms reading Of Mice and Men, Georges intentions in killing Lennie were overwhelmingly good-natured. Any deadline. Many people who have read the book agrees George and Lennie had a special connection/best friends and many say friends don't kill each other. Any subject. Lennie is dumb while George is average intelligence and likes to think ahead. In the first chapter of Of Mice and Men, what does George say to Lennie about how his life could be better without him? He would not have had to worry about him anymore. They conversation calms and soothes Lennie, who hopes to finally get the farm that he and George dreamed about for so many years. In the first chapter of Of Mice and Men, what does George say to Lennie about how his life could be better without him? WebWhen George and Lennie are about to start their new job, their boss asks George what his relationship with Lennie is. If Lennie stayed alive, then Curley would have taken him and tortured him through immense amounts of pain for a long period of time. When Steinbecks character, Slim, says to George, Spose they lock him up an strap him down and put him in a cage (97), to George, Steinbeck is assuring the reader that George is aware of every other possible outcome of the situation. Without George killing Lennie , he could have been tortured and killed brutally, but instead, George filled his mind with happy thoughts and ended it without any pain. By killing Lennie, however noble George's intentions may be, he is clearly breaking that promise. The quote shows that If George did not have Lennie, maybe he could have a better life more than this because he does not have to take care of Lennie and he can live his life without get in trouble. This quote, from the scene of the crime, tells readers that Lennie killed her out of anger. Ill shootem in the guts. (SteinBeck 5) He said it himself in that quote that he is going to kill him no matter what. Therefore, George was pointing out to Lennie that they have what most guys in their time period dont, they have each other and George is telling Lennie that thats how he wants it to stay. In the Bible of Christians , it says that ''You should not kill or harm anyone in any way''. WebGeorge killing Lennie was justifiable because Lennies act was violent, his death was inevitable, and George only did it for Lennies sake. Some people will say that it was wrong for George to kill Lennie But to be honest with youthere was no escape, and I say this because a little bit after George hears a mans voice call up from the river, and another man answer(100). This conclusion cannot be drawn directly, but Georges words during Lennies final moments imply that George did not kill his best friend for malicious reasons. An you aint to be trusted with no live mice. I'll shoot 'im in the guts. In Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, the concept of naturalism is portrayed through the experiences of Lennie, Curleys wife, and Crooks. Also Curley and Carlson wouldve tortured Lennie and then killed, George killing Lennie and if it was justified or condemned is a very controversial discussion and could go either way. He didnt know anything. Lennie did not mean to kill them on purpose. "All the time he coulda had such a good time if it was not for you (Steinbeck). I aint mad. He is the main antagonist and he kills the other characters for one reason or another. George making this choice was right because Lennie had WebNars albatross - Der TOP-Favorit unserer Produkttester. George is not guilty because by killing Lennie, he provided Lennie an escape from his own suffering, he avenged the victims that were lost by Lennie, and he carried out merciful justice for Lennie where there wouldnt have been any at the hands of Curley or law enforcement. I aint mad. "Everybody gonna be nice to you. It was wrong for George to kill Lennie because he told his aunt that he would take care of Lennie, and Lennie was his best friend. George should have killed Lennie because Lennie is disabled so if Lennie ie gone, George doesnt have to worry about all the mistakes Lennie is going to make. WebExplains that george was justified in killing lennie because he was just protecting him from curley. George tells Lennie about the dream moments before he killed him shows that he cared. Before they get there George has Lennie repeat what he is going to say so then Lennie says I aint gonna say nothin. Lennie and Georges lives used to be easier when they lived with their aunt Clara. In the book Of Mice and Men, what is Old Susy's Place? Ain't gonna be no more trouble." Likewise, when George finds Lennie in the woods before he kills him, Lennie expects George to yell at him and be angry about him killing Curleys wife, Lennie looked eagerly at him. Lennie made many troubles this might be because of his disability, but this is the reason that he deserves to live. You can't keep a job and you lose me ever' job I get(Steinbeck 11). Lennie was Georges only family and George wants Lennie to know that before he kills him. Instead, made sure that he was hopeful and happy. George was small, Lennie on the other hand was huge. Accessed 2 Mar. "I forgot, Lennie said softly. "An' you got it away from him and you took it an' you killed him?""Yeah. Did George kill Lennie quotes? To start off, Lennie first This gives George a valid reason to kill Lennie because he did kill Curelys wife out of anger. Another quote that shows Lennies punishment of a mentality is "If you don' want me I can g off. Many people argues it was unjustified to kill Lennie because they could have escaped together, however Lennie is a nuisance and tends to cause trouble 1261 Words 6 Pages Good Essays Read More The novel describes the lifestyle of two poor workers who have long-term plans to live a happy and successful life on a farm ranch. My second reason for saying that George should have killed Lennie is because Lennie forgot everything. Georges actions were justified because he did it for Lennie. If they really wanted to they could have ran but then what would George do for the rest of his life? The other side is saying George shouldnt have because it wasnt right, and how George was Lennies best friend. He pulled the trigger right in the back of the head "you hadda George, I swear you hadda", SCREAMING AND PANCIKINGF AND CRYING AND PAIN, 'Of Mice and Men' Character Quotations (fill, Arthur Getis, Daniel Montello, Mark Bjelland, Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management. Wir haben uns die Mhe gemacht , das Produkt auf alle Aspekte zu prfen, um Ihnen eine What is the meaning and significance of the last line in Of Mice and Men: "Now what the hell do you suppose is eatin' them two guys?" Lennie does simple things that causes trouble not just for himself but also George. All George killing Lennie seemed like the right thing to do. George was asked this by slim and he answered Sure, We kinda look after each other George said (Steinbeck 34). Web2012 jeep grand cherokee ac blowing hot air on driver side. George and Lennie had already run from one place because of Lennies actions, and now they had to be on the run again. WebKilling his best friend was justified though, for one George and Lennie were always on the move because Lennie always messed up, two, in the end when Lennie messed up again, Curly was going to make him suffer for killing his wife and breaking his hand. Killing Lennie is justified throughout the book Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck because if George did not kill Lennie, then Lennie wouldve had a slow, painful death, due to the fact the Curly is furious at Lennie for murdering his wife. The other men were only doing it because they hated Lennie, George would In Chapter 1, what does George tell Lennie to do if he gets in trouble at their new job site in Of Mice and Men. George is justified in killing Lennie because he is already being punished enough mentally. You can order a custom paper by our expert writers. 2023. Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. Lennie was either gonna get killed by the other men or George. Use T-accounts to record the transaction if it create revenues. It WebOf Mice and Men, Chapter 1. Should George have murdered Lennie? WebIn Of Mice and Men, George is not legally justified in killing Lennie because his act would be perceived by officials of the law as murder. The other side of the argument is that they were very close friends and Lennie never did anything to get killed. Latest answer posted June 05, 2020 at 1:01:08 PM. While Lennie may not be a violent person, at the moment he was being violent. What does the title Of Mice and Men mean? George felt justified in killing Lennie because he felt he was saving him from a worse things. They aint got nobody in the worl that gives a hoot in [heck] about em (Steinbeck 104). Both traveled together and George was sort of Lennies keeper. The accused, George Milton is being charged with his murder. Lets get that place now (106). I wisht wed get the rabbits pretty soon, George. That bullet was not one of self-gain and moral disrepute, but one of freedom and liberation from worldly restraints. With our Essay Lab, you can create a customized outline within seconds to get started on your essay right away. Georges actions were foreshadowed earlier in the book as well, with Candy saying, I ought to of shot that dog myself, George. Should George have murdered Lennie? He didnt mean to harm, or scare her. George should have killed Lennie because Lennie did not know his own strength, that is the reason why he killed many things by accident and caused many problems. George lets Lennie know that hes never been mad, an I aint now. Come on, you guys"(48). While holding Lennie at gunpoint without his knowledge, George recounts their long lasting dream life. the killing is laid. Either way, both resulted in Lennies death. Lennies violent acts are not to be blamed on George. XqrN3; :QbwO_q_=3I8HYNkvG{(vEl[K/QIE0DK*>8!K0 Along with this, George made sure to tell Lennie that he was never mad at him. 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was george justified in killing lennie quotes