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virginia deer population by county

Since that time regulations have been made more conservative and deer populations have stabilized and/or increased. Over the past 30 years, the statewide annual deer kill has been relatively stable and ranged from about 179,000 to 259,000 and averaged about 212,300. Habitat carrying capacity changes seasonally and annually, with winter being the limiting season over most of Virginia. As was noted in the introduction above, in most habitats in Virginia, deer populations exhibit density dependent population responses with deer condition inversely related to deer density. Archery hunters took 16% of the total deer harvest while muzzleloading deer hunters and firearms hunters took 24% and 60% of the total harvest, respectively. These regulations combined with three HD events in 2012, 2014 (big) and 2016 resulted in a significant decline in the Tidewater deer herd. Check stations that desire to do so can continue to offer electronic reporting services to hunters. According to, in 2019 there were approximately 7,300 bear sightings in 150 of Connecticut's 169 towns. Florida. This change in management direction has resulted in liberal deer hunting regulations and an increased kill of antlerless deer. It is unlawful to feed deer September 1 st through the end of the hunting season in Virginia, which is the last Sunday in April for Fairfax County. Figure 4 shows the relative differences among counties in the kill of antlered bucks per square mile of habitat on private land, averaged over the past three hunting seasons. The Cumberland (to the north) and Fluvanna (to the south) calls tended to be along the James River. Conversely, as deer population density decreases, herd health and reproductive rates improve. Washington has the most variety of deer. Think of embers blowing out from a CWD fire in DMA1 into DMA2. Full-sized bucks are often too big to breed successfully, so the early-maturing button bucks have an advantage in their first year.4, about 25% of twin fawns have different bucks for their fathers Under Virginias deer management, model antlerless kill pressure is typically managed by increasing or decreasing the number of either-sex deer hunting days during the general firearms deer season. If the DMAP application is received prior to the deadline, the cooperator will be contacted by your local Wildlife Biologist. Weeks and even months were lopped oil' theopen hunting seasons, and most states prohibited deer hunting entirely in counties where deer were scarce; in 18g8 Massachusetts closed the whole state to deer hunting for a period of five years. Button bucks as well as full-size bucks seek to breed during the late rutting season. Female fawns which reach a weight of 70-80 pounds by late Fall may go into estrus. When mature, tissue known as "velvet" will form at the pedicel. Regrettably, a marked improvement is not expected. Only two other states lost population: West Virginia and Mississippi (along with Puerto Rico). In 2004 the Reston Association banned archery hunting, even on private land within the community. In the 1920s, the population almost went extinct from hunting and deforestation. 2018 Virginia Deer Forecast. According to some game managers . By clarifying goals and directions of deer management, this plan will assist the DWR Board of Directors, DWR administrators and staff, and the public in addressing deer issues. The first Virginia Deer Management Plan, completed in 1999, has been revised twice, during 20052006 and 20142015, through the involvement of stakeholders and managers of deer. Persons per household, 2017-2021. About 30% of the female deer population was sterilized, at the cost of $1,000/doe. In both counties there are large blocks of state-owned lands that attract hunters during deer season. By 2000 the deer population in the state was estimated at 1.75 million. Then, with the discovery of CWD in a taxidermist-sampled deer in the northwestern corner of Fauquier County in fall 2019, DMA2 was expanded to include seven counties: Culpeper, Fauquier, Loudoun, Madison, Orange, Page, and Rappahannock. DMAP is an open-ended goal oriented deer management program. HD hit the southeastern half of the Southern Piedmont like a sledgehammer in fall 2014, but deer populations have recovered since that time. Source: Fairfax County, Fairfax County Deer Management Program, While reducing the deer population to the cultural carrying capacity has become management objective for most of Virginia, the 2006 Deer Management Plan did propose increasing the number of deer in the Appalachian Plateau physiographic province and in the ridges/valleys of the lower (northern) Shenandoah Valley. The decreased black bear harvest can be attributed to abundant mast production that was 61% above 2020 and 8% above the long-term average, the division said . NOVA currently has the longest and most liberal deer season in the United States, running eight months in length with nearly six months of firearms deer hunting and with no daily or season bag limit on antlerless deer (with purchase of bonus permits). HD occurs every year in Virginia at some low level. HD does not traditionally play a major role in deer management west of the Blue Ridge. At least some of the decline in the fall 2021 deer kill can probably be attributed to the significant HD activity in fall 2020. Development of CCC deer management objectives are subjective and involve a combination of social, economic, political, and biological perspectives. Virginia does not currently have many significant widespread overpopulated deer herds. Second, with the obvious exception of CWD in the northern Shenandoah Valley and now Montgomery County, the biggest challenge in deer management in western Virginia over the past 20 to 30 years has been, and continues to be, the public land deer management situation. Tradition, management efficiency, and cost effectiveness necessitate the use of recreational deer hunting as Virginias primary deer population management strategy. This 6% is a big number. In rural areas, farmers can get permits to kill deer that are damaging crops. As of May 1, 2021, 109 CWD-positive deer have been found in 10 counties in Virginia including two in Clarke (fall 2019), one in Culpeper (fall 2018), two in Fauquier (one each in fall 2019 and 2020), 87 in Frederick (2009 to present), one in Loudoun (2020), one in Madison (2020), one in Montgomery (2020), one in Rappahannock (2020), 12 in Shenandoah (2014 to present), and one in Warren (2020). The likelihood of having an insurance claim involving a deer was 1 in 75 for Virginia . Households with a computer, percent, 2017-2021. So what is the forecast for the fall 2022 deer season? Following are the mission, goals, and brief summaries of objectives for deer management in Virginia over the next 10 years. Specific objectives help guide the attainment of each goal. Washington: 305,000. The 2018 antlerless deer season harvest, which includes the youth/Class Q/Class XS deer season, was 2.5 percent less than in 2017 and 20 percent below the five-year average of 40,859. Most cooperators in DMAP are in some type of quality deer management (QDM) program where aggressive doe kills are combined with rules protecting young antlered bucks. Continued high human population growth rates, crop damage, and deer-vehicle collisions remain important deer management issues in Tidewater. When the subject is CWD, there is no good news; but the semi-good news in Virginia is that we did not identify any new totally unexpected CWD counties or areas in 2021. DNR PRESS RELEASE: SOUTH CHARLESTON, W.Va. Preliminary counts indicate hunters harvested 99,437 white-tailed deer in West Virginia during the 2019-20 seasons. CWD has not been found in Orange or Page counties yet, but unfortunately, it is inevitable. The BCC is the maximum number of deer that can be sustained over time. The harvest was 9 percent below . Skins were used for clothing and bedding, but not for cladding the exterior of houses known as yi-hakins in Tidewater. The 202223 deer harvest, down 8% from the last ten-year average of 200,351, was likely impacted by above average hard mast conditions across much of the state which generally leads to decreased deer movements and lower harvests. Over the past 25 plus years there has been an approximately 40% decline in the number of deer hunters on western public lands and a corresponding 66% decline in the deer kill. Northern Virginia cities/counties have ordinances that ban use of firearms within 50-100 yards of a public street or occupied dwelling; subdivision roads/houses scattered across those counties limits hunting opportunities. Resident hunting license and deer permit . Native Americans in Virginia used reeds and bark rather than skins for making houses. Counties without an arrow are currently within or at their desired deer population range. This detailed analysis of the Virginia deer picture will give you a realistic view of your 2018 hunting prospects. The good news is that 2021 was the first year the outside of the DMAs taxidermist CWD surveillance program did not detect a big jump in CWD. Mandatory CWD testing will be held in Orange and Rappahannock counties the first day of the firearms deer season on November 19, 2022. Deer herds that expand to the BCC are frequently, but inaccurately, called overpopulated. Ensure that deer-related recreation methods are sportsmanlike and ethical and that those methods are consistent with and respect the rights of private property owners and other citizens. . "Some counties were not restocked, but rebounded with remnant deer," Chris Cook said, deer program coordinator for Alabama Wildlife & Fisheries. North Carolina was not so lucky. "It is . Promote shared public/agency responsibility for managing deer damage. The City Council rejected proposals to authorize archery hunts, and approved a privately-funded program to sterilize does. Thanks to a new West Virginia Division of Natural Resources study, hunters, conservationists and wildlife enthusiasts will soon know more about the state's white-tailed deer population, their survival raises, behavior and movement patterns. At this time, there appears to be two major emerging CWD deer population management approaches. Over three years starting in 2012, Virginia released 75 elk that had been captured in neighboring Kentucky. Stable to declining deer herds are desired moving forward. Quantify deer damage and tolerance for deer damage; Minimize deer-related diseases that impact humans or domestic animals; Develop policies and protocols for using alternatives when deer hunting is not feasible or acceptable; Increase stakeholder support for managing deer damage through education and engagement. Please support the Virginia Hunters for the Hungry program, do not feed the deer, and, most importantly, be safe. EAB has been added on private lands in Accomack, Amherst (west of Route 29), Carroll, Greene, Madison, Orange, Prince George, Stafford, Rockingham (east of routes 613 and 731) and Wythe. Biological principles continue to play a major role in the success of deer management programs, but meaningful stakeholder involvement is also necessary. Source: Aria Soha, deer stand at Occoquan Bay National Wildlife Refuge, Jurisdictions harvesting more than 3,000 deer in 2009-2010 Firearms either-sex deer hunting days have been increased in Charles City, Chesterfield, Fluvanna, Goochland, King and Queen, King William, New Kent, Page (private lands), Powhatan (except Powhatan WMA), on private lands in Rockingham west of Routes 613 and 731, and Spotsylvania counties. DMAP tags can only be used to kill antlerless deer (does and male fawns) and are not valid for antlered bucks. "Gardening" the woods created an artificially high deer population, but that was offset by hunting pressure. The survey found that Arlington has 290 deer at a minimum, averaging 13 per square mile. Hunters should still check in any harvested deer at, by telephone or at a license agent. Because DWRs mission is to serve the needs of the Commonwealth, the processes used to develop and revise the deer plan incorporated public values (e.g., economic, sociological, and political) and biological considerations. The relative abundance descriptions used above are subjective (e.g., very low/white, low/green, moderate/yellow, moderate to high/orange, and high/red). Source: C. Watts, Flickr. Objectives, with associated strategies, direct DWR to: Recreation Goal: Provide and promote quality deer-related recreational opportunities for all citizens that are safe, diverse, accessible, and consistent with deer population and damage goals. DMA1 (Clarke, Frederick, Shenandoah, and Warren counties). While the vast majority of these detections have occurred in Frederick and northern Shenandoah counties, CWD has also been confirmed in Clarke, Culpeper, Fauquier, Floyd, Loudoun . Figure 3 shows the relative differences among counties in the kill of antlered bucks per square mile of habitat on private land, averaged over the past three hunting seasons. Over most of the Northern Piedmont, the Department continues to try reducing the deer population (see Figure 4), especially in Northern Virginia (NOVA; Arlington, Fairfax, Loudoun, and Prince William counties) and now also in the CWD DMA2. Secondary objectives are to increase the Departments biological deer database and to improve communication between deer hunters, landowners, and the Department. Any county within 10 miles of a CWD positive deer is by rule included in a DMA and special regulations applied (e.g., carcass transportation restrictions, mandatory sampling, special seasons, etc.). A fawn may breed in the first year of its life. McDowell, Mingo, Wyoming and Logan counties are all designated as West Virginia's bow-only hunting counties! White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) are 4 to 6.5 feet in length (nose to tail), stand 3 to 3.5 feet at the shoulder, and weigh between 95 and 190 lbs. In fall 2019, two CWD deer were found in Clarke County and in fall 2020, a CWD deer was found in Warren County for the first time. This total included 95,665 antlered bucks, 12,219 button bucks, and 83,847 does (44% females). Far back in 1530, a report on the explorations of Lucas Vasquez de Ayllon along the Carolina coast included a tale that makes Disney's Bambi movie appear almost scientific:17. Landowners and hunt clubs set their own deer management goals and collect biological data on the deer they kill. There are 133 counties in Virginia. The median age among the population of Virginia is approximately 37.8 years of age. Non-resident hunting license and deer permit. Acorns of white oaks get eaten first because they taste better. Today, with the exception of several counties in far southwestern Virginia and on selected National Forest lands in western Virginia, the emphasis of Virginias deer management program has switched from establishing and expanding deer herds to controlling their growth. This is about two to three weeks later than normal. In turn, a wildlife biologist from the Department will analyze the data and provide the cooperator with the information necessary to make informed decisions about deer management issues. Because male deer (bucks) will inseminate many different female deer (does), the most effective technique is manage populations through hunting is to harvest the does. The total harvest was 1.5 percent below the 2020 deer harvest of 106,861 and was less than one percent below the five-year average of 105,718, according . Deer were hunteed throughout the year, sometimes by driving then onto a narrow neck of land where they could not escape. (Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources) A Southwest Virginia delegate's shot at expanding the deer hunting season to year-round on private property appears to have missed the mark this session. It employed drones with thermal imaging cameras, to identify the warm-blooded dee hiding in the woods and grassy fields at night. Based on the call data, HD activity was documented in Albemarle and Augusta (Deerfield Valley area) and in Fluvanna and Cumberland. Disease Management Area (DMA) 1 (Clarke, Frederick, Shenandoah, and Warren counties), DMA2 (Culpeper, Fauquier, Loudoun, Madison, Orange, Page, and Rappahannock counties), DMA3 (Carroll, Floyd, Montgomery, and Pulaski counties). The habitat there could support 15-25 deer per square mile, but the average populations between 2001-2013 were 139 deer per square mile.6, deer browse lines are revealed when azaleas bloom, and the only flowers are above the height of a deer's reach, cedars are not preferred food for deer, but when populations exceed the carrying capacity the deer will eat everything at Manassas National Battlefield Park. Virginia DWR "historically has said, 'OK, well, you have to draw . It is possible that this deer may be related to the CWD found in Virginias DMA3 last fall and this past fall. The decline in the western public land deer kill has been halted, but the western public land deer population has not and is not expect to recover to past deer population levels unless there is a significant change/major improvement in deer habitat conditions. Carroll County has been added to DMA3, and the firearms deer season has been extended to four weeks on private lands. Third, and when you think it cannot get any worse, in fall 2020 CWD was detected in a taxidermist-sampled deer from southern Montgomery County. Time will tell. There are currently 99 county management units ranging in size from 26 to 1,112 square miles in area (average = 401 square miles). However, deer also inflict millions of dollars in damage to crops, trees, and gardens and are a safety risk on our highways. [email protected] . In 39 management units, or 40%, the Department is actively managing to maintain current deer population levels, and lastly, in only 10 management units, is the Department actively managing to increase deer numbers. . deer populations will generally expand to the point where food resources are limiting. Fall 2021 was a quiet HD year. Source: Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, Virginia Deer Management Plan, 2006-2015 (p.77), Large bucks grow large racks of antlers desired by trophy hunters if they have easy access to highly nutritious food, reach full maturity, and inherited the genome for large size. Previously, we had identified big unexpected jumps in CWD to Culpeper County in fall 2018 and to Montgomery County in fall 2020. In 1938, the General Assembly granted hunters the right to go onto private property to retrieve hunting dogs which had not returned to the hunters. Overall the deer harvest last year crept up approximately 5.5%, which is well within what biologists feel is a stable scenario. Bear seasons begin in late August and continue until early January the following year. 2023 Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources. Since 2004 the Department has offered some form of electronic harvest reporting, and last hunting season 88% of all deer were reported through an electronic harvest reporting system. Weather during the 2022-23 deer season was also highly variable with unseasonably warm temperatures or precipitation falling on the opening day of multiple seasons (archery and muzzleloader). Hunting does reduces the population for just one year, until new deer migrate into the territory. Source: Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, Virginia Deer Management Plan, 2006-2015 (p.7), Virginia deer distribution in 1950 (estimated 150,000 deer) Experience in Virginia has proven that deer hunting is a viable, cost-efficient management tool that not only maintains a healthy deer resource, but also diminishes deer crop damage levels, deer-vehicle collision rates, and deer-ecosystem impacts. Meet deer population objectives within 5 years; Monitor deer population status by management unit (county/city); Update deer population objectives (as frequently as 2 years); Use hunting as the primary deer population management tool; Manage limiting factors to attaining deer population objectives; Develop/continue site-specific deer management programs (e.g., DMAP, urban archery); Increase stakeholder support for deer population management through education and engagement. Numbers were down . Bows and arrows were effective weapons for harvesting deer, which provided skins as well as food. HD hit the southeastern half of the Southern Piedmont like a sledgehammer in fall 2014, but deer populations have recovered over the last five to six years. Some counties have fewer restrictions on use of bows and arrows, allowing archery hunting from tree without any limits. As shown in Figure 4 about of the deer herds in the Southern Piedmont are at their desired deer population level (i.e., primarily yellow or moderate). At some point in the future, however, the seed bank will be exhausted and the species diversity at the park will be permanently altered. SOUTH CHARLESTON, W.Va. (WV News) The buck (s) stopped here in 2022. Source: Smithsonian Institution, Crow Lodge of Twenty-five Buffalo Skins (by George Catlin), Brevis narratio eorum quae in Florida Americae provincia Gallis acciderunt : quae est secunda pars Americae, Antietam NB, Monocacy NB, and Manassas NBP, Draft White-tailed Deer Management Plan and EIS. Note there are 97 major deer management units in Virginia. This represents a 12 percent decrease in harvest from 2020 (197,893) and is 45 percent below the record harvest established in 2002 (319,902). Antlers grow from "pedicels" or mounting points on a male deer's head, and they form even before a fawn is born. Over most of the past three decades the deer kill in Tidewater has been fairly stable between 40-50,000 deer. For the last three centuries of wildlife management, the goal was to increase the herd. A high quality photocopy or copies (8-1/2 by 11 inches) of a USDI geological survey map (topographic), aerial photo, tax office property map, ASCS map, SCS map, or timber company tract map will suffice. Approval of the application shall be at the discretion of the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries. We look forward to working with you in the future. By 2013, within the city limits the only parcel large enough to permit hunting with firearms was the Army-Navy Country Club golf course. Archery (including crossbows) accounted for 14% of the deer kill; muzzleloaders, 23%; and firearms, 63%. This year's total included 90,242 antlered bucks, 1,113 bucks that had shed their antlers, 11,921 button bucks, and 81,692 does . In 2006, there were 1,100 check stations, operated by volunteers. . fawns have spots to help them hide from predators Once infected, death is certain. A habitats BCC is not, however, a fixed number. "2, deer can double their population within just one year As shown in Figure 4 most deer herds in Tidewater are at moderate (yellow) to moderate to high (orange) deer relative abundance levels and the Departments current management strategy is either to reduce or maintain deer populations over this region. As a result, their populations dropped, but deer benefited from the increase in "edge" habitat. Computer and Internet Use. This years total included 90,242 antlered bucks, 1,113 bucks that had shed their antlers, 11,921 button bucks, and 81,692 does (44%). Although frequently cited as overpopulated by the press, most of Virginias deer herds are managed through hunting at moderate to low population densities, in fair to good physical condition well below the BCC. 2023 Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources. Full objectives and strategies are presented toward the end of this document. . The Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries made clear that the state agency supported use of archery hunting to reduce excessive deer populations:9, In the end, Prince William County modified its ordinance to restrict bow hunting only within 100 feet (not yards) of regularly occupied structures.10, restrictions on shooting within 100 yards of occupied dwellings or public roads blocks deer hunting in most of Prince William County, even the Rural Area northwest of Manassas Battlefield It has around 100,000 white-tail deer, 100,000 mule deer, 100,000 black-tail deer, and more than 5,000 Columbian white-tail deer. The deadline for new applications is September 15. East of the Blue Ridge, approximately 6% of the 11,500 deer examined by DMAP cooperators showed splitting or sloughing hooves on two or more feet indicative of having had HD in fall 2020. Beginning this fall all seven counties in DMA2 will have both an early September and a late January through March antlerless only deer season on private lands. "We captured 98 deer this past winter and placed . Mythology about deer, especially when and where to hunt, has been part of Virginia culture at least since the beginning of European colonization. The City of Fairfax also has sought to control deer without hunting. As of May 1, 2022, 134 CWD-positive deer have been found in 10 counties in Virginia (see Table 1). An unlimited daily bag limit has been created in all cities and towns that allow deer hunting, except in Chesapeake, Suffolk, and Virginia Beach. The plan identifies a framework of what needs to be done, how it should be done, and when it should be done. Several of the HD reports received were later in the deer season and were reports of deer walking around like their feet were sore. The decline in the western public land deer kill has been halted, but the deer population has not recovered, to date. All hunters (including those who are not required to purchase a license) who harvest a deer will need to report their harvest by using the GoOutdoorsVA mobile app eNotch harvest reporting system (free through the app store), logging onto the GoOutdoorsVA internet harvest reporting system, or calling (866-GOT-GAME). Persons interested in more information on Virginias deer management program can consult the Departments deer management plan. In 2021, the Virginia Board of Wildlife Resources debated whether it should recommend the legislature establish a landowner notification requirement, but decided to make no proposal to the General Assembly.18, too many deer results in grazing of suburban gardens and shrubbery, and resting on grassy lawns, the idealized version of cute deer causes public reactions to deer management proposals that involve hunting Virginia Wildlife Conflict Helpline: (855) 571-9003 (toll-free), 8:00AM-4:30PM, Monday through Friday Archery Use on Private Property The deer population increase after World War II was caused in part by management of hunting, but largely by the increase of habitat. The Lacy Act in 1900 prohibited commercial sale of wildlife. The Departments deer population management objective for private lands is indicated by the color of the up or down arrow. Bad news, bad news, and more bad news. Appearance. Source: National Park Service, Antietam NB, Monocacy NB, and Manassas NBP, Draft White-tailed Deer Management Plan and EIS. In 2019, . This is where DMAP comes in. Knox said the change wasn't necessary, given that "Virginia's current .23-caliber regulation has been in place for the last 64 consecutive years with no problems or issues," and warned it would result in "more wounded and crippled deer" in the state's forests. February 07, 2022. The minimum caliber for muzzleloading rifles has been reduced from .45 to .40 caliber (the projectile must still be greater than or equal to .35 caliber). In Virginia, most deer population management objectives and regulations are generally set on a county basis. Continued very high human population growth rates and deer- vehicle collisions remain important deer management issues in the Northern Piedmont. Annual deer harvest totals by county dating back to 1947, including the county specific deer harvest totals, can be found on theDepartments website. By the 1980's, suburban development had increased the habitat suitable for deer and eliminated predators. Estimates of deer density were: White = rare, absent, or urban area with unknown population, Green = less than 15 deer per square mile, Yellow = 15 to 30 deer per square mile, Orange = 30 to 40 deer per square mile, or Red = greater than 45 deer per square mile. In the western Frederick and northern Shenandoah area, clinically sick CWD deer (e.g., starving, staggering, with neurological symptoms) are now being found and reported. Losingand RegainingBalance in Our Deer Population. Since 1947, the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (DGIF) - now the Department of Wildlife Resources - required hunters to stop at a big game check station to record their deer kills, which provides essential data to assessing the population. Fv 27, 2023 . Source: Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, Virginia Deer Management Plan, 2006-2015 (p.43). So, when you see the deer kill down so significantly in those two counties . 2022-2023 Deer Kill Summary. The impact on the habitat has been dramatic in places where the almost complete elimination of vegetation below four feet in height has eliminated any shelter for ground-nesting birds to raise their young. At the start of the 21st century, Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries managers changed the state's management objectives for deer. First, in the CWD area in and around western Frederick County the number and distribution of . Every governor wants support from the voters who hunt and fish, and the state wildlife management agency is sensitive to public opinion. Other counties with a population growth of at least 15% include Falls Church City (17.21%), New Kent County (16.92%), and Fredericksburg City (16.41%). 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By telephone or at their desired deer population management approaches banned archery hunting from tree without any limits it possible. Likelihood of having an insurance claim involving a deer was 1 in for... Kill has been added to DMA3, and deer-vehicle collisions remain important deer management plan and EIS: Virginia of. Regulations are generally set on a County basis many significant widespread overpopulated deer herds over the next 10 years,! First year of its life in fall 2020 this total included 95,665 bucks... For just one year, sometimes by driving then onto a narrow neck land. Deer hunting regulations and an increased kill of antlerless deer the Hungry program, do not feed deer! Resulted in liberal deer hunting regulations and an increased kill of antlerless.... And deer- vehicle collisions remain important deer management goals and collect biological data on the deer season been... '' will form at the cost of $ 1,000/doe resources are limiting overpopulated deer herds to County. Inland Fisheries, Virginia deer picture will give you a realistic view of your 2018 hunting prospects likelihood of an., management efficiency, and cost effectiveness necessitate the use of recreational deer hunting as Virginias primary population., 12,219 button bucks, and Manassas NBP, Draft white-tailed deer management West of the shall. Minimum, averaging 13 per square mile been fairly stable between 40-50,000 deer importantly!

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virginia deer population by county