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skip jansen delphi murders

In my option the perp is home grown. Too much points to them to be coincidence. Kelsi German has been cleared. They believe that when fresh LE eyes looked at the case in 2018 (I think they said GBI) this is what shifted the investigation to look back at him and precipitated the 2019 press conference where LE corrected paths, clarified the correct sketch, and spoke directly to BG/the killer. Abby and Libby were murdered after going for a hike near an old bridge in February 2017. I think he may have had over 1,000 photos/videos on his drives or possibly more. 43 sec is probably the time they have of the man on the girls phone recording. That most likely wouldn't happen without resources like this constantly keeping attention on cases. No, LK is the real deal. However, we presently lack evidence that Mr. X worked at Indiana Packers. The motive is apparently lust murder motivated by sexual sadism combined with psychopathy, the classic formulation almost all serial killers have. Unfortunately, its not free. Pretty soon these fucking machines that are dumber than rocks are going to be making all sorts of unappealable decisions about our lives because the capitalists are too greedy to hire a real human to do the job, so they buy a machine instead. I get it. You mentioned a pic of CSI workers with a doll a couple of days ago did anything come of this? delphi murders: family of james chadwell says he is 'absolutely capable' of killing 2 teens Then, on Aug. 19, the ISP petitioned the Miami County Circuit Court for custody of an Indiana man . You cannot keep your own story straight. He could have called his wife, who was friends with Becky Patty, and the wife could have told him about the girls going missing. We believe that this happened in the first place because a photo exists of a truck being towed from the CPS building around February 14. *******If you have information on this case or know who Bridge Guy is, or have had interaction with the anthony_shots profile please contact law enforcement. The one thing I cannot do is help him get away with his crimes, that is, be an accessory. Hard to believe that there are two DPs and two QPs in such a small area. We believe Mr. X stayed with the truck all that time in order to watch it. We believe he just told LE she was coming, it went out over the scanner, and she never showed up. The theory is that he was in on these murders for mercenary reasons, such as a malign desire to purchase Ron Logans land. Now he says he never saw BG at all. I doubt if its important. Mr. X is a very close friend of Mr. M. Mr. M was a 20 year old man who impregnated one of the girls. I do not feel that this has anything to do with anything. One person wins and everyone else loses. I must have the wrong name for your POI? Anyhow on YT one of the titles says former cheerleader. Not that thats necessarily relevant to the case, just that one of your pics above makes more sense now lol. Furthermore, homicide is the most serious thing you can charge anyone with. Actually, Jack, the families do not know at all. Perhaps a parent(s) was involved particularity in the cover up especially since the killer was inexperienced at covering their tracks. Its burgundy. Maybe on a dark spiritual level, yes, but I think the Delphi killer has nothing to do with the other murders now. These are the only claims that people can hold us to because with all the rest, we openly admit that the claims are Unverified, so we should not be held to any of those claims. Twice in the the Evansdale Murders, LE thought they were certain that they had the right man. I agree I hope CN and this new guy do sue you. Sorry for this poorly worded question. Most of them are from the other sub. DELPHI New chilling details have emerged involving the Delphi deaths investigation. Anything that shows they crossed the creek that evening. If the sketch depicting an older suspect truly came from DP attempting to misdirect the investigation, it's very interesting that it bears such a strong resemblance to his father. Thats going to be very hard for him to explain. Anyone with information was asked to contact [email protected] or 765-822-3535, and provide as much information as possible, such as when and how you communicated with anthony_shots, what social media apps were used, and if anthony_shots attempted to meet you or get your address. Indiana State Police Sgt. Well, the police have told us that they have a main suspect in this case, so at least I am just going to go with the cops on this one. I estimate that 85% of what we said here in past years has been shown to be false over time. Kline admits getting more than 100 sexual pictures and videos of underage girls using the anthony_shots profile. Point is that he may have never had ceased offending. Its certainly possible that she may well have not recognized Mr. X, even though he was apparently a neighbor. She recorded them for a good six minutes and definitely longer. 43 seconds of audio. They also acknowledge that SSA, or same sex attraction is a logical process for a lot of men. Kirts knew those backwoods just as good & probably better than Logan didI dunno man, the motive is dead on too (his beast of a girlfriend Garth getting locked up & losing custody of her son because of Libertys dad snitching for jail time easingI first thought this was a serial crimeNow, after looking at a lot more of the detail (& coming in to this in December 21, with most of the pertinent activity already have taken place), Id say chances of it being serial are probably less than 1%. I really dont see a motive for RL. So far, Indiana State Police has not publicly connected Kline with the girls deaths, but investigators have talked about the Delphi case in both of their news releases about Kline and the social media account. We doubt if she did contact his wife. Everyone was crowding around to look at the crime he had committed. The judge would say you dont even have enough evidence against this man to take this case to court and throw it out of court. Wouldnt 13-14 year old girls be past dolls and stuffed animals? These are real people stop meddling and just read. There are 244 comments there. I don't even have a solid theory atm really because I've discredited a bunch of my own. It was believed that someone was killing females and removing their hearts. And a few hours ago, fake DP posted that exact same article. Do you believe your POI acted alone to abduct and eventually kill the girls? Was he adamant he saw OGS? This claims are quite dubious and we dont suggest anyone put any weight into them. Bottom line is the quality of our sources has increased dramatically over time. Thanks for your time. The police cant prevent private citizens from searching on their own, and its my understanding that many did. So many armchair-detective, keyboard warriors who want to insert themselves into something they know nothing about; if they had any sense, they would realize that he is traveling to Delphi to answer questions, sort fact from fiction and definitively disprove the countless false claims and bad information that has spread about this case. I could be completely off base and change my mind tomorrow. LE has no clue what is going on. Thank you for stopping by the site. It was all over by 3:30. Then again, what if it wasnt? Anyway, LE believes that Bridge Guy is Mr. X. Theyre not looking at anyone else. The Delphi murders are among the most famous murders in the United States, and the texts are now circulating on the Internet. So, the girls were found on RLs property. You learn which rumors have promise and which have not panned out. If DP sues Skip and/or TCG for defamation, that will result in near certainty about his involvement. Mr. Xs wife, his daughter, and Becky Patty are now putting out a story that Mr. X never lost his keys in the first place. However, some people are stupid enough to sue even when they are guilty. We currently feel that this is the best explanation of the facts. Then there is always the question of his occupation. If this main POI isnt the bridge guy, he is definitely, without a doubt in my mind, involved in the murders of Abby and Libby in some form or fashion. These are the facts about the man LE suspects is BG. Your email address will not be published. Im not sure how he got there, if he drove a car, or if so, where he parked it. Also theres only one way for LE to know that BG filmed his crime if the rumors about sending video of the crime to the girls phones afterwards is true. If I happened to be out that day lets say partying or doing some stuff that maybe I shouldnt have been doing, and I witnessed something and had information Im telling you right now, I would think twice, then I would think two more times before I would even consider coming forward because I would be scared shitless that LE would throw my ass in jail for something completely unrelated just like they did to RL. Number 6, an extremely controversial statement, was told to JM and then to us by a sheriff in a nearby county. CN: Middle aged man, resident of Delphi. This has been misrepresented by doubters as the scanner saying to let Mrs. X into the sealed off area because shes bringing Mr. X his keys. Jersey dude felt so slighted that the Reddit world didn't stop what they were doing to acknowledge Skip's strange trip that he felt he needed to make a post himself to berate those who didn't offer to pay for Skip's gas. Empiricism is a thing. If so, why? Which one is responsible for the fake DP facebook account? This is a rumor that a woman walking her dogs on the bridge at 12:30 PM on the day of the murders, a full hour before BG probably appeared on the trails at 1:30 PM, saw a man who looked like the Young BG sketch. Anyway, even if there was PIV sex, the victim would have died soon after the sex and the tiniest speck of a fetus, the size of a pencil dot on a sheet of paper, along with it. If LE actually believes that BG was 50 years old, why did they put out this statement that he looks like this ridiculous sketch of a very young man or even an 18-40 year old man? Some connection with Libby via geocaching. All other POIs are dropped or cleared at least as being the killers themselves. See video. It was all over by 3:30 PM. I believe that came from the leaked DE texts, and I would really like to know if that has ever been confirmed by anyone in LE. But many questions still remain around the murders of Abby Williams, 13, and Libby German, 14. This would explain how he could control two teens from running away as well as using a fake gun and badge. Numbers 1-4 were told to a retired detective who works with one of our team members us by an LE source close to the investigation. The sketch of the younger man is the catfish of the 19 year old boy used to lure in Libby from Snapchat. Breathe so we can comment in between paragraphs pleaser. And bringing in some random Redditor as your source? I see you may have particular interest in the Evansdale case due to proximity. If one of the girls was pregnant, was the pregnancy a result of intercourse with Mr X? Skip provides a notable suspect at the scene with a shady storyline, but we still are left in the dark about motive. I have joined the group on face book #Delphi Murders. The girls hand was wrapped around the knife to make it appear that she was stabbing herself. If they tried to take it to court, I am almost certain that the judge would throw it out before it even got to the trial stage. Will be posted by Saturday, March 11th. Its odd how there is that other photo of what looks like BG sitting on park bench. The last thing they need is this motley crew invading their town. But we have said many of the same things, which may be confirmation of my visions in a way. I definitely think that he was passed info inadvertently. Some insist that this is merely a coincidence, but apparently LE do not think it is coincidental. In addition, note that he abducted two girls on the 13th, 2-13. There is a small fee of $20 to join, which includes lifetime membership. Can you explain to me how LE would know that BG filmed his crime if he didnt send that crime footage to the girls phones? Hes a greedy businessman with dollar signs in fluttering eyes that sound like clanging cash registers every time he blinks. There is a lot of controversy about that but it does appear that you can hear on the audio, Is that creepy guy still following us?. Abby may have been naked below the waist. Were their clothes found with the bodies at the crime scene? He could have gone home, but for some reason he stayed with his truck. Been following your blog from the start, and this is so close to what I have been feeling for a while now. Im from the UK too and once a crowd beat up a Paediatrician because they mistakenly thought it meant he was a paedophile. Im not saying he is or he isnt, but I would hope that every one of his statements has been gone over with a fine-toothed comb, verified, and re-verified for good measure. And when they said BG was actually better described as a combination of both sketches, they were correct too. We now have a better time frame for Mr. Xs truck being parked at the cemetery. Mr. X did not have PIV sex with either girl. I love you and the information youre releasing! We reported them one year before it came out in the media that they were all true. The gun is a rare collectors item, possibly a .40mm. Many people from the Delphi area have gone over to went over to Evansdale to work on plants over there. I have no idea why shes doing this, but its not because she killed her own sister. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. One of our team members talked to a detective in Kentucky a couple of years ago who told us about this expunged conviction. It is on the girls cellphones, but if you listen to it, you will just hear a bunch of unintelligible garble. Ok he has committed some sort of sex crimes or other or weird crimes like peeping and whatnot. I will. This is at a time when he and his alibi place him out of town in a nearby city. We also do not know why out of all of the places to search, he happened to pick the exact location where the girls were killed. Senior high school: First years unknown but graduated from Delphi High School in 1984-85. Hello, i live in cedar rapids , ia. Incidentally, this LE detective thinks our police sources are all real sources and thinks we are on the right trail. Thats because he was competition. Pay at least $20 for lifetime membership to my PayPal. Correct. Professor at a local university, known for the Geocaching Theory. This is all so immature of everyone. I find it ironic that he lived close to the Flora fires, and it wouldnt surprise me if he was linked to Evansdale as well. Resident of Delphi in 1984-85 at minimum. Dont pay any attention to that.. 3) This man is a *heavy* smoker and a functioning alcoholic. Im getting, at the home!. Whatever it was that caused her to react in such a way, I just hope she shared with law enforcement. An Indiana man accused of killing two teenage girls in the infamous Delphi murder case was linked to the crime through an unspent bullet found at the scene, newly revealed documents show. A podcast called The Murder Sheet talked to another woman who said her interactions with Kline started when she was only 12 years old. Occupation: Handicrafter making wooden signs. He's a guy. Thats why he has those Packers boots on. Of course she did. It is high time this comes to fruition. If you have saved images or conversations with the anthony_shots profile, please attach them to your email, the release said. Homeless for a period in the 2000s, where he resided at a homeless shelter. Busy location with a diner nearby. They said, Hes just a decoy. But we dont know what that means. Hey I wanted to see what you think on Kirts now with the time thats passed, and lot more evidence published out there (mainly the Open Secrets YouTube channel interviews with Kirts & CM)..& Ed Bounds YouTube channel Crime PursuitBoth have incredible detail with Kirts himself seriously all but admitting to being the Delphi suspect. He took it with him in some sort of hunting pack? There is so much junk, lies, theory, you name it, it is there. How about getting your moneys worth? This just doesnt bode well for him, I mean ESPECIALLY if you consider that he asked to search the Logan property and came up empty-handed. At 13 and 14 the cycles are messed up bad. He took an undocumented deer trail and evaded the encountering of any individual upon his departure. It doesnt seem reasonable to stay out there all that time for no good reason. Turned out he was just some troll who wanted people to think he committed these murders instead of being the person who actually did them. I dont know why that stood out to me. Same with Evansdale probably too. She mentions how the search parties on the 13th had a hard time finding the girls because they didnt think the were looking for bodies but alive girls and she says additionally, also they were partially covered. What does that mean? Instant person of interest. I long held that Evansdale and Delphi were connected due to the inversely related murder dates and MOAs. Truth is an absolute defense. Dec. 6, 2021 Police seek help to identify the creator of a social media account for anthony_shots.. If you have heard about this case and wish to discuss it, feel free. Thanks. Little if any good information comes out of these places. After all, there was nothing they could have done anyway. true crime garage stitcher 27 Feb. true crime garage stitcher Jerseyperson111 = Skip Jansen = Ok Cricket (new)? He prefers whiskey, its his drink of choice and hes off without it. I understand that all of my information may not be correct. So hes a murderer. Great job guys presenting this case so well. And at the end, Carter says, He may even be in this room right now, (he was in fact) and then looks in the complete opposite direction of Mr. X. In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use.All opinions in this video are mine and mine alone. One problem was we went down the rabbit hole chasing the wrong guy for a couple of years. Thing is, over time your information tends to get better. So it looks like Mr. X is using to cutting up dead and possibly living animals with large knives. Victim was an 8-12 year old female. And possibly even other rapes and homicides. Im not sure I understand what covered means. It's quite active. Clothing soaked in blood, seen and unseen. Stop. People are saying that we have a copy of the gag order that was issued on the towing of the truck at the CPS building. No, the other girl was also having sex with males and she also had a boyfriend. Case in point - he said last time that his suspect was currently in jail. BG made a deep cut to the throat of one victim, probably with a hatchet, that resembles the deep cuts made to the throats of pigs at some slaughterhouses. Delphi Murders /// Under the Bridge /// Part 1 /// 509 Part 1 of 3 Delphi, Indiana - February 13, 2017 - Middle school students Liberty German and Abigail Williams went for a hike on the Monon High Bridge Trail and were murdered . The case, just that one of the younger man is the most famous murders in the cover up since! Not do is help him get away with his truck is Mr. X. Theyre not looking anyone... A nearby county this man is a very close friend of Mr. M. Mr. M was paedophile! M. Mr. M was a paedophile involving the Delphi area have gone home, but its not because she her! Ok he has committed some sort of sex crimes or other or weird crimes like peeping and whatnot shes. 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skip jansen delphi murders