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naboo and alderaan

. We have their loyalty. [9] However, a small number of systems rebelled against this new regime,[3] and the Alliance to Restore the Republic was ultimately formed by Bail Organa and his former colleague in the Galactic Senate, Senator Mon Mothma of Chandrila. The Alderaaian monarch was expected to wear braids. Soruna, Organa, and Alliance pilot Shara Bey finally decided to use three old N-1 starfightersthat had been stored by Queen Neeyutnee in the Theed Hangar during the Clone Warsand go protect Naboo by destroying the Empire's satellites. By the time of the war's end, Palpatine had amassed considerable power and proclaimed himself the head of a new Galactic Empire. For example, both the monarch and his or her consort wore them during the investment ceremony of their heir. Leia and Daln, the Queen of Naboo, are almost killed when Moff Quarsh Panaka is assassinated with a bomb. Core Worlds[1]The Interior[2] When the monarchy was established, its traditions involving the succession were also established, such as the heir's Day of Demand and their three challenges. Diameter [3], Under threat of destroying her planet, Leia gave a fake location of the rebel base to Tarkin, only for Tarkin to nevertheless destroy Alderaannoting that Dantooine was too remote for an "effective demonstration"[3]to punish the world for supporting the Rebellion,[48] hoping the annihilation of the entire world would make the rest of the galaxy fear Imperial retribution for supporting the Rebels. This is the ideal example of nature preservation, yet extreme for it involves removing one species . Both sides refused to acknowledge their responsibilities in the rift, and the two groups ostracized each other for the longest time. "[19] However, the 2016 reference book Star Wars: Complete Locations states that Naboo has only one moon. Naboo can be deceptively quaint, but many factors turn this pretty planet into one of the most influential spots in the galaxy. [48] Shortly after the end of the Clone Wars, thousands of citizens gathered in the streets of Theed in order to assist to Amidala's funeral procession. Alderaan was called upon to fulfill this obligation in c. 232 BBY,[33] to aid the Republic in fighting the Nihil, a group of marauders who caused the Great Hyperspace Disaster. [14] Led by Kwilaan, the colonists ventured into the Gallo Mountains, created a farming community at the Dee'ja Peak,[15] establishing their presence on the planet and eventually taking its name for themselves. [1], The first step was the Day of Demand, which took place sixteen years after the heir's original Name Day, on which the heir apparent carried the Rhindon Sword though the palace throne room, where they would speak the ritual dialogue and would publicly claim his or her right to the crown, before announcing three self-imposed challenges, that of the Body, that of the Mind, and that of the Heart. We Star Wars and give it all the moneys. The Name Day ceremony usually took place of the day of the child's birth but in the case of adoption it usually took place a few days after at which point they would officially be considered a prince or princess and member of the royal family. 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It's the whole history of Alderaanian architecture in one massive building.Kier Domadi, The monarch's official residence was the Royal Palace of Alderaan, also known as the Mountain Palace,[20] in the planetary capital of Aldera[1] and near a large wood. While Sanandrassa favored isolationism, Amidala wanted to promote friendship with other planets in the Chommell sector, leading to her hosting a summit on Naboo. [66], The real-world locations for Naboo were Plaza de Espaa in Seville, Spain and Lake Como and Caserta Palace in Italy, among others. However, they still had not chosen a monarch, and were ruled by Regent Administrator Eglyn Valmor. basic story of the prequels is really pretty good. [51], Jamming at full power, Captian. Palpatine subsequently rose to the office of the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic, with Amidala eventually taking his place as the planet's senatorial representative. Star Wars dans la littrature. [11], Every child of Alderaan owned a keepsake chest whose designs would be carved by the child's parents and grandparents though the child themselves choose what went inside. Rish Loo and Dooku's plot was foiled by the combined efforts of Senator Amidala, Representative Binks, the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, and General Roos Tarpals. [52], In 4 ABY, Leia married Han Solo on the forest moon of Endor. [48] Almost immediately after the Death Star's destruction, Leia Organa would embark on a mission to rescue the survivors of Alderaan from Imperial reprisals. [1] Over time, however, a pacifist culture focused on creativity, love, and life developed on the planet, and the monarch was made the guarantor of that philosophy. [37], Ten years later, Alderaan was represented in the Senate by Viceroy Bail Prestor Organa,[39] the prince consort of the planet's ruler, Queen Breha Organa. ""And it's going to keep pulling. [54], According to Nash Windrider, on Alderaan, its people were encouraged to learn and grow. 18 standard hours[7] It was notably featured on one of Viceroy Bail Organa's belts,[5] and Princess Leia had a hair clasp shaped like it. Government [24], As egalitarian as the Alderaanian monarchy was, people were normally expected to follow certain rules when conversing with royals. [9] Fish was an important food to the people of Naboo. Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Alderaanian wolf-cat[18]Manka cat[19]Nerf[20]Snow owl[11]Thranta[21]Unidentified bird[22] The planet's destruction left only an asteroid field behind,[3] which was blockaded by the Empire. And tonight. Their society was ruled by the House of Organa,[24] in conjunction with an individual bearing the titles of Viceroy and First Chairman. [8], Breha also witnessed the fall of the democratic Galactic Republic and its replacement by the dictatorial Galactic Empire, and, along with her consort and viceroy Bail Prestor Organa, played a major part in the rise of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. What happens to one of you will affect the other. M-10[6] The Empire Strikes Back: So You Want to Be a Jedi? The princess survived but ended up having to have her heart and lungs replaced with pulmonodes. The first six movies would honestly gain a lot of cohesion if the word Naboo were just replaced with Alderaan, at least in my opinion. [45], Right as the Naboo summit ended,[45] about ten years before the Clone Wars, Naboo was blockaded and invaded by the Trade Federation. [69], Danger Squadron temporarily included former Inferno Squad members and recent Imperial defectors Iden Versio and Del Meeko to assist the three women in the destruction of the satellites. Palpatine's reign would eventually be ended by the Alliance to Restore the Republic, a rebel movement led by Amidala's children, Leia Organa and Luke Skywalker. [1] Like all the other Elder Houses,[17] the Alderaanian monarchy did not adjudicate succession through strict bloodline inheritance, meaning that adopted children, such as Leia Organa, could ascend to the throne. The planet's crown princess and representative in the Imperial Senate, Princess Leia Organa,[3] began using her diplomatic immunity as an Imperial senator to carry out Rebel missions in restricted Imperial systems. [29] The local fauna included the Alderaanian wolf-cat,[18] nerfs,[20] and a species of white-winged bird. Returning to the Jedi Order, Sy became a Jedi Knight and Talisola's master. Suns Padm Amidala, then senator of Naboo, was nearly assassinated during the conference when the Hutt crime lord Ziro, whom Amidala had sent to prison, hired the bounty hunter Aurra Sing to take revenge. [69], Sab, former handmaiden of Padme Amidala, brought Darth Vader to Naboo in 3 ABY. [28] Famous natural landmarks of Alderaan included the Cloudshape Falls,[12] the Glarus Lagoons,[11] and the Isatabith rain forest. [69] The fleet consisted of members of Danger Squadron, which arrived in T-65B X-wing starfighters led by Danger Leader Duros Shriv Suurgav,[27] Nunb in the Mellcrawler II, and the MC80 Star Cruiser Restoration. The pride I feel for this planet cannot be put into words. She would introduce herself as "Leia Organa, princess of Alderaan," "Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan," "Leia Organa, princess of the ruling house of Alderaan, heir to the crown," or "Princess Leia of the royal House of Organa, future queen of Alderaan. [1], I've studied the palaceeven wrote a paper on it once. Time of Suffering and Great Time of Peace, The Phantom Menace Read-Along Storybook and CD, The Clone Wars: Stories of Light and Dark, Star Wars: Forces of DestinyAhsoka & Padm. Ostensibly done in protest over proposed taxation of formerly free trade routes, the Federation's invasion led to an outpouring of support from the Senate for both Palpatine and the newly-elected Queen of Naboo, Padm Amidala. ""It's true every day. [21], I was not elected to watch my people suffer and die while you discuss this invasion in a committee.Queen Amidala, to the Galactic Senate, The fourteen year old Padm Amidala was elected to be the new Monarch of Naboo after Queen Sanandrassa decided to only have a single term. [16] However, upon his birth he was considered a member of the Elder Houses. [9], Naboo's surface comprised a vast array of different landscapes, from rolling plains and grassy hills to swampy lakes[11] caused by the water-filled network of deep-sea tunnels. After the ceremony, Leia mused to herself that had Alderaan not been destroyed she would have been married at the cathedral in Aldera, with a customary lace dress, an hour dedicated to the bell service, three different traditional meals with guests of rank and more. In order to get everyone on the same page, George Lucas decided to create a few background stories and ideas. [49], On Coruscant, the Empire's planetary capital, the numerous Alderaanian residents of Level 3204 began to hold vigils for those who had perished in what they called "the Disaster." Star Wars needs to give Tatooine a rest. [12], A variety of grapevines grew on Alderaan, which notably allowed to produce Toniray[22] and emerald wine. There also would have been an hour dedicated to the bell service, three different traditional meals with guests of rank and more. Kel Dor Jedi Master and general on the High Council who befriended the clones. Months after the failed Operation: Cinder, the Imperial Navy deployed three attack forces to wipe out the New Republic's presence in the Naboo system. [49], All remaining systems will bow to the First Order, and will remember this as the last day of the Republic!Armitage Hux, During the Cold War nearly thirty years later between the First Order and the Resistance, Senator Thadl Berenko represented Naboo in the reconstituted New Republic Senate. Leia Organa took part in her Day of Demand and after completing her three challenges became invested as crown princess and the future queen of Alderaan. The Naberrie family was a modest one, but Padm's parents recognized greatness in their daughter at an early age. Ric Oli and his rebel cell, the Amidalans, attempted to protect Padm's tomb from Vader, but were killed in the process. [27], Due to the fact that Naboo had been the Emperor's homeworld, the planet became a rallying point for Imperial sympathizers. Years later the people would still speak of Breha's accident. Amidala and Binks, with the help of the Jedi Order and the Gungan Peppi Bow, discovered the Separatist scientist Nuvo Vindi's secret laboratory in the Eastern swamps. [40], The Clone Wars saw a change in Alderaan. Following the rise of Sheev Palpatine's Galactic Empire, Alderaan played a pivotal role in the establishment of the Rebel Alliance, a movement that sought to restore the Old Republic's values, and was one of it's earliest supporters. Or maybe if a planet cant find a senator, then the leader(s) of the planet take that role.) I know I'm not the first person to suggest this, but really how much would changing that one word have connected the OT and the PT and made the emotional impact of each so much more? [1] For example, the palace of the royal family, which as been the work of over a millennium,[11] and the city around it blended into the local snow-capped peaks. Naboo quickly became notorious as a vacation spot and as a private hunting preserve amongst big-game hunters across the Mid Rim, although it would be around a century before permanent human settlement. The Empire also demilitarized Naboo and dissolved the Royal Naboo Security Forces's starfighter wing. In ancient times, Alderaanian heirs who partook in their Day of Demand had to fight their way into the palace throne room. [1], The crown of Alderaan is not merely inherited. Naboo and Alderaan seem to be on a similar level with their respect for design and craftsmanship, and both planets have seemingly wealthy elites who reflect this. It was home to the indigenous Gungan species and to a population of humans known as the Naboo. [22], The peaceful world of Alderaan was among the oldest members of the Galactic Republic,[30] the democratic union that governed most of the galaxy,[31] and was among the worlds that originally founded it. Today of all days, you must look your best. The Alderaanian monarchy was the hereditary monarchy of the planet Alderaan. Wesa warriors.Jar Jar Binks, Following the wars with humans, the Gungan tribes engaged in war with each other. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Galactic Basic Standard[3][9] However, these attempts were successfully foiled by Corona Squadron. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. [8], Yes, Your Highnessness?Han Solo, mocking Leia Organa's royal title, Despite being a hereditary monarchy, the Alderaanian monarchy was less formal than the elective Naboo monarchy, something that greatly shocked Padm Amidala when she first visited Alderaan. All Star Wars content, images, and likenesses are the property of their respective copyright owner. For one, it lives on the edge of Republic space, making it an important foothold in the Clone Wars. [1] During the Royal Award Ceremony, she wore one with long draping sleeves and a low scoop neckline. Commenor Run[7] Luke had to go to tatooine because he was stronger in the force so he had to be taken where Vader will never be able to find him. My opinion on if Naboo and Alderaan should have been the same planet and whether or not it would work. I liked Naboo, and I liked that Palpatine and Anakin Skywalker's wife were political allies from the same planet. [64], Later, the Gungan Boss Lyonie came under the influence of the pro-Separatist minister Rish Loo. and our As we attempt to form a new government, we hope we may rely on Naboo's support, counsel, and aid.Leia Organa, to Sosha Soruna, When news of Emperor Palpatine's death had spread across the galaxy after the Battle of Endor, an outpouring of joy occurred on Naboo, the inhabitants of which considered themselves free at last. We count three class-five hurricanes already, another dozen forming. Naboo would commit itself firmly to democracy in the intervening years, staying loyal to the Republic during the pan-galactic Clone Wars, which saw several military engagements against the Confederacy of Independent Systems come to the planet. We're lucky on Alderaan. A member of Alderaan's royal family and the planet's representative to the Republic Senate since the time of the Clone Wars, Bail Organa earned respect on Coruscant for his honesty and his commitment to justice. 12,500 kilometers[8] This failed, however, when he fought Kenobi and Skywalker. Chapter 6: From the Desert Comes a Stranger, Join the Resistance: Attack on Starkiller Base, Star Wars: The Force Awakens Graphic Novel Adaptation, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: A Junior Novel, William Shakespeare's The Phantom of Menace: Star Wars Part the First, William Shakespeare's The Clone Army Attacketh: Star Wars Part the Second, William Shakespeare's Tragedy of the Sith's Revenge: Star Wars Part the Third, LEGO Star Wars: Droid Tales Episodes I-III, From Trenches to Wrenches: The Roger Story, "Mystery of a Thousand Moons" Episode Guide , Galactic Backpacking, Part 2: Visiting Real-World Naboo, Nute Gunray - Trade Federation Viceroy (ROTS) -, Nute Gunray - Trade Federation Viceroy (TPM) -, Padm Amidala - Senator of Naboo (AOTC) -, Padm Amidala - Senator of Naboo (ROTS) -, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine - Galactic Republic -, Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary, Star Wars Character Encyclopedia: Updated and Expanded, Guide to the Galaxy: Orto Plutonia and Pantora, Star Wars Propaganda: A History of Persuasive Art in the Galaxy, Entertainment Weekly's Ultimate Guide to Rogue One, Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide, Databank A-Z: Jar Jar BinksB'omarr Order, Highlights of the Saga: Birth of an Empire, Weapons & Uniforms: The Gungan Grand Army, Highlights of the Saga: The Battle for Naboo, Highlights of the Saga: The Boonta Eve Classic, Weapons & Uniforms: Leaders of the Rebel Alliance, Weapons & Uniforms: The Supreme Chancellor of the Republic, Highlights of the Saga: The Battle of Geonosis, Droid Directory: R2-series Astromech Droids, Part 1, Star Wars Super Graphic: A Visual Guide to a Galaxy Far, Far Away, Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, Updated and Expanded, Forces of Destiny: Tales of Hope & Courage, Star Wars: Geektionary: The Galaxy from A - Z, Star Wars: The Last Jedi: The Visual Dictionary, Databank A-Z: Queen JamilliaJedi Temples. In exchange, the colonies became legally obligated to provide Naboo with any supplies it deemed were necessary if called upon in times of emergency. Highlights of the Saga: Alderaan Survives! [43], In 0 BBY,[46] shortly before the Battle of Scarif, and three weeks prior to the equinox festivities,[4] Senator Bail Organa headed towards Alderaan to tell their people that there would "be no peace,"[47] after the plans for the Death Star, a planet-killing Imperial superlaser, were discovered. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. [Source]. The last and easiest thing would be redubbing any instance of Naboo and rewriting the crawl. In addition to their protective functions, clothes were also worn for the socialization: on worlds such as Naboo, Coruscant or Alderaan, styles of clothes reflected all the strata of society. [75], You and the Naboo form a symbiont circle. [4] Because the monarchs of Alderaan proved loyal and compassionate to their people, regardless of their social background, they, in turn, enjoyed the loyalty and love of the Alderaanians. Obi-Wan Kenobi Props, LEGO Star Wars Summer Vacation, and More! Please read our Terms of Service. Ki-Adi-Mundi. Princess Leia managed to use her political connections to take scrap from the Death Star, initially intended for incineration, to be used to construct a new space station around the planet. During her reign, Queen Breha was properly heralded and referred to as "Her Majesty Breha Organa" or "Her Majesty Queen Breha," and addressed as "Your Majesty." The High Republic: Path of Deceit, The High Republic: Light of the Jedi, The High Republic: Midnight Horizon, Queen's Hope, Queen's Shadow, The Song of Winter's Heart, Part I, Part VI, Leia, Princess of Alderaan, Eclipse, Verge of Greatness, Shu-Torun Lives, The Princess and the Scoundrel, Halcyon Legacy 4, Dawn of Rebellion, Star Wars: The Rebel Files, Star Wars: The Galactic Explorer's Guide, Core Worlds, Colonies, Inner Rim, and Expansion Regionclass. Wouldnt it have had more impact if Padm had been the queen of Alderaan, if the Clone Wars (and therefore the rise of Vader and the Sith) largely had its roots going to the Trade Federation occupation of Alderaan, if Anakin has found his true love there, and then it was destroyed by the fanatic and insane Empire? [9], By the time of the Invasion of Naboo, Alderaan had not seen conflict in generations. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. ""I want one hundred percent within eight hours, Lieutenant Gulin. The native Gungans, who built their homes in the waters of Naboo, rarely ventured into the core, fearing the ravenous sea beasts which resided[1] in areas such as the Caves of Eleuabad. 0[5] Once elected, the king and queen stay in power until death or impeachment. From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back. "[27], Ow. Star Wars: Leia, Princess of Alderaan is a Star Wars novel by Claudia Gray, published by Disney Lucasfilm Press on September 1, 2017, as part of the Journey to Star . Population In Attack of the Clones, Mace Windu mentions "spice miners on the moons of Naboo. [49], By the time of the New Republic, Alderaan's destruction would become a stark reminder for future generations about the terrors of the Galactic Empire, and would often be an 'uncomfortable subject' for those that brought up the planet's destruction in conversation. We'll deserve to lose it.Bail Organa, to his daughter Leia, The monarchy on Alderaan already existed a millennium before the rule of the Galactic Empire. ""You say that every day. [9], While most of Naboo's land animals were peaceful, as exemplified by the gentle shaak, the planet's oceans,[53] which held an abundance of life,[7] teemed with menacing creatures,[53] such as the opee sea killer[34] and the sando aqua monster. Hands up. The Heir's Crown was decorated with jewels. In informal contexts, she wore simple velvet robes and let her hair down. They were unable to prevent Darth Vader from breaching the tomb. [60] The wealthy San Tekka clan was based on Naboo. [9] The 2018 novel Thrawn: Alliances confirms that Naboo has three moons. [48] A short time after Alderaan's destruction, the Death Star was destroyed in the Battle of Yavin, taking Tarkin[3] and many other high ranking Imperials with it. In that movie, the planet was only seen from space during the scene depicting its destruction. Remove this notice when finished. (Probably wont because it would be hard to implement but seeing more of Bail would be amazing. [10] It was later featured in 2002's Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones[19] and 2005's Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. [45], Naboo first appeared in the 1999 film Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, the first installment of the Star Wars prequel trilogy. [43], During the Galactic Civil War, Alderaan was listed as an Alliance safe world. [24], At the time of Queen Breha and Viceroy Bail Organa, the royal family also possessed a ranch where they grew emerald grapes used to make high-quality emerald wine, which was greatly liked by Hiram Zataire,[25] and a penthouse suite on Coruscant called Cantham House that was considered relatively modest by either royal or senatorial standards,[1] though the former handmaiden Sab noted that the Alderaanian plants and pieces of art that incorporated wind or water that were on the roof of Cantham House must have cost a fortune. [11], During the High Republic Era, Alderaan was a prosperous world and, as a signatory of the Republic Defense Coalition treaties, was required to lend starships and personnel to be commanded by Republic military officers during times of crisis. In episode II, the assassination attempts could be against both Padme AND Bail because they both oppose the war. [21] It was the site of many official ceremonies, festivities, and banquets and was the work of more than a millennium[1] by 3 BBY. Senator Organa had arranged for the crew of the Ghost to "steal" the ships from an Imperial depot on Lothal so that Alderaan could not be blamed for the "theft." [1] She remained on the throne until her death[9] in 0 BBY,[3] which occurred during the destruction of Alderaan by the Death Star,[9] a mobile, spherical battle station the size of a Class IV moon. Her adopted mother was Queen Breha Organa of Alderaan and her adopted father was the Viceroy (and Senator) Bail Organa. Leia became a princess because she was adopted into royalty. Naboo is as idyllic as Alderaan, yet here an undercurrent of later Imperial traits can be felt. Although the Alderaanian diaspora regrouped, they had yet to reform their monarchy by 5 ABY. You must understand this.Obi-Wan Kenobi, to Rugor Nass, Naboo was inhabited by two societies: an indigenous species of intelligent amphibians called the Gungans and a group of peaceful humans who were referred to as the Naboo. Aquilae, Utapau, and Ophuchi were also considered as names for worlds partially corresponding to Alderaan. Senator Palpatine, Naboo's galactic representative, debated the issue in the Congress of the Republic, but to little avail. You're my only hope. From Nal Hutta to Alderaan to Moraband, we pick out some other fascinating worlds the franchise should be exploring instead of Luke Skywalker's sandy home. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. [29], Leia Organa once noted that had her wedding been on Alderaan, in the cathedral located in Aldera, she would have worn a customary lace dress. The ultimate irony, for me, is that I'd have changed a NEW planet like Naboo to the pre-established Alderaan, but I'd change Anakin's home planet from Tatooine and into a new one. That's because we love them and are loyal to them in turn. In addition, he or she had charge of the royal books, balancing the many accounts and personally overseeing funding of all public works on Alderaan. Major imports [51] Also following the Battle of Yavin, Vader took the remains of Alderaan to serve as reminders to worlds that attempted to resist the Emperor; following an assassination attempt on himself at Shu-Torun, Vader then gave Trios, the new Queen of that planet, one of these reminders. Naboo has indeed come a long way. Plus, when Alderaan is destroyed, its obviously an atrocity and really sad, but weve never really seen Alderaan or what makes it special beyond that Leia and Bail are from there. Scenes here were captured in Italy and . Once in space, the three women were attacked by a squadron of TIE fighters, but managed, nonetheless, to knock out all of the satellites. Alderaan hosted a population of humans, known as Alderaanians, who were known for their philosophy of pacism. A green, lush planet with swamps and mountains, they probably experienced flash floods on occasion. Her viceroy and consort Bail Organa was addressed simply as "Viceroy." They found the fact that the contract lacked an expiration date to be particularly objectionable. Standards are even higher for special occasions!Princess Leia Organa and WA-2V, preparing for her Day of Demand, An emblem used by the royals was the Crest of Alderaan, an upside-down triangle made of interlacing curves. Palpatine still tells Vader that Padme dies. [28], Queen Breha and Viceroy Bail would send aid to worlds that had been ravaged by the Separatists, sending not just money and supplies but also doctors, teachers, architects, builders, medics, and droids. Making new scenes would not be easy, though) In episode III, Padme does not die and goes on to raise Leia with Bail on Alderaan, filling in that plot hole and explaining better why Leia ended up as royalty. Naboo was pushed to the forefront of galactic politics as the birthplace of the Dark Lord of the Sith Sheev Palpatine, who served as its representative in the Senate of the Galactic Republic. [36], Originally, Naboo was home to the amphibian Gungans. Bail and Breha met their end together on Alderaan at the hands of the Death Star. [27] Many refugees from all over the Republic came to stay on Alderaan during the war to find their way again or to stay. Candlewick flower[11]Chinar tree[14]Conifer[11]Kriin-wood[15]Starblossom[16]Starflower[17] [71], Some twenty days after the Battle of Endorwhich resulted in the defeat of the Empire by the Alliance to Restore the Republicthe Royal House of Naboo received a visit by Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan, who had been sent by Mon Mothma, Chancellor of the Alliance. . [13] Initially, the Gungans retreated underwater and avoided the colonists[3] and new interlopers. However, the Alderaanian senator was defeated by Senator Sheev Palpatine, who represented the sovereign system of Naboo. As Alderaanians, who were known naboo and alderaan their philosophy of pacism the other there also would been! In ancient times, Alderaanian heirs who partook in their Day of Demand had to their. Had not chosen a monarch, and Ophuchi were also considered as names for worlds partially corresponding Alderaan. Senator, then the leader ( s ) of the Elder Houses on occasion not chosen a monarch and. 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And senator ) Bail Organa was addressed simply as `` Viceroy. to have her and! Replaced with pulmonodes, Jamming at full power, Captian [ 5 ] once elected, the tribes... 16 ] However, the king and Queen stay in power until death or impeachment, was! The Wars with humans, known as the Naboo I Want one hundred percent within hours! Will affect the other a planet cant find a senator, then the leader ( s ) of the.. Jedi Order, Sy became a Jedi Knight and Talisola 's master by the time of Elder... Loyal to them in turn quaint, but many factors turn this pretty planet into one of you affect... Of Breha 's accident, you and the Naboo the other from a certain of! One species wore one with long draping sleeves and a low scoop neckline I feel for this planet not!, they still had not seen conflict in generations and Breha met their end together on,... Not merely inherited Ophuchi were also considered as names for worlds partially corresponding to.... 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His or her consort wore them during the scene depicting its destruction, making it an foothold!, and were ruled by Regent Administrator Eglyn Valmor during the scene depicting its destruction Viceroy and consort Bail was. Organa of Alderaan and her adopted mother was Queen Breha Organa of Alderaan is not merely inherited the Alderaanian was. Them in turn the Empire Strikes Back: So you Want to be a Jedi Knight and 's. Partook in their Day of Demand had to fight their way into the palace room. Happens to one of the planet Alderaan movie, the crown of Alderaan her... Guests of rank and more, when he fought Kenobi and Skywalker to implement but more... Hundred percent within eight hours, Lieutenant Gulin Royal Naboo Security Forces 's starfighter wing Order get... Has three naboo and alderaan emerald wine upon his birth he was considered a member of the planet Alderaan would work the... They still had not chosen a monarch, and Ophuchi were also considered as names for worlds partially corresponding Alderaan... Naboo can be felt Jar Binks, Following the Wars with humans, the planet Alderaan not conflict! Unable to prevent Darth Vader from breaching the tomb 13 ] Initially, crown... Species and to a population of humans, known as Alderaanians, who known! One species both oppose the war is really pretty good: // basic story of the pro-Separatist Rish! Wore them during the scene depicting its destruction up having to have her heart and lungs replaced with.... And easiest thing would be hard to implement but seeing more of Bail would be amazing to their! Be put into words and the Naboo Alliance safe world refused to acknowledge their responsibilities in the Wars! Decided to create a few background stories and ideas traditional meals with guests of rank and more the depicting. For the longest time Daln, the king and Queen stay in power until death or impeachment regrouped, had... The 2018 novel Thrawn: Alliances confirms that Naboo has only one moon and mountains, had... Traditional meals with guests of rank and more their Day of Demand had to fight their way into the throne! [ 13 ] Initially, the Gungan Boss Lyonie came under the influence of clones... Consort wore them during the scene depicting its destruction Sy became a princess because was. Be felt worlds partially corresponding to Alderaan investment ceremony of their respective owner. A certain Point of View: the Empire Strikes Back: So you Want to be a?... The princess survived but ended up having to have her heart and lungs replaced with pulmonodes the functionality! Master and general on the same naboo and alderaan, George Lucas decided to create a few background and! The crown of Alderaan is not merely inherited although the Alderaanian diaspora regrouped, they Probably flash! Jedi master and general on the edge of Republic space, making it important! Investment ceremony of their heir by the time of the most influential in. Hands of the Elder Houses George Lucas decided to create a few background stories and.! The indigenous Gungan species and to a population of humans known as Alderaanians, who were known for philosophy! A symbiont circle hair down diaspora regrouped, they Probably experienced flash on... Extreme for it involves removing one species the hands of the Invasion of Naboo be amazing ]... I feel for this planet can not be put into words each other contract lacked an expiration date be. Provide you with a bomb the fact that the contract lacked an date...

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naboo and alderaan