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how to become a real estate divorce specialist

How to become a Certified Divorce Real Estate Expert (CDRE) and have attorneys send you divorce listings. You know, I also want to point that out and highlighted that its not a non-profit that were doing here. HomeLights Agent Match makes it simple to search for top agents in your area with experience in selling homes during a divorce. If youve heard me on other podcasts, not the long-form story, theres so much commonality there. Thought for the Day. But the barrier to entry is so low in these types of real estate niches because it takes a person like you. Our Real Estate Divorce Specialist Training Course is your key to standing out from the crowd of other real estate professionals. Every year 1.2 million couples get divorced. Over 70% of these divorce cases involve either buying a home, selling a home or both. The market for real estate professionals is enormous. A Certified Divorce Real Estate Expert (CDRE) is a real estate professional who has received specialized training in the unique challenges and considerations involved in divorce real estate transactions. 0:00 Welcoming Laurel Starks of Ilumni Institute, Certified Divorce Real Estate Training, 1:19 Choosing a real estate niche: Probate vs. Divorce real estate niche, 5:12 How I became a divorce listing agent and pursued education, 8:06 Handling divorce real estate objections when one party wont agree to sell, 9:45 Learning to handle tricky divorce real estate situations as a real estate agent. And when it came down to him trying to find a real estate expert to testify on the stand in this small little town or not that small, I mean, its the headquarters of Walmart. HomeLights Agent Match can help you find a qualified agent who has experience working with divorces by combing its database of 28,000 network agents and over 29 million transactions to present you with a few of the top agent matches in your market based on your needs. plan a family road trip and bring a soccer ball or baseball to use on the way or when you get there. Thats whats super exciting as well its not just our own experiences, such as my experience. Divorce Humor "Sir, if you were my husband, I would poison your drink." And over time people are like, when are you gonna have a divorce course? What happens when a divorcing couple or one of the parties files for bankruptcy? Im a native of Florida and go Seminoles! I know there are people in this community, Rodger Lecy you might be watching these weeks later, hes having some health trouble, but Rodger, the divorce real estate niche discovered him because he became a probate expert and he was, he went from really auditioning with opposing counsel, in this case, it wasnt opposing counsel, but it was another probate attorney who saw what he was doing for one of his competitors, but that probate attorney also did divorce. If I do the math correctly No one in my family has been divorced with the exception of my grandmother who got divorced at a time when divorce wasnt a thing. Like thats when, when, when the hugs and tears and, and, and gratitudes, and thank you baskets and all that show up. And he had a post a couple of weeks ago that, was a bold statement that you dont choose a niche, your niche will choose you. Maybe youve got to stay-at-home parent who stayed at home for 20 years and has not invested in their career. How a real estate divorce specialist can help. So I think maybe that could be our next conversation. Florida Bar Certificate of Accreditation for Continuing Legal Education | CLE Reciprocity May be available in your state, FL CLE Credit: General (18.5) Mental Illness (1.5) Professionalism (1.5), FL Certification Credits: Marital and Family Law 18.5, CDFA (Certified Divorce Financial Analyst) CE Credits: 16.0, Florida Real Estate licensees | 8 hours of Specialty CE Credit for in-person trainings, Certified Financial Planner (CFP) CE: 18 CE Credits. I learned how to be skilled at it. It also highlights specific legal, financial, mental health, and real estate information that are integral to the divorce process. Enlisting the help of an experienced agent is important but does that agent need to be a certified real estate divorce specialist? Start with a free home value estimate from HomeLight. Youll want to ask each agent specific questions about their references, the number of homes sold, and experience selling homes during divorce proceedings. Its a, its a perspective I didnt have. But in probate its, thats that signal. There were just these challenges that came up. While I was on the phone with him, I got another call and it was from his client who was on her way, home from court and said my name is Esther Saldonya I need to list and sell my house, need to be out of here in 30 days because my son has to start school in Oregon in a month. I just turned that into fuel and its been really interesting to see that kind of growth throughout the country as others have. With this specialized knowledge, it is possible to figure out any real estate needs associated with a divorce. thats kind of how my mind works. walk at night and look for stars. Youve got the wage earner who has invested in their career for 20 years. She is a partner at Buchalter Law Firm, and a certified specialist in Estate Planning, Trust and Probate Law by the State Bar of Legal Specialization. And so then I got me, I got my first listing through an open house that kind of crashed and burned. Our Real Estate Divorce Specialist Training Course is your key to standing out from the crowd of other real estate professionals. I got to bench him now. We do have some urgency with, the live class though, as we said that the deadline is March 15th. Just the law of numbers says that there is enough business, enough divorce business within a database, and the database sphere to provide a very, very good living. Higher chances of clients/ partners being loyal to your business. A vocational expert is another expert they hire and family law who comes in and analyzes how much the non-wage earner is capable of earning. And then all Ill also through that, Ill answer your question. Substance abuse. "Madam, if you were my wife, I would drink it." So before a real estate agent gets into the divorce niche, you need to understand the role of the court, the role of lawyers, and the role of real estate experts. So then he had me appointed to this case. WebThat was the driving force that led me to become a Real Estate Divorce Specialist (REDS) and a Real Estate Collaboration Specialist - Divorce (RCSD-D). He is a part of their collaborative team so hes going to walk us through some of the challenges of his case and some of his learning lessons. And, you know, I think you and I can both attest as well to the business model of working within the legal community is a rather evergreen one. So you can go into a law firm and give a one-hour continuing legal education lunch and learn. So we have different speakers. Theres perhaps no more important scenario to pick the professional with the right experience to sell your home. She had had a flood, a pipe leak. And I think that youve found the same calling as the divorce real estate niche found you. Dividing assets during a divorce is always unpleasant. I am not a lawyer. Therefore, we promote stricteditorial integrity in each of our posts. Give me referrals, give me business. What you get with a real estate agent certified to work with divorcing couples is specific training on interpersonal communication skills, a knack for conflict resolution, and lots of patience. Laurel Starks: Yup. Were able to hop in and we spend about three or four hours doing that. And, you know, from a completely unrelated industry similar background, you know, education background, like I was psychology and law enforcement, but I had a heavy emphasis on sociology. And its very rewarding. And, you know, as you start, I have cold chills every time I talk about this, because you start to, to be able to, to see your community impact. This unique program will provide you the tools to overcome common obstacles most professionals experience with divorcing clients and ultimately improve the experience for all parties involved. I think I took over the entire, the entire thing. Its not uncommon to have that. Like I didnt have family in real estate. He is part of very, very plugged into their collaborative divorce community. Were going to talk about what the Ilumni Institute is, what expertise and training they offer. And thats when it gets really fun. Cause I think its important. A genius is a talented person who does his homework. So then and this was very interesting to me. Creamer agrees, you need to have an experienced agent who knows what the challenges of divorce real estate sales are to stop them before they happen. An agent that specializes in divorce provides multiple benefits, which include: Experience with dual agency and can act as a neutral third party. And it is in yours too. In support of Breast Cancer Awareness, we wanted to do something special to help battle this horrible disease that affects so many lives. And Im like, it just doesnt scale. Youre cleaning up problems all the time!. - Thomas Edison. WebThe Certified Divorce Specialist (CDS) program is a highly involved participatory training that is divided into two sections. Divorce Professionals Are In High Demand. Theyre going. If your situation is amicable, you dont have children, and you dont have substantial assets, you might be able to successfully navigate the process with just a mediator. And then the judge appointed someone to sign all paperwork on his I thought I kind of had a dud listing cause I was like, well, I cant move forward cause hes not working. We provide a step-by-step process. WebReal Estate Divorce Specialists Carol Ann Wilson, President 906 Cranberry Court, Longmont, CO 80503 Phone: 720-600-5134 Email: [email protected] You know, probate mastery is to help someone get from never having done a deal to doing their first deal, ideally inside of the first 60 to 90 days. But. For every case that you have. And what Ive found is the common thread through the people who very quickly rise into six figures of income, into the seven figures of income, its that mindset. There is a link there for both of the levels of courses that Laurels offering. spanish middle names for isaiah; who does tim fleming marry on heartland; difference between achalasia and dysphagia The good news is that you dont have to go about finding this type of agent alone. Damon L. Chavez is a Real Estate professional with 20-years of experience in the Denver Market. And so sure enough, he was true to his word. that moment, right. I mean, talk about an impactful statement for people like us. So I think that connecting with Laurels story will, will be a good, good place to start with this audience. Id love to have a conversation like lets go down the rabbit hole of best practices and building a referral network and what that offer is. But boy, that was a long answer. Chad Corbett: Yeah, Jason Drees is a friend of mine and hes in my mastermind. Better Business Bureau. So it just kind of went on and on. Its not how shiny their shoes are, how great their business cards are, what marketing they have, or, you know, attractive, unattractive, young or old. are equipped with valuable divorce-specific information and a customized communications skillset to work with and collaborate on low and high conflict divorce cases. its an audition, right? Laurel Starks: And, you know, I think when youre knee-deep into the divorce niche or in the probate niche like the outward appearance is that theyre very related. Complications in Splitting Real A great real estate agent can help you navigate the complexities of selling a home in a divorce and lighten your load. What Documents Will I Need for Taxes if I Bought a House Last Year? Last month, we had a bankruptcy attorney and she spoke about the crossover of bankruptcy and divorce. I had to go to seven weeks of training. Generating divorce real estate leads isnt easy, its purposeful. I mean, we offer great, great service and it happens to also be, for those that are cut out for it, it also happens to be one of the smartest business models that a Realtor can take. I mean, youre dealing with an extreme and so if you dont have the education and the tools and the support to handle what you would be given if you earn the respect and if a lawyer decides to take a chance on you then its going to be a very short-lived career. Chad Corbett: Thats where you can find her guys. WebSo the general reasons why it can be a smart move to get into the divorce niche are the same that generally apply to niching down: Lesser competition. Its a very different approach. So there was no education. This is an annual event held by the American Cancer Society. Its also not uncommon to have things on titles, such as IRS liens judgments, you know, a lot of these types of complexities also are very, very common in the divorce niche. Laurel Starks: They didnt teach this in any of the classes that I sat in so I contacted him, the husband, and he told me that hell will freeze over before hes gonna ever sign any of my paperwork and to lose his number. They, I get a lot of people that say, well, are you going to do probate or is this going to prepare me for probate? I love the concept and I did do it in the past. If youre providing value, it will be noticeable by everyone and everything and everything you do business will find its way to you. program is a highly involved and participatory 16-hour course. WebIn order to join the NADP you must meet the following criteria: You are licensed, certified or have a degree in your profession for at least two years, or have the Certified Divorce Specialist (CDS) Designation. Understands the emotional delicacy of the situation and can navigate it well. Harry and Meghan pictured inside Frogmore Cottage. Asia Pacific; EMEA; Latin America; UK Solicitors; UK Bar; United States Our research and first hand experience has led us to understand the main challenges professionals have when providing services to divorcing clients and that is exactly why we developed this exclusive training. Know which questions to ask and how to ask them. And oftentimes, you know, the real estate professional will come out with their handout. Become a part of a national directory of Certified Divorce Specialists. Practicing real estate since And all of them had unique circumstances, very similar just in terms of complexity. Until the end of the year, not only are we offering a $200 discount for all Certified Divorce Specialist (CDS) Trainings, we will also make an additional $100 donation on the registrants behalf to the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Awareness Event. That I, I just get referred and I dont have to go out and wonder where my next listing is coming from. It was overpriced, whatever went down in flames. They will have a So we, we kind of started in a similar place and she became a flight attendant. And I came out to California to go to school; majored in sociology, minored in PoliSci. Weve done the research and interviewed several experts to answer your question in this guide. So thats why Im interested to blend the probate and divorce communities because I think what our practitioners and probate, what theyre learning, they can cross-train, you know, that the folks that are already working in divorce and your community and vice versa. And then because of COVID, one of the cool things is our course is now live online. Weve recently released some probate attorneys who have been on this series, ask the expert, and we talk about how real estate agents can prospect probate attorneys for referrals. He had been very, very violent. Every aspect of a home sale can become a battle for divorcing spouses if they dont focus on the goal to sell the home for the best possible price as expediently as possible. Thanks for the reminder. Theres just not the money to go around because theyre paying lawyers, theyre paying, you know, expenses skyrocket when youre going through a divorce. Agents who complete her course receive the designation of, Since 2008, Carol Ann Wilson, recognized as a leader in the field of divorce financial planning, has offered a, Avoid the conflict in trying to agree upon and organize, Remove the potential conflict and hassle of, Preserve your privacy by avoiding things like for sale signs or. There are several places where agents can get specialized divorce home sale training: Those who train with the Institute of Divorce Financial Analysts earn the designation of Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA). Professionals with this training typically have a background in accounting, finance, or matrimonial law, rather than real estate. Man, you extrapolate everybodys experiences and you dump that into a knowledge base that we have for our CDREs at the Ilumni Institute, its just unprecedented. I do not have a law degree. How can they reach you directly? Ask a tax Expert. And Chad, just like what you said. It comes down to that mindset. Somewhere along the way, I got married and then I had two kids and I was still flying. You know, I never dreamt when I was being recruited by the FBI and then walking away from that and coming into real estate and then building my first little real estate team, I didnt have a vision of being the nations leading probate expert in the real estate space. Like for someone who has never done a divorce deal that likes what theyre doing in the probate space, but they still have some bandwidth. And so. The CDS. And should you look for just experience or actual certifications? And I call bull on that. WebYou need a mature, calming influence to get you through this, and Kim has the knowledge and empathy to guide you confidentially and with understanding. The benefits of going this route include: When a marriage is ending, selling the family home has the potential to get incredibly combative. Receive a discounted rate for NADP membership. And thats something Ive been asked before. I wanted to put the nations leading expert in divorce real estate in front of you. Estate Professionals Mastermind Facebook Group: Laurels Book (#1 Amazon New Release Family Law category). And we observe divorce court. Some people can watch us here being so excited, having these conversations at a high level, and be like, oh, I can never do that. He claims it is an effort to keep more small company owners and the employment they produce in Ohio. And I sat in the front row. CDREs help clients understand the financial and legal implications of their property division, as well as how to balance those considerations with emotional factors. Most states require Real Estate Specialists sometimes also known as Real Estate Agents to be at least 18 years of age, pass licensing exams, and complete various training courses. curriculum is filled with experiential learning, including a comprehensive manual, several exercises, and time to practice your new skills. And weve got so much in common, so much overlap. If you need assistance navigating the legalities of selling your home in a divorce, HomeLight always encourages you to reach out to your own advisor. Parisa Weiss lives in La Jolla with her husband Eric and her two daughters (Melody & Shiley). This can get tricky, especially in states with community property laws. Sadly, over 50% of all marriages end in divorce. I figured it out. If you know that your divorce is highly contentious and the home sale is destined to become a bitter battleground hiring a real estate divorce specialist with training or certification may be the right move. Parisa Weiss, Esq. And we started All The Leads as a complete probate lead and marketing system, and to step out of production to focus on reaching more people with the message I felt was my best chance of having the biggest consumer impact, scared me to death. Its in Fayetteville, Arkansas. And get that equity for them, you can change their life. We work with clients across the Atlanta metro area. They need another pillar in their business they are still are in that growth mindset. So the court has the power to make all the decisions. I graduated high school. So theres a lot of alignment there. The intensity of the programs varies and all are available online. As an Arizona State Bar Certified Specialist in family law matters in Arizona, I have divorced my share of narcissists (or rather helped my clients divorce the Narcissist to whom they were married). I, I surely thought if I went to NAR, if I went to my company, my brokerage, there would be courses online, something, nothing. Then I just became very well-known here in my local community. Well, thank you so much for having me on. Re-Blog. As I said earlier, I went from dealing with problems and families in one culture, one county, and one set of laws to scaling up to thousands. This month weve got Harold up in San Francisco. Then came issues with making repairs in the building, which caused her to raise the rent to help pay for the repairs. It was a very informative and educational training session and I truly enjoyed it!, This left me feeling more empowered and prepared to work with divorcing clients, and honestly, ANY client!, The Certified Divorce Specialist program is a well-developed training highlighting methods and practices best suited to improve communication between the divorce professional and the client., Normally Im not much for zoom trainings. In family law, as well as in probate, the court has jurisdiction over the sale of the house. Instead, present both lists to your mediator or attorney, who can impartially make the final call for you. A lot of times personality disorders, and behavioral issues. You may be wondering if your process needs to be any different than the typical selling process. And our attorney faculty are. I worked through it. Laurel Starks: oh yeah. Find top real estate agents in these similar cities, HomeLight has an A+ rating with the Richard Haddad is the managing editor of HomeLights Seller Resource Center where he works with an experienced content team that oversees the companys blog featuring in-depth articles about the home sale process, home ownership news, home care and design tips, and related trends. And guys. So I hung up my wings and then got into real estate. So in probate mastery, we teach, you know, first, go market. DISCLAIMER: As a friendly reminder, this blog post is meant to be used for educational purposes only, not legal advice. And I like didnt even know what that meant. Being able to deal with high emotionally charged conversations, being able to be diplomatic.. Online betting websites have become trending because they are. I did divorce deals that were, you know, a divorce, a short sale, and a, you know, a housing, a housing authority crisis, all wrapped in the one. Wed take a field trip to the courthouse, but now because of COVID, we werent able to do that. RCS-D | Real Estate Collaboration Specialist - Divorce. You are sure to come out of the training enlightened and empowered. And Im in there. Join Divorce Real Estate & Lending Mastermind on Facebook. cause what we teach in Probate Mastery is really a two-prong approach because in the probate niche, It is easy to get a list of probate leads who have basically said, okay, public, were ready to deal with this. Look for an agent with a proven track record of successfully selling homes in your area quickly and for top dollar. WebHow to Become a Real Estate Specialist. Most importantly, Laurel and her team at Ilumni Institute understand the incredible opportunity in networking and community and are striving constantly to bring more knowledge and support in one place. Were all there. Essential communication skills you need to understand and work with divorcing clients to build and maintain a productive client relationship. I would love to tell you the right answer, which is yes. Judicial Case Processor I #SC0401N22 [2 vacancies] It also highlights specific legal, financial, mental health, and real estate information that are integral to the divorce process. Whats the best way to keep in touch? How do you plug into your bar associations? And then the third one is how do you market yourself to your database? And I swear, Im going to get back to doing it much better. So I started the Ilumni Institute in 2018. The Probate Mastery course is designed to get you on probate appointments as soon as this week, with ongoing coaching every Tuesday to walk you through deals and scenarios. 3. Once youve compiled a solid list of candidates, both you and your soon-to-be-ex-spouse should interview them separately to narrow down the list. Battles over setting the list price, scheduling showings, and even accepting the best offer can delay both the sale and the divorce. Thank you, Chad. Know whom, how and when to bring into the case to help support you and your client. So I recognize. And then I launched it in started 2018 and weve grown to become the number one most comprehensive, most well-respected most well-known real estate designation in the family law industry, within our industry as well as within their industry in just four years. Her entre into financial psychology came about because she had a lot of financial planning clients going through life changes, such as divorce, widowhood and retirement. Like you did like, but through your community. Want to become a divorce real estate agent? You wont even, at some point youll lose track of how these people even heard about you. How Much Does It Cost to Build a House in 2023? Again look in the show notes. Additionally, divorce real estate agents can justify charging higher commission rates because of their skillset, and can typically add multiple transactions a year as they become more known as the local divorce expert. And so now theyre getting a divorce and the wage earner is saying. Get free, objective, performance-based recommendations for top real estate agents in your area. Harry and Meghan pictured inside Frogmore Cottage. Ive got two clients that are incarcerated right now. Its the difference between them moving up in a living situation or moving down into homelessness in a lot of cases or HUD housing. Ive failed. So that courts dont have as many hearings, and when they do, theyve got an expert who can help assist the court with making the orders that are necessary for us to be able to carry out our job. So let me rattle off a few little MythBusters. Divorce Real Estate & Lending Mastermind on Facebook, The House Matters in Divorce: Untangling the Legal, Financial and Emotional Ties Before You Sign on the Dotted Line, What probate attorneys want in a real estate referral partner, Vacant property leads and probate lead generation, Probate Books Recommended Readings for Probate Real Estate Professionals, Estate Sale vs. Probate Sale Explained in Simple Terms, Navigating Subto Deals In Probate A Guide For Investors, 16 Properties! Real Estate Agent at The Kaminsky Real Estate Group, 8 Documents You May Need For Tax Filings if You Sold a House. Rather than getting into lengthy debates over the merits of each agent, simply rank your top three picks and ask your spouse to do the same. woud wnt to?HaHa). A lot of people, a lot of our students do. Thats what fuels us to move forward. Interested in becoming a Certified Probate Expert? And of course, we trying to sell the house, but bankruptcy is another legal slash snag in our process. This can get tricky, especially in states with community property laws. HomeLight, Inc. 100 1st Street, Suite 2600, San Francisco, CA 94105. Then, after I graduated. Laurel Starks: One of those is how to approach and handle a divorce listing. But the longer-term is exactly what you teach. You can certainly scale it within one, two, or three counties, but for one person to try to do this at the level were discussing doing it at whether its divorce or probate, its just too much like its, its too high of a standard of service to scale unless you were VC funded or something. Like I said, Im excited that we connected. Until Filled. Laurel Starks experience, dedication, and mindset are the perfect match for real estate agents who are looking to take a value-first approach to build a new pillar of business through divorce leads and listings. So how do you sell a house when youve got one client who refuses to speak with you? I grew a real estate team and then I decided in 2016, I didnt want to have the team so much anymore, but what I was passionate about, was teaching other agents and helping other agents do what I do. How do you build a business? Taught me things from the inside that I needed to understand and know. Not only did I survive it, but I also got the outcome the family wanted. Next, youll schedule an interview with one of our So Laurel, Ill have you lets talk about that first. And I found myself on a witness stand a few weeks later telling a judge that for me to sell the house, I need signatures and you know, I had documented everything that the husband had done or not done, and my attempts to get him to cooperate. Just things that I, you know, that Im, Im interested in. Real Estate Divorce Specialists will definitely find the recording full of useful information. Live online disorders, and time to practice your New skills for the repairs what meant! 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Doing it much better California to go to seven weeks of training yourself to your business sadly over!, 8 Documents you may be wondering if your process needs to be any different than the typical process. Married and then all Ill also through that, Ill have you lets talk what. Parties files for bankruptcy snag in how to become a real estate divorce specialist process me rattle off a few little MythBusters higher chances of partners.

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how to become a real estate divorce specialist