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conservative voter guide 2022

NO TAX INCREASE? Only R . Hes light-years better than D-Incumbent, Fiona Ma, who is Planned Parenthood endorsed. Vote yesfor an important step towards tackling the climate, affordable housing, and racial justice crises. Then, they fess up, This tax is paid solely by guests at Anaheim hotels, not by Anaheim residents or businesses. The measure probably will pass, but SHOULDNT. Comments: Incumbent. Comments: Experienced Republican incumbent running against Democratically endorsed, Scott Field. He supports all the values Conservatives care about, such as limited, constitutional government, lower taxes, secure borders, and more freedom. Ballot Measures Clark County Approved on Charter Amendment No. CA GOP Endorsed. Comments: R= Incumbent seemingly doing a good job. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak hopes a team . Please DO NOT vote for opponent, RUTHI HANCHETT who is endorsed by the OC Dem Party. JENNIFER RICHTER is a Republican, and endorsed by the OC GOP, running against D-incumbent Barbara Shulman, who is union-backed and Dem-endorsed. Hes a Former Marine military and currently a firefighter in his day job. Comments: "Family, Faith, Community, and Personal Freedom are what I value the most is what JTP starts off his website. 30 is a special interest carve-out . Endorsed by the OC GOP, Lincoln Club, Conservative Costa Mesa Republican Assembly, Greater Costa Mesa Republicans, OC Gun Owners Assoc, and MY FAVORITE CONSERVATIVE, John Moorlach, and a whole slew of Conservative elected officials. Endorsed by Republican OC GOP. Four yrs ago, he ran on 3 issues: 1) Re-establish Law & Order in Laguna Beach, 2) Reduce drastically or Eliminate the Homeless problem, and 3) Reinforce Property Rights, which, at the time got so bogged down in repressive restrictions, nothing got done in any timely manner. If you enjoy the privilege of being able to vote in Colorado, YOU can have a say in these important decisions. But my research shows SEYARTO to be a solid Republican candidate, coming out of Murrieta, where he started on the Murrieta City Council, then moved up to CA State Assemblyman, now a candidate for this CA Senate seat. Comments: Conservative incumbent, Shaw is solid on issues important to parents. He attends MY church, Calvary Chapel, Chino Hills, but we have never met. Military ID card. Additionally, she already served as an OC Supervisor in the past, from 2007-2014. Measure O would increase the tax by 6% on Pot Shops, saying the increase will go to homeless prevention, parks, and safety. Newbie to elective office, but long time, active resident. BIG FAT NO! Comments: R-Appointed incumbent. (Please do not vote for opponent, Beckie Gomez, who is a far left liberal and endorsed by Dem Party and the evil Planned Parenthood of OC. All the others are 7.75%. Comments: Incumbent and Endorsed by OC GOP. But I will be watching her votes carefully, in the next 2 yrs, if she wins. Comments: Republican candidate that appears the most best of 3 in race. Unfortunately, NOT Pro-life, but would be far better than extreme Liberal and Newsom-Appointed, Rob Bonta, who is Planned Parenthood endorsed. the Lincoln Club, OC Sheriff Don Barnes and others. Please DO NOT vote for the Democrat-Endorsed, union-backed INCUMBENTS, Eileen Maeda, Megan Irvine, and Phu Nguyen. But only Sarmiento got the OC Democratic-Endorsement, also. Do Not Vote. for a city in which everyone has the opportunity to recycle and compost. Comments: R-Conservative Dickson has worked 27 yrs in the land use and planning professional, and served 6 yrs on the Costa Mesa Planning Commissioner. You can be confident in your vote for Lance Christensen to positively impact the current generation and beyond., Note: There are two types of judges: JUDICIAL ACTIVISTS and STRICT CONSTUCTIONIST. COMMENTS: Staunch conservative, endorsed by the Republican OC GOP, and Conservative Huntington Beach Republican Assembly. The suit was initiated by a MV resident, having to do with terms of office. The 2022 midterms on Nov. 8 will be critical for determining our environmental future. This list is current as of October 24, 2022. What those supporting Meas K , say the measure DOES, the opposition says it DOESNT. SUE KEMPF is also endorsed by Planned Parenthood. Comments: OC GOP Endorsed. However, she lost her CA Senate re-election to DEM Tom Umberg in 2018. Endorsed by the conservative CA/SRA Saddleback Republican Assembly. Hes Pro-Life and seems like a really nice, down-to-earth human being, full of gratefulness, too. *See note, Comments: Long-time resident, and Christian Conservative who I have known since mid-70s. Be sure to let your friends and neighbors know about the voter guide. Minimal info. Comments: KRISTEN SEABURN is a conservative mother of 2 children in the district and solid advocate for children and parents, serving their needs as led by family values. COMMENTS: Oh boy, do we ever need LANHEE CHEN as our CA Controller! For example, he opposes Prop 1, due to allowing 2nd and 3rd trimester, late term and partial-birth abortions, which he opposes. (Please do not vote for opponent Democrat-Endorsed Stacy Holmes. ) . 117th Congressional House Scorecard. It is terribly important that you vote for EVERY candidate on this guide top to bottom! Comments: Arent you sick of hearing Props on DIALYSIS? A coalition of online sportsbooks, along with Las Vegas casinos are bankrolling this Prop 27 that would allow Californians to place bets through their computers and mobile apps. All I can say, is DONT VOTE for ANNIE MCCARY, who is endorsed by the ever so liberal DEMOCRATIC PARTY of OC. Education: BA and MBA degrees in Business Administration, Masters in Public Administration, plus several degrees and certificates in finance. Comments: First off, this is a Santa Ana TAX INCREASE and way to complicated for the Voters of Santa Ana (or any city) to understand. Endorsed also by Conservative Craig Huey w/highest rating of 5 stars. shaka wear graphic tees is candy digital publicly traded ellen lawson wife of ted lawson tarrant county conservative voter guide 2022 25 Feb/23 (No Ratings Yet) Lets turn OC RED again and send Katie Porter home! Whether you are for or against gambling on sports, both Prop 26 and 27 are UNFAIR POWER GRABS. Comments: Conservative and current MV Planning Commissioner. He is endorsed by the OC GOP. Copyright 2020, He is part of parents group that opposes CRT being taught. She voted against requiring face coverings for retail employees, and opposed mask mandates in public schools, say they didnt work. He currently serves LF as Chair of the Traffic & Parking Commission. I say, LEAVE BLANK! Currently, individual property owners are responsible for repairing the sidewalks adjacent to their property. The majority of AD 71 is in Riverside Co (Murrieta, Wildomar and Temecula), but somehow part of So OC got in it, too, including MV, RSM, Coto De Caza, Ladera Ranch, the Canyons, and portions of San Clemente. Without raising taxes, Proposition 123 will designate about $300 million in permanent annual funding from Colorados budget for affordable housing investmentsa sixfold increase from current funding levels. Minimal info avail. The funding will support affordable housing that is more sustainable, including dense and transit-oriented development. [I believe] Representatives SHOULD NOT SILENCE PARENTS VOICES. Shes a teacher, but a Conservative mom, too. She is running against Randy Hill, whose wife, Diana, is an entrenched School Board incumbent which parents group want out, bc of liberal bent. Only because of individuals like you are we able to publish a comprehensive voter guide. We oppose Proposition 121 because it takes tax dollars to do good work for the environment and communities. Background: The existing prev voter-approved Transient Occupancy (TOT) Tax of a whopping 15%, generates $167 million dollars each year for Anaheim from hotels/motels. The AQUA Highlights = ones that WON per MY Picks. ), No Maurice Sanchez (D Newsom) - (YES Won! Comments: This measure is maddening, in my opinion, but no one is opposing it. Endorsed by my favorite candidate, CA Senator, John Moorlach, OC GOP, Lincoln Club, Greater CM Republicans, conservative CM Republican Assembly, OC Gun Owners, Carl DeMaio of Reform CA, and a whole slew of Conservatives, including Former Mayors and City Councilmembers: Allan Mansoor, Wendy Leece, Jim Righeimer, Steve Mensinger. We need new blood. Not Appears best of the 2. Comment: All 3 of the above candidates are endorsed by Conservative HB REPUBLICAN ASSEMBLY and are Parent Advocates for change! Besides, while CA might have money NOW, but in leaner times, they may cut school funds. Commercial properties and construction sites generate the majority of Denvers waste, and most of it (63%) ends up in landfills, even though these materials are recyclable. No more. Comments: Known Conservative, incumbent Mayor and long time Tustin resident who deserves to be re-elected. The city of La Palma already has one of the highest Sales Taxes in OC at 8.75%, with only Santa Ana being higher at 9.25%. Be sure to let your friends and neighbors know about the voter guide. It also changes the some rules on filling vacancies on required reporting by the city officers. Only R . Comments: 2 DEMS advanced to the Top 2 for this General Election. Endorsed also by Mari Barke, conservative on OC Bd of Ed, and Lincoln Club. Sacramento should not be dictating where they mandate School funds to be spent. He is Pro-Faith and Family. This is not a strong endorsement, but based mainly on an interview where she expressed the comments above. COMMENTS: Endorsed by the CA Republican Party, OC GOP, SD GOP, US Congressman Darrell Issa, CA Senator Pat Bates, OC Sup Don Wagner, Lincoln Club, and tons more. He understands how Sacramento operates and where he can make the necessary and needed improvements. Has BA and Law Degree and Master in Public Administration from Harvard University. Mear U directly subverts the will of voters and allows potentially corrupt politicians to appoint their crony friends to positions of power. He appears to be doing a good job. Comments: THIS IS A HORRIBLE PROP! These are positions that require certain skills and a city could benefit from continuity of the position. This is called bullet voting. Opponent, BRENDA ESTRADA is a liberal Democrat, and endorsed by DEM party, and evil Planned Parenthood of OC. Please dont vote for liberal INCUMBENTS, Duane Dishno, Diana Carey, and Bonnie Castrey for more of same. Knowledgeable and experienced on water issues. He is pres of a software co and 22 yr resident of LN. Comments: This measure would increase LaPalmas hotel tax from 8% to a whopping 12% to fund general city services, until it is repealed by voters. I am here to serve you, not powerful unions or special interest groups. THATS WHO CANDIDATES NEED TO SERVE, PARENTS and their KIDS. We search their voting records, public and social media statements, donations, who donated to them, and endorsements they made or made for them. I like what she says in her ballot stmt: I will. We (l live in MV) have a city to run! Both are terrible choices! in theology, but is now a business servant leader. Judicial Races; National State Local . She wants to focus on PARENTAL RIGHTS in education. Greg Abbott's office (The Center Square) - Ahead of the March 1 primary election, several conservative groups in Texas have issued statewide voter guides, and a range of endorsements. We search their voting records, public and social media statements, donations, who donated to them, and endorsements they made or made for them. Is a CPA in his day job. We desperately need him to lead the Education in CA. We need her to stay on the board. On all issues, however, Meuser is far better than liberal appointed by Newsom D-Incumbent, ALEX PADILLA. Our strongest endorsement, ** Vote only to prevent worse candidate(s) from winning, * Terrible. 30 Jul. Minimal info available. I was saved and married there!). .devised by a single corporation to funnel state income tax revenue to their company. ), hold politicians accountable, and provide fiscal responsibility. They arent needed. NO GOOD DEALS HERE IN ANAHEIM! Biden won the 2020 presidential election and there has been no proof of fraud or malfeasance that would have overturned the results. It just is not being paid by Anaheim residents or voters. PRINTABLE: Robyn Nordell's SAN BERNARDINO County Voter Guide - Added: 10/18. Comments: The following 3 are incumbents known to be doing a good job. . Endorsed by OC GOP, Assemblyman Kevin Kiley, Mari Barke of OC Bd of Ed & Lincoln Club. A newbie to elective office, but looks promising. Vote NO! Check out this Spanish-language version of our non-partisan voter guide for the 2022 General Election to learn more about the statewide offices up for election this year and what stances the candidates take on important issues. Vallas, who describes himself as a "lifelong Democrat . More to follow. Hah! Endorsed by OC Board of Education Trustees, Conservatives Mari Barke and Tim Shaw. She is endorsed by the OC Republican Party, the Lincoln Club, is the the Family Values Voter Guide, and on the recommendations of the Conservative Ballot Researchers,, and Scott Peotter. Published April 29, 2022 at 4:57 PM EDT. This election will prove to be the most important election of our lifetime! Click here for more information on how to register to vote and make sure you can receive and return your ballot on time. YOU DO! Starting in 2022, it will have two new members, whose seats will be in Austin and Houston. Thirty percent are too narrow to accommodate a person in a wheelchair or a parent with a stroller. Additionally, Megan Irvine is endorsed by the evil Planned Parenthood of OC. Comments; Known to be a conservative. We are a Republic. It appears more Voters need to follow Nancys Picks! RYDELL is a staunch conservative Republican, endorsed by the OC GOP and the Young Republicans of OC. She is a bank Executive by trade and currently serves as Deputy Mayor of Lancaster. ), Comments: Not strong Rec. Do NOT vote for either of other liberal-left Dems Tony Castro or Ahmad Zahra. Grad top of class at Chapman w/MBA, father and long time resident. STRICT CONSTUCTIONIST apply the law to facts, and impartially arrive at a fair judgment based on law. found that higher-income earners would get the most benefit in tax savingsmeaning the change would only further economic disparities in Colorado. Because of the new voting law, there are . Do your best, prepare for the worst, then TRUST GOD to bring victory.Prov 21:31, In this world you WILL have trouble, but take heart, I HAVE OVERCOME the WORLD. Ortiz says he has been a preacher of the gospel of Jesus Christ for 39 yrs, a husband, father of 8, who grew up in Norwalk and resides in La Mirada. This proposition would PROHIBIT ANY distinctions. COMMENTS: Endorsed by OC GOP. Do Not Vote. This guide ranks every aspect of a candidate's record according to experience, integrity, commitment to community, and much more. (His opponent, Tony Thurmond, is endorsed by Planned Parenthood. However, the Democratic alternative is WORSE, so Im going to hold my nose, and vote for her, and suggest you do the same. He is replacing CA Senator Pat Bates (who is term-limited out, and on your ballot for OC Supervisor, deserving your vote there!). Message and data rates may apply. Instead, it is being paid by all those who VISIT ANAHEIM and stay in Anaheim hotels, like all those that visit Disneyland! Info Only: No conservative or even Republican. Campaign ads Ive gotten, are ones trying to woo the Democratic Voters, stating he is 100% Pro-Choice and for womens rights. National Right to Life. Orange County Voter Guide: June 2022 Election by Nick Gerda, Noah . . current trends in social psychology 2022; Online Forms. High housing costs also push low-income communities of color into neighborhoods closer to industrial pollution. Comments: Conservative endorsed by OC GOP. While there are some trusted Conservatives from SC, who feel it should stay an elected position, Id be inclined to go with a YES vote, allowing the City Council to select the City Clerk and Treasurer. 303-333-7846. They have BOTH been endorsed by the Republican OC GOP. to help Denver increase walkability, reduce climate emissions, and support livable neighborhoods. Help our Party fund our success . OCPAC VOTER GUIDE The voter guide is the result of our research into the candidates using our interviewing process as well as the research being done by other organizations. In 2004, Rocco gained international attention by winning an upset victory to the Orange School District board, with absolutely no campaigning. COMMENTS: This is a newly drawn district and is MY State Assembly seat. However, wording in the measure could allow funding to be diverted to other projects or to general fund. Endorsed by conservative OC School Boards trustees, Pres LISA SPARKS, TIM SHAW, KEN WILLIAMS, and MARI BARKE. Enjoy the privilege of being able to vote in Colorado the new voting law there! Of individuals like you are we able to vote in Colorado Mari Barke office, in! Part of parents conservative voter guide 2022 that opposes CRT being taught didnt work Newsom D-Incumbent ALEX! 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conservative voter guide 2022